Didactic game as a means of developing cognitive interest. As is known, learning motivation plays a great role in organizing the educational process.

  • 27.08.2019

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Chapter I. Theoretical aspects formation of cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

primary school age……………………………………………………..6

1.2.Features of cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

1.3. Views of domestic researchers

on the problem of the formation of cognitive interests……………..15

1.4. The influence of the game on the formation of cognitive interest in younger schoolchildren………………………………………………………..21

Chapter II. Experimental study of the process of the influence of the game on the formation of cognitive interest…………………………………….27

2.1. Identification of the level of formation of cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren

2.2. Results of the experimental work of the process of formation of cognitive interest…………………………………………………………..




Relevance of the topic. IN Lately In pedagogy, as well as in many other areas of science, a restructuring of practice and working methods is taking place, in particular, various types of games are becoming increasingly widespread.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, cognitive interest is “the natural engine of child behavior”, it is “a true expression of instinctive striving; an indication that the child’s activities coincide with his organic needs.” That is why the optimal solution for a teacher would be to build “the whole educational system on precisely taken into account children's interests..."

Also N.G. Morozova defines cognitive interest as a motive, describing it as “an important personal characteristics a schoolchild and as an integral cognitive-emotional attitude of a schoolchild to learning.” The author believes that interest is a reflection of complex processes occurring in the motivational sphere of activity.

We believe that it is this type of interest (cognitive interest) that is extremely important in organizing educational activities at primary school age. Cognitive interest among younger schoolchildren has a rather bright emotional overtones. It manifests itself in interest in observations, descriptions, impressions. Cognitive interest in primary school age is largely determined by such new mental formations as the desire to grow up and the desire for independence. Cognitive interest at this age is associated with the desire to penetrate into the existing laws of learning and into the basis of knowledge in general.

In the psychological literature, we found similar points of view among scientists about the nature of the emergence of cognitive interest as such. Most psychologists, both domestic and foreign, associate interest with need and often compare them. The relationship between needs and cognitive interest is very complex and does not give grounds to equate them.

So, S.L. Rubinstein notes that interest reflects a need, but is not limited to it. The development of interest can also include cases of transition of cognitive interest into educational interest. In this regard, I.F. Kharlamov studied the specifics of educational interest, which distinguishes it from other types of cognitive interest. Exploring and learning about the world, the child makes a lot of discoveries, showing interest in different areas of the reality around him.

According to G.I. Shchukina, cognitive interest is a special selective attitude of an individual to the world around him, to its objects, phenomena and processes, filled with an active plan, strong emotions, and aspirations.

A game– for children this is the recreation of some reality with the goal of learning to act in it (any children’s game can serve as an example); the child’s upbringing and knowledge of the world around him is built on the game. This approach, naturally, does not contribute to the successful assimilation of program material and an increase in the level of knowledge. On the contrary, material that is poorly mastered by students cannot be a reliable basis for mastering new knowledge.

Soviet psychologists proceed from the position of the unity of the dynamic and substantive aspects of motivation. As S. L. Rubinstein emphasized, highlighting the semantic side of motivation “testifies to a scientifically based faith in the human mind, human consciousness, intelligence"

The solution to this problem lies in the use of teaching methods for younger schoolchildren, based on advanced concepts of child psychology. And here the game should come to the aid of teachers - one of the most ancient, and, nevertheless, relevant teaching methods.

In a variety of educational systems, play has a special place. And this is determined by the fact that the game is very in tune with the nature of the child. For children of preschool and primary school age, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. The game forms the educational motivation of schoolchildren.

Currently, a whole direction in pedagogical science has emerged - game pedagogy, which considers play to be the leading method of educating and teaching children of preschool and primary school age and therefore the emphasis on play (play activities, play forms, techniques) is the most important way to include children in educational work , a way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences and normal living conditions. IN last years issues of theory and practice of didactic games have been and are being developed by many researchers: A.P. Usova, E.I. Radina, F.N. Blecher, B.I. Khachapuridze, Z.M. Baguslovskaya, E.F. Ivanitskaya, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, V.N. Avanesova, E.K. Bondarenko, L.A. Wenger. In all studies, the relationship between learning and play was established, the structure gameplay, basic forms and methods of guiding didactic games.

Purpose of the study: to identify and justify the conditions under which gaming activity becomes an effective means of developing cognitive interest in primary schoolchildren.

Subject of study: game as a means of developing the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren

Object of study: formation of cognitive interest in children of primary school age.

Research hypothesis: We assume that the use of a variety of games with children of primary school age, taking into account modern techniques, contributes to:

— formation of cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren;

— increasing the level of knowledge of younger schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

1.Analysis of literature on this issue and consideration of various approaches to the development of cognitive interest.

2.Development of a set of games that promote the development of cognitive interest in younger schoolchildren.

3. Conduct an experimental test of the effectiveness of the influence of games on the development of cognitive interest in primary schoolchildren.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study are approaches to the problem of developing abilities, developed in the works of B.G. Ananyeva, L.I. Bozhovich, G.I. Shchukina and others.

During this work, the following research methods were used:

— analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

- survey,

Individual conversation with junior schoolchildren,

- experiment.

Research base: Municipal educational institution Sotnikovskaya secondary school 3 a and 3 b

So, cognitive interest is one of the most important motives for us to teach schoolchildren. Its effect is very strong. Under the influence of cognitive interest, educational work even among weak students is more productive. Cognitive interest, with proper pedagogical organization of students’ activities and systematic and purposeful educational activities, can and should become a stable personality trait of the student and has strong influence for its development. Cognitive interest also appears to us as a strong means of learning. Cognitive interest also appears to us as a strong means of learning. Classical pedagogy of the past stated: “The deadly sin of a teacher is to be boring.” When a child studies under pressure, he causes the teacher a lot of trouble and grief, but when children study willingly, things go completely differently. Activating a student’s cognitive activity without developing his cognitive interest is not only difficult, but practically impossible. That is why, in the learning process, it is necessary to systematically arouse, develop and strengthen the cognitive interest of students, both as an important motive for learning, and as a persistent personality trait, and as a powerful means of educational learning and improving its quality. The first thing that is a subject of cognitive interest for schoolchildren is new knowledge about the world. That is why a deeply thought-out selection of the content of educational material, showing the wealth contained in scientific knowledge, are the most important link in the formation of interest in learning.

What are the ways to accomplish this task? First of all, interest is aroused and reinforced by educational material that is new, unknown to students, strikes their imagination, and makes them wonder. Surprise is a strong stimulus for cognition, its primary element. Being surprised, a person seems to strive to look ahead. He is in a state of anticipation of something new.

Not everything in the educational material may be interesting for students. Then there is another, no less important source of cognitive interest - the process of activity itself. In order to arouse the desire to learn, it is necessary to develop the student’s need to engage in cognitive activity, and this means that in the process itself the student must find attractive aspects, so that the learning process itself contains positive charges of interest. The path to it lies primarily through a variety of independent work by students, organized in accordance with their particular interest.

I try to conduct my lessons taking into account the individual abilities and level of preparedness of the students. When studying new topics, I create and propose solutions to problematic issues, I use Computer techologies, I use electronic and other visual aids in lessons.

I like to use a variety of types of lessons, which allows me to develop curiosity, activity in children, expand their horizons, and creative abilities.

The children like lessons more - practical, independent lessons creative activity. Children in such lessons are most active and show their creative abilities.

In my lessons I use various shapes: conversations, role-playing games, lessons. This allows students to express themselves, develop their curiosity, expand their horizons, observation, activity, and independence. When preparing lessons I use additional literature, media reports, visual aids, flashcards, tests, ICT

In my work I use multi-level tasks. I use an individual and differentiated approach when working with strong and weak students.

When preparing for lessons, I pay attention to all components of the lesson: goals, objectives, content, methods, forms and learning outcomes.

I replenish my collection with didactic and visual materials, tests, and multimedia.

During the writing of the final qualifying work, the set goals and objectives were achieved. The hypothesis gave a positive result.

  1. Play is one of the forms of learning. It should be included in the educational process in subjects in close connection with other methods of educational work.
  2. The teacher needs to be able to organize the game in such a way as to interest

children's educational material.

Thus, the use of didactic games brings good results if the game fully corresponds to the goals and objectives of the lesson and all children actively participate in it. By playing with passion, they better assimilate the material, do not get tired and do not lose interest, performing the same type of exercises necessary for the development of computational skills. In the process of playing, children develop general educational skills and abilities, in particular, control and self-control skills, and develop character traits such as mutual understanding, responsibility, and honesty.

Educational games as a means of developing cognitive interest. The huge role of play in the life and development of a child has been recognized and noted by educators at all times. “The game reveals the world to children and reveals the creative abilities of the individual. There is no and cannot be complete without play mental development"- wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The game, like any form, has psychological requirements: . Like any activity, gaming activity in the lesson must be motivated, and students must feel the need for it. . Psychological and intellectual readiness to participate in the game plays an important role. . To create a joyful mood, mutual understanding, and friendliness, the teacher must take into account the character, temperament, perseverance, organization, and health status of each participant in the game. . The content of the game should be interesting and meaningful for its participants; the game ends with results that are valuable to them. - Game actions are based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom, they provide students with the opportunity to make rational, effective solutions, evaluate yourself and others critically. - When using a game as a form of teaching, it is important for a teacher to be confident in the appropriateness of its use. An educational game performs several functions: - educational, educational (impacts on the student’s personality, developing his thinking, expanding his horizons); - orientation (teaches how to navigate a specific situation and apply knowledge to solve a non-standard educational task); - motivational and incentive (motivates and stimulates cognitive activity students, contributes to the development of cognitive interest. Let us give examples of educational games that teachers use in practice. a) Games - exercises. Gaming activities can be organized in collective and group forms, but are still more individualized. It is used to consolidate material, test students’ knowledge, and in extracurricular activities. Example: "The fifth is odd." Students are asked to find in a given set of names (plants of the same family, animals of an order, etc.) one that accidentally falls into this list. b) Search game. Students are asked to find in the story, for example, plants of the Rosaceae family, the names of which, interspersed with plants of other families, are encountered during the teacher’s story. Such games do not require special equipment, they take little time, but give good results. c) Games are competition. This may include competitions, quizzes, simulations of television competitions, etc. These games can be played both in class and in extracurricular activities. d) Role-playing games. Their peculiarity is that students play roles, and the games themselves are filled with deep and interesting content that corresponds to certain tasks set by the teacher. This is a “Press Conference”, “Round Table”, etc. Students can play the roles of specialists in agriculture, fish conservation, ornithologist, archaeologist, etc. Roles that put students in the position of a researcher pursue not only cognitive goals, but also professional orientation. In the process of such a game, favorable conditions are created to satisfy a wide range of interests, desires, requests, and creative aspirations of students. e) Educational games - travel. In the proposed game, students can make “travels” to continents, to various geographical zones, climate zones, etc. The game can provide information that is new to students and test existing knowledge. A travel game is usually carried out after studying a topic or several topics of a section in order to identify the level of knowledge of students. Marks are given for each “station”. An example of a game is travel. Game conditions: 1) You can move to the next station only by answering the questions. 2) For answers at each station you get 5 points. Station 1 “Anthill” Questions: 1) Can ants predict the weather? 2) What is myrlicology? 3) What ants build nests in mushrooms? Station 2 “Aibolit” Questions: 1) What insects can be healers? 2) What insect products have therapeutic effect? 3) What is “formic alcohol” and where is it used? Station 3 “Environmental” Questions: 1) How can you protect ants? 2) What other arthropods need protection? 3) How are arthropods protected? Station 4 “Flying Flowers” ​​Questions: 1) What is the significance of the color of butterflies? 2) Why are some types of female butterflies wingless? 3) What do reptilian, swede, and cabbage butterflies smell like? 4) Why don’t birds attack the great poplar butterfly? Station 5 “Beetles” Questions: 1) Which beetles received their names from famous large mammals and why? 2) What beetles smell like roses? 3) How beautiful the ground beetle is. Why is it unpleasant to pick it up? 4) Which aquatic bug is dangerous to keep in an aquarium with fish? Why? From conversations with teachers, we found that most of them consider the game to be an important means for developing students’ cognitive interest in the subject, but still few use this technique. Among the reasons explaining this fact were: lack of methodological developments, inability to organize students for the game (poor discipline), unwillingness to waste lesson time, lack of interest among students. The inclusion of cognitive games in the educational process helps to reveal creative potential and activate the child’s mental activity. 1. Only by stimulating the cognitive activity of the children themselves and increasing their own efforts in mastering knowledge at all stages of education can the development of cognitive interest in biology be achieved; 2. In education, it is necessary to actively work on the development of all students, both those who are strong in academic performance and those who are weak; 3. The use of the considered techniques in the educational process contributes to the development of cognitive interest and deepening of students’ knowledge in the biology course; 4. Pedagogical theory acquires effective force only when it is embodied in the methodological skill of the teacher and stimulates this skill. Therefore, the system of methodological tools and techniques for activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren needs to be practically mastered by each teacher and to develop the appropriate skills and abilities.

Problem didactic games V modern psychological and pedagogical literature.

The increase in mental load in mathematics lessons makes us think about how to maintain students’ interest in the material being studied and their activity throughout the lesson. In this regard, teachers and psychologists are searching for new effective methods teaching and such methodological techniques that would activate the thoughts of schoolchildren and stimulate them to independently acquire knowledge.

One of the effective means of awakening keen interest in an educational subject, along with other methods, is a didactic game. One of the main activities of a preschooler is play.

Play is the first simplest form of activity that children master. Its goal is the game process itself. At the same time, children are to a certain extent prepared for both learning and work. Play activity is preserved, modified and occupies a significant place in the first years of a child’s education at school.

Today, educators, psychologists, methodologists, and teachers convince us that play is the dictate of the times and has a leading place in the learning process. The game mobilizes the mental capabilities of children, develops organizational skills, instills self-discipline skills, and brings joy from joint actions. One of the effective means of awakening keen interest in an educational subject, along with other types, techniques and methods, is a didactic game.

The problem of didactic games is widely considered by teachers and psychologists in modern literature. Highly appreciating the importance of the game, V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Without play there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

In didactic games, the child observes, compares, juxtaposes, classifies objects according to certain criteria, performs analyzes available to him, and makes a generalization.

The problem of didactic games was dealt with by T.K. Zhigalkina, candidate of pedagogical sciences. in the book “Game system for mathematics lessons in grades 1-2.” This manual is a collection of mathematics games for children of primary school age. Revealing the importance of didactic games as a means of educating children's mental activity, the author gives a classification of games according to the nature of students' cognitive activity, and offers our attention methodological recommendations for their implementation. The author reveals some psychological and pedagogical foundations of learning. Didactic games provide the opportunity to develop in children the volition of such mental processes as attention and memory. Game tasks develop children's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and intelligence. The material in the manual promotes the development of interest in mathematics in children and tries to make learning accessible and interesting.

In the article “Game is the dictate of the times,” Raisa Alabina, a teacher at one of the Moscow schools, shares with us her experience of using game material in the classroom. She is of the opinion that through play children learn about the world around them, gain knowledge about various objects and phenomena, and master speech in communication with other people. The author introduces readers to the requirements for organizing and conducting didactic games. She, like T.K. Zhigalkina, classifies didactic games according to the nature of cognitive activity. Raisa Alabina believes that introducing games, play exercises and situations into the lesson allows you to minimize the child’s fatigue and tension and maintain his attention throughout the lesson.

In their opinion, a didactic game is a type of activity through which children learn. Depending on what materials are used when playing games, they distinguish the following types: subject, subject-verbal and verbal. The author believes that didactic games contribute to the development of cognitive abilities and needs, intellectual and moral-volitional qualities, and the formation of cognitive interest. The problem of didactic games in mathematics lessons is considered in his manual by V.G. Kovalenko. He defines didactic games as a means of teaching and education. In his opinion, a didactic game is a type of transformative creative activity in close connection with other types of educational work. The book “Didactic Games in Mathematics Lessons” shows their use in the process of teaching and educating schoolchildren. It contains a large number of educational games with different plots.

A.V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of the didactic game, emphasized: “We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child.” He also wrote that a didactic game is also a game form of education, which, as is known, is actively used in the initial stages of education, that is, in senior preschool and primary school age.

“Game is creativity, game is work,” wrote V.G. Kovalenko. In the process of playing, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, and a desire for activities. Being carried away, children do not notice that they are studying, learning new things, navigating in unusual situations, replenishing their stock of ideas and concepts, and developing their imagination. Even the most passive of children join the game with great desire and make every effort not to let their playmates down.

During play, children are usually very attentive, focused, and disciplined. V.G. Kovalenko believes that didactic games go very well with “serious” teaching. Including didactic and gaming methods makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood in children, and makes it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material. Play should be considered as a powerful, indispensable lever for a child’s mental development.

Psychologists, like teachers, were also interested in the problem of didactic games. Let's focus on one of them - D.B. Elkonine. He created an extensive theory of games. While exploring the game, D.B. Elkonin examined the content, conditions, and its significance in the development of the child. He wrote that when organizing a child’s education at a given age, it is necessary to focus on the wrong mental processes, which have already been formed, and those that should be formed and developed by building activities appropriate to a given age.

Modern didactics, turning to game forms of teaching in the classroom, rightly sees in them the possibility of effectively organizing the interaction between teacher and students, a productive form of their communication with the inherent elements of competition, spontaneity, and genuine interest.

"A good game is like Good work... In every game there is, first of all, a working effort and an effort of thought,” wrote L.S. Makarenko. That is why games and play exercises should have a strong place both in the learning process and in educational work.

Research by teachers and psychologists has shown that play influences the formation of a child’s personality and is an activity through which significant changes occur in the child’s psyche and the most important mental qualities are formed. In no other activity does a child independently show as much persistence, determination, and tirelessness as in play.

Essence didactic games, her kinds And structures

One of the effective means of developing interest in an academic subject, along with other methods and techniques used in the classroom, is a didactic game. A didactic game is a game specially created or adapted for educational purposes. The game, as one of the main activities in the life of young students, is given a necessary place in the educational process. They are used as one of the ways to teach various academic subjects in primary schools. Also K.D. Ushinsky advised to include elements of entertainment and playful moments in students’ educational work in order for the learning process to be productive.

A didactic game (educational game) is a type of activity in which children learn. This is a means approved in pedagogical practice and theory for expanding, deepening and consolidating knowledge.

Didactic games are an important means of cultivating the mental activity of students. It arouses in children a keen interest in the learning process and helps them master any educational material.

A didactic game is also a game form of learning, which is mainly used when teaching primary schoolchildren.

Didactic games are a type of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and raising children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities is manifested. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children in preschool and primary school age is determined by a number of reasons:

  • 1. Play activity as a leading activity in preschool childhood has not yet lost its importance (it is no coincidence that many children bring toys to school). One can agree with L.S. Vygotsky, who wrote that “at school age, play does not die, but penetrates into the relationship with reality. It has its internal continuation in schooling and education." It follows that relying on play activities, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way to include children in educational work.
  • 2. Mastering educational activities and including children in them is slow (many children do not even know what a “teacher” is).
  • 3. There are age-related characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and arbitrariness of attention. Didactic games precisely contribute to the development of mental processes in children.
  • 4. Cognitive motivation is not sufficiently formed. The motive and content of educational activities do not contribute and do not correspond to each other.

Pedagogical theory has accumulated significant material about the possibilities of play in the process of learning, development and education. Researchers are unanimous in their opinion that the game reveals individual personality traits to the greatest extent.

There are a huge number of didactic games, so naturally the question of their classification arises. The pedagogical classification presented in the table is intended to become a guide in the variety of games and a source of information about them. This classification is not complete and includes only some grounds for classification.

Didactic games

By learning purpose






By mass numbers

group (collective)


By reaction




According to applicability in the educational process



According to the nature of schoolchildren’s activities


partially search

search engines


According to the form

travel games

errand games

guessing games

riddle games

conversation games

Rice. Classification of didactic games

  • · developmental, as they are aimed at developing the student’s personality;
  • · collective, since they attract students because when working collectively, a “success situation” more often arises, which is necessary for children;
  • · individual, as they will help students express themselves, and the teacher - to diagnose the level of knowledge of students, the level of their development;
  • · mobile, as students primary classes are prone to fatigue and need “discharge”;
  • · quiet, as they contribute to the development of thinking, memory, mental flexibility, independence, perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, etc.;
  • · “fast”, since solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, and develops the ability to reason and draw conclusions.

When selecting and developing games, some teachers proceeded from the basic principles of learning. Let's name the main one: “Learning occurs only with the active activity of students. The more versatile the teacher’s intensity of student activity with the subject of mastery, the higher the quality of mastery at a level that depends on the nature of the activity being organized - reproductive or creative.”

Taking this pattern into account, they developed and selected games taking into account various types of activities; they can be classified into the following groups:

Games that require children to perform.

With the help of these games, children perform actions according to a model or instructions. For example, they make patterns according to a sample and more.

Games during which children perform reproductive activities.

This group includes a large number of games that promote the development of computational skills: “Fox Hunt”, “Determine the course of the plane”, “Labyrinth”.

Games in which students' control activities are programmed.

These include: “I am a teacher”; in which the guys check the work done by someone, “Controller”.

Games with which children carry out transformative activities.

For example, the game “Defector Numbers”.

A game that includes elements of search activity.

Children really love the games of this group. They like to compare, analyze, find commonalities and differences, and are interested in searching for what is missing. Other teachers identify the following types of didactic games:

  • · Games - trips designed to enhance the impression, to draw children's attention to what is nearby. They sharpen observation skills and make it easier to overcome difficulties.
  • · Games - instructions simpler in content, but shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, and verbal instructions.
  • · Games - assumptions(what would happen...) Children are given a task and a situation is created that requires comprehension of the subsequent action. At the same time, children’s mental activity is activated, they learn to listen to each other.
  • · Riddle games. These games are based on testing knowledge. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, and develops the ability to reason and draw conclusions.
  • · Conversation games. The basis is generalization. The main thing is spontaneity of experience, interest, and goodwill. Such a game makes demands on the activation of emotional and mental processes.

Some researchers divide didactic games into two groups: visual; verbal.

· Games - With using funds visibility, in turn, are divided into games with demonstration and handout materials and games with various toys. Didactic games using visuals can also include dramatization games.

At the core word games lies the accumulated experience of children, their observations. The purpose of these games is to systematize and generalize.

One of the modern games for generalization (along with computer games, games with mechanized toys, and others) is programmed didactic games. In them, the game action takes place using elementary technology - in response to the action performed, feedback appears through a sound or light signal. Based on this signal, the child controls to what extent he correctly follows certain rules.

Depending on the cognitive content, games help to master various types of knowledge: arithmetic, geometric, etc.

A didactic game, like every game, is an independent activity that children engage in.

Didactic games according to the number of participants in them are divided into:

  • · collective;
  • · group;
  • · individual.

It is very important to distinguish between didactic games and game moments. The didactic game has a certain structure. Structure is the basic elements that characterize play as a form of learning.

Main structural components of a didactic game are: game concept, rules, game actions, cognitive content or didactic tasks, equipment, game result.

Unlike games, a didactic game in general has an essential feature - the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

Game idea- the first structural component of the game - is expressed, as a rule, in the name of the game. It is embedded in the didactic task that must be solved in the educational process. Each didactic game has rules that determine the order of actions, and the behavior of students during the game contributes to the creation of a working environment in the lesson.

An essential aspect of a didactic game is game actions, which are regulated by the rules of the game, giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and apply existing knowledge to achieve the goals of the game.

The basis of the didactic game, which permeates its structural elements, is the cognitive content. It consists in mastering the knowledge and skills that are used in solving a learning problem.

The equipment of the didactic game is the presence of T.S.O., code positives, transparencies and filmstrips. This also includes various visual aids and didactic handouts.

A didactic game has a certain result, which is the finale of the game and gives completeness to the game.

All structural elements of a didactic game are interconnected, and the absence of the main ones disrupts the game. The combination of all game elements and their interaction leads to increased organization of the game and the desired result.

A didactic game is a game only for children. For an adult, it is a way of learning. The purpose of didactic games is to facilitate the transition to educational tasks and make it gradual.

All this allows us to form basic functions didactic games:

  • 1. the function of forming a sustainable interest in learning and relieving stress associated with the process of adaptation of the child to the school regime;
  • 2. function of the formation of mental neoplasms;
  • 3. the function of forming the actual educational activity;
  • 4. the function of forming general educational skills, educational and independent work;
  • 5. function of developing self-control and self-esteem skills;
  • 6. the function of forming adequate relationships and mastering social roles.

When conducting a mathematics lesson using a didactic game, the teacher needs to think through the following questions of methodology identified by V.G. Kovalenko:

  • 1. What skills and abilities in the field of mathematics will schoolchildren master during the game? What moment of the game should you pay special attention to? What developmental and educational goals are set when playing the game?
  • 2. How many students will participate in the game?
  • 3. What teaching materials and aids will be needed for the game?
  • 4. How to introduce students to the rules of the game with the least amount of time?
  • 5. How long should the game last?
  • 6. How to ensure the participation of all schoolchildren in the game?
  • 7. How to organize observation of children to find out if everyone is involved in the work?
  • 8. What conclusions should be reported to students at the end of the game (the best moments of the game, shortcomings in the game, the result of mastering mathematical knowledge, marks and evaluations of the game participants, comments on violation of discipline, etc.)?

Any means, even the most perfect, can be used for good and for harm. And even good intentions do not ensure the usefulness of using the means: you also need knowledge of the ability to use the means appropriately so that its use brings unconditional benefit. In the same way, using a game in teaching requires compliance with certain rules. J.A. Komensky first wrote about these rules in “The Laws of a Well-Organized School.” They are formulated so consistently and reasonably that even in our time they are of practical rather than historical interest:

  • 1. Games should be of such a kind that the players get used to looking at them as something secondary, and not as some kind of business.
  • 2. Games should serve as a prelude to serious things.
  • 3. The game should end before it gets boring.
  • 4. Games must be supervised by teachers.
  • 5. If these conditions are strictly observed, the game becomes a serious matter, i.e. the development of health, or rest for the mind, or preparation for life's activities, or all of these at the same time.

The study of modern pedagogical literature about the game allows us to formulate the following requirements that the teacher must take into account when organizing didactic games in mathematics lessons in elementary school:

  • 1. The game should not distract children from educational content, but, on the contrary, attract even more attention to it. When choosing a gaming technique, you should strive for the naturalness of its application, which is dictated, on the one hand, by the logic of the game, and on the other, by the tasks that the teacher wants to solve by using it. The mathematical side of the game content should always be clearly highlighted. Only then will the game play its role in the mathematical development of children and in nurturing their interest in mathematics.
  • 2. The game should not humiliate the dignity of its participants, including the losers.
  • 3. The game should have a positive impact on the development of the emotional-volitional, intellectual and rational-physical spheres of its participants.
  • 4. The game must be organized and directed, restrained if necessary, but not suppressed, and provide each participant with the opportunity to take initiative.
  • 5. The rules of the game should be simple, precisely formulated, and the mathematical content of the proposed material should be understandable to schoolchildren. Otherwise, the game will not generate interest and will be played formally.
  • 6. The game must be finished at this lesson, get the result. Only in this case will it play a positive role.

Thus, having examined various types of games, we can draw the following conclusions: properly organized didactic games with their diversity can attract children, as well as arouse inspiration and genuine interest among students in the subject. Thanks to this rise, children's cognitive interest in mathematics lessons can significantly increase.


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the study of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren

1.1 The concept of “cognitive interest” in psychological and pedagogical literature

1.2 Features of the development of cognitive interest in primary school age

1.3 Gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of children of primary school age

Chapter 2. Experimental study of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren

2.1 Diagnostics of the levels of development of cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren

2.2 Organization of work to develop the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren through the use of gaming technologies

2.3 Analysis of implemented activities to develop the cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren





Game as a phenomenal human phenomenon is considered in most detail in such fields of knowledge as psychology and philosophy. In pedagogy and teaching methods, more attention is paid to the games of preschoolers (N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, A.I. Sorokina, N.R. Eiges, etc.) and younger schoolchildren (F.K. Blekher, A. S. Ibragimova, N.M. Konysheva, M.T. Salikhova, etc.). This is due to the fact that teachers consider play as an important teaching method for children of preschool and primary school age. A number of special studies on the play activities of preschoolers were carried out by outstanding teachers of our time (P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.). Aspects of gaming activity in secondary school were considered by S.V. Harutyunyan, O.S. Gazman, V.M. Grigoriev, O.A. Dyachkova, F.I. Fradkina, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others.

During the perestroika period there was a sharp surge in interest in educational games (V.V. Petrusinsky, P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S. Khaidarov, S.A. Shmakov, M.V. Klarin, A.S. Prutchenkov, etc.) . In a modern school, there is an urgent need to expand methodological potential in general, and in active forms of learning in particular. Such active forms of learning, which are not sufficiently covered in primary school teaching methods, include gaming technologies.

Gaming technologies are one of the unique forms of learning, which makes it possible to make interesting and exciting not only the work of students at the creative and search level, but also the everyday steps of learning the Russian language. The entertaining nature of the conventional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorizing, repeating, consolidating or assimilating information positively emotionally charged, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of the child. Another the positive side The game is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, i.e. The material acquired by students goes through a kind of practice, introducing variety and interest into the learning process.

All this caused Relevance of the research topic .

When studying psychological and pedagogical literature, we discovered contradiction between the need to develop the cognitive interests of primary school students and the small number of developments on gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of children of primary school age. The revealed contradiction made it possible to identify research problem: studying the possibilities of gaming technologies in the development of cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren.

This problem allowed us to formulate research topic: “Game technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren.”

Object of study: the process of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren.

Subject of study: gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren.

Purpose of the study: theoretically determine and experimentally test the possibility of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic allowed us to put forward the following hypothesis: It is assumed that the development of the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren will be more successful if gaming technologies are used in the lessons.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the study, the following were identified: tasks :

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. Consider the concept of “cognitive interest” and determine the features of the development of cognitive interests in children of primary school age.

3. Identify the possibilities of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren.

4. To experimentally test the effectiveness of using gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study: methodological and Scientific research development of cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren in the works of S.V. Harutyunyan, O.S. Gazman, V.M. Grigorieva, O.A. Dyachkova, F.I. Fradkina, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others, conceptual provisions for the use of gaming technologies in the development of cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren in the psychological and pedagogical complex of V.V. Petrusinsky, P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S. Khaidarova, S.A. Shmakova, M.V. Clarina, A.S. Prutchenkov and others.

The research of L.I. was devoted to the problem of cognitive interests, ways and methods of intensifying educational activities. Bozhovich, A.A. Verbitsky, L.S. Vygotsky, P.I. Galperina, V.V. Davydova, V.S. Ilyina, A.N. Leontyeva, A.K. Markova, A.M. Matyushkina, A.V. Petrovsky, N.F. Talyzina, G.A. Tsukerman, L.M. Friedman, T.I. Shamova, G.M. Shchukina, D.B. Elkonina, I.S. Yakimanskaya.

To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following were used: research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, observation of the educational process, pedagogical experiment, method of analyzing a pedagogical experiment, statistical methods of data processing.

Experimental research base: Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Ilyinovo, Yalutorovsky district Tyumen region. 4th grade students participated in the experiment.

The study was carried out in three stages.

The first stage is staged (01.02.10 – 01.03.10) – selection and understanding of the topic. Studying psychological and pedagogical literature, stating a problem, formulating a goal, subject, object, research objectives, setting a hypothesis.

The second stage is the actual research stage (03/02/10 – 04/02/10) – development of a set of measures and their systematic implementation, processing of the results obtained, testing of the hypothesis.

The third stage is interpretation and design (04/03/10 – 05/03/10) – conducting a control experiment, processing and systematizing the material.

Scientific novelty of the research: The research is that the conceptual and terminological apparatus has been clarified, describing the process of development of cognitive interests of children of primary school age through the use of gaming technologies.

Practical significance is that the conclusions and results course work can be used in the educational process of educational institutions.

Structure and scope of work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography including 42 titles, and appendices (4). The work includes tables (4).

The total volume of work is 54 pages of computer text.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the study of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren

1.1 The concept of “cognitive interest” in psychological and pedagogical literature

Interest, as a complex and very significant formation for a person, has many interpretations in its psychological definitions; it is considered as:

Selective focus of human attention (N.F. Dobrynin, T. Ribot);

Manifestation of his mental and emotional activity (S.L. Rubinstein);

Activator of various feelings (D. Freier);

Active emotional-cognitive attitude of a person to the world (N.G. Morozova);

A specific attitude of a person to an object, caused by the awareness of its vital significance and emotional appeal (A.G. Kovalev).

The most important area of ​​the general phenomenon of interest is cognitive interest. Its subject is the most significant property of man: to cognize the world around him not only for the purpose of biological and social orientation in reality, but in the most essential relationship of man to the world - in the desire to penetrate into its diversity, to reflect in consciousness the essential aspects, cause-and-effect relationships, patterns , inconsistency.

At the same time, cognitive interest, being included in cognitive activity, is closely associated with the formation of diverse personal relationships: selective attitude towards one or another field of science, cognitive activity, participation in them, communication with participants in knowledge. It is on this basis - knowledge of the objective world and attitude towards it, scientific truths - that a worldview, worldview, and attitude are formed, the active, biased nature of which is facilitated by cognitive interest.

Moreover, cognitive interest, activating all mental processes of a person, at a high level of its development encourages a person to constantly seek to transform reality through activity (changing, complicating its goals, highlighting relevant and significant aspects in the subject environment for their implementation, finding other necessary ways, bringing creativity into them).

A feature of cognitive interest is its ability to enrich and activate the process of not only cognitive, but also any human activity, since the cognitive principle is present in each of them. In work, a person, using objects, materials, tools, methods, needs to know their properties, to study the scientific foundations of modern production, to understand rationalization processes, to know the technology of a particular production. Any type of human activity contains a cognitive principle, search creative processes that contribute to the transformation of reality. A person inspired by cognitive interest performs any activity with greater passion and more effectively.

Cognitive interest is the most important formation of personality, which develops in the process of human life, is formed in the social conditions of his existence and is in no way immanently inherent in a person from birth.

The importance of cognitive interest in the life of specific individuals cannot be overestimated. Interest acts as the most energetic activator, stimulator of activity, real subject, educational, creative actions and life in general.

Cognitive interest is of particular importance in the preschool years, when knowledge becomes the fundamental basis of life.

Cognitive interest is the integral education of the individual. As a general phenomenon of interest, it has a complex structure, which consists of both individual mental processes (intellectual, emotional, regulatory) and objective and subjective connections of a person with the world, expressed in relationships.

In the unity of the objective and subjective in interest, the dialectics of the formation, development and deepening of interest is manifested. Interest is formed and developed in activity, and it is influenced not by individual components of activity, but by its entire objective-subjective essence (character, process, result). Interest is an “alloy” of many mental processes that form a special tone of activity, special states of personality (joy from the process of learning, the desire to delve deeper into knowledge of a subject of interest, into cognitive activity, experiencing failures and volitional aspirations to overcome them).

Cognitive interest is expressed in its development by various states. Conventionally, successive stages of its development are distinguished: curiosity, inquisitiveness, cognitive interest, theoretical interest. And although these stages are distinguished purely conventionally, their most characteristic features are generally recognized.

Curiosity is an elementary stage of a selective attitude, which is caused by purely external, often unexpected circumstances that attract a person’s attention. For a person, this elementary orientation, associated with the novelty of the situation, may not have much significance. At the stage of curiosity, the child is content with only orientation related to the interest of this or that object, this or that situation. This stage does not yet reveal a genuine desire for knowledge. And, nevertheless, entertainment as a factor in identifying cognitive interest can serve as its initial impetus.

Curiosity is a valuable personality state. It is characterized by a person’s desire to penetrate beyond what he sees. At this stage of interest, fairly strong expressions of emotions of surprise, joy of learning, and satisfaction with the activity are revealed. The emergence of riddles and their deciphering is the essence of curiosity, as an active vision of the world, which develops not only in classes, but also in work, when a person is detached from simple performance and passive memorization. Curiosity, becoming a stable character trait, has significant value in personality development. Curious people are not indifferent to the world; they are always in search.

Cognitive interest along the path of its development is usually characterized by cognitive activity, a clear selective focus on educational subjects, and valuable motivation, in which cognitive motives occupy the main place. Cognitive interest promotes the penetration of the individual into essential connections, relationships, and patterns of cognition. This stage is characterized by the progressive movement of the preschooler’s cognitive activity, the search for information that interests him. Curious preschooler devotes free time subject of educational interest.

Theoretical interest is associated both with the desire to understand complex theoretical issues and problems of a specific science, and with their use as a tool of knowledge. This stage of a person’s active influence on the world, on its reconstruction, which is directly related to a person’s worldview, with his beliefs in the power and capabilities of science. This stage characterizes not only the cognitive principle in the structure of the personality, but also the person as an actor, subject, personality.

In the real process, all of the indicated stages of cognitive interest represent extremely complex combinations and relationships. Cognitive interest reveals both relapses in connection with a change in the subject area, and coexistence in a single act of cognition, when curiosity turns into inquisitiveness.

In learning conditions, cognitive interest is expressed by the student’s disposition to learn, to the cognitive activity of one, and perhaps a number of academic subjects.

As psychological and pedagogical research shows, the interests of younger schoolchildren are characterized by a strongly expressed emotional attitude towards what is especially clearly and effectively revealed in the content of knowledge. Interest in impressive facts, in descriptions of natural phenomena and events public life, stories, observations with the help of the teacher over the word give rise to interest in linguistic forms. All this allows us to talk about the breadth of interests of younger schoolchildren, which largely depend on the circumstances of their studies and on the teacher. At the same time, practical activities with plants and animals outside of school hours further expand interests, develop horizons, and encourage one to look into the causes of phenomena in the surrounding world. Enriching children's horizons brings changes to their cognitive interests.

In educational and cognitive activities, the interests of a primary school student are not always localized, since the amount of systematized knowledge and experience in acquiring it is small. Therefore, the teacher’s attempts to formulate generalization techniques, as well as children’s search for generalized ways to solve assigned problems, are often unsuccessful, which affects the nature of the interest of schoolchildren, who are often directed not so much to the learning process as to its practical results (did, decided, managed). That is why bringing the goal of an activity closer to its result is an important basis for a preschooler, strengthening interest. Frequent switching of interest can adversely affect not only the strengthening of interest in learning, but also the process of formation of the student’s personality. Only with the acquisition of experience in cognitive activity, skillfully directed by the teacher, does gradual mastery of generalized methods occur, allowing one to solve more complex learning problems that enrich the interest of the preschooler.

Based on vast experience of the past, on special research and practice modern experience, we can talk about the conditions, the observance of which contributes to the formation, development and strengthening of the cognitive interest of a primary school student:

1. Maximum support for the active mental activity of the primary school student. The main basis for the development of the cognitive powers and capabilities of a junior schoolchild, as well as for the development of genuine cognitive interest, are situations of solving cognitive problems, situations active search, guesses, reflections, situations of mental tension, situations of inconsistency of judgments, clashes of different positions that you need to understand yourself, make a decision, take a certain point of view.

2. The second condition that ensures the formation of cognitive interests and the personality as a whole is to conduct the educational process at the optimal level of development of the primary school student.

Studies testing the effect of the deductive path in the cognitive process (L.S. Vygotsky, A.I. Yantsov) also showed that the inductive path, which was considered classical, cannot fully correspond optimal development junior school student. The path of generalizations, the search for patterns that obey visible phenomena and processes is a path that, in covering many inquiries and sections of science, contributes to a higher level of learning and assimilation, since it is based on the maximum level of development of the primary school student. It is this condition that ensures the strengthening and deepening of cognitive interest on the basis that training systematically and optimally improves the activity of cognition, its methods, and its skills.

Persistent cognitive interest is formed by combining the emotional and rational in learning. Also K.D. Ushinsky emphasized how important it is to make a serious activity entertaining for children. To this end, teachers saturate their activities with techniques that awaken the immediate interest of the student. They use a variety of entertaining educational materials and role-playing games, mini-quizzes, intelligence tasks, puzzles, charades, entertaining situations. Pedagogical science currently has large reserves, the use of which in practical activities helps to successfully achieve the goals of teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature makes it possible to characterize interest as a complex mental formation with its inherent features: selective focus, organic unity of intellectual, emotional and volitional components. The same complex structure is also inherent in the variety of interest - cognitive interest.

Long-term research by I.G. Morozova, G.I. Shchukina, T.A. Kulikova proved that cognitive interest is not inherent in a person from birth, it develops in the process of a person’s life, and is formed in the social conditions of his existence. At the same time, the path to the development of interest in primary school age goes through several qualitative stages: from interest in the external qualities, properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world to penetration into their essence, to the discovery of connections and relationships that exist between them.

In our research, we consider cognitive interest as an emotional-cognitive attitude that arises from an emotional-cognitive experience towards an object or directly motivated activity, as an attitude that, under favorable conditions, turns into an emotional-cognitive orientation of the individual (N.G. Morozova).

Thus, “cognitive interest in itself general definition can be called selective human activity for the knowledge of objects, phenomena, events of the surrounding world, activating mental processes, human activity, and his cognitive capabilities.”

A feature of cognitive interest is its ability to enrich and activate the process of not only cognitive, but also any human activity, since the cognitive principle is present in each of them. An important feature of cognitive interest is also the fact that its center is such a cognitive task that requires active, exploratory or creative work from a person, and not an elementary orientation towards novelty and surprise. The formation and development of cognitive interests is part of the broad problem of raising a comprehensively developed personality. Therefore, the need for the formation of cognitive interests in primary school has social, pedagogical and psychological significance. In the next paragraph we will look at the features of the development of cognitive interest in children of primary school age.

1.2 Features of the development of cognitive interest in primary school age

A junior schoolchild is in new conditions for him - he is included in socially significant educational activities, the results of which are highly or lowly assessed by close adults. The development of his personality during this period directly depends on his school performance and assessment of the child as a good or bad student.

Vivid differences among younger schoolchildren are observed in the area of ​​cognitive interests. Deep interest in studying any academic subject is rare in the primary grades; it is usually combined with early development special abilities. There are only a few such children considered gifted. Most junior schoolchildren have cognitive interests that are not of a very high level. But well-performing children are attracted to a variety of academic subjects, including the most difficult ones. They situationally, in different lessons, when studying different educational material, give bursts of interest and increases in intellectual activity.

The diversity of views on interest has already been noted by many in our time, including A.G. Kovalev and B.I. Dodonov, who devoted special chapters to it as a psychological phenomenon in their monographs. Thus, the first notes that some psychologists reduce interest to a conscious need, others to the direction of attention, while the majority is inclined to define interest as a person’s cognitive attitude to reality. B.I. Dodonov, in turn, notes that interest appears to us either in the form of a fleeting state, or in the form of a personality trait and its manifestation in systematically repeated experiences and activities. At the same time, he assumes that behind the “fan” of opposing opinions about interest lie not the misconceptions of researchers, but the “grasping” by each of them of certain individual aspects and manifestations of it, which partially coincide with the phenomena of other mental formations. Interests act as a constant incentive mechanism for cognition.

The formation of cognitive interests in younger schoolchildren occurs in the form of curiosity, inquisitiveness with the inclusion of attention mechanisms (therefore, some authors, as already mentioned, take attention for interest; but attention is only a mechanism for the manifestation of situational interest). The transition of interest from one stage of its development to another does not mean the disappearance of the previous ones. They remain and function on a par with the newly emerged forms.

The development of interest can also include cases of transformation of cognitive interest into educational interest. AND I. Milenky studied the specifics of educational interest, which distinguishes it from other types of cognitive interest. The formation of cognitive interests in schoolchildren begins from the very beginning of school. Only after the emergence of interest in the results of their educational work does younger schoolchildren develop an interest in the content of educational activities and the need to acquire knowledge.

On this basis, motives for learning of a high social order, associated with a truly responsible attitude towards training sessions. The teacher must cultivate precisely such motives for teaching and ensure that children understand public importance educational work. And this process should not be forced until the appropriate prerequisites have been created for it.

The formation of cognitive interest in the content of educational activities and the acquisition of knowledge is associated with the student’s experience of a sense of satisfaction from his achievements.

In the first years of education, all the interests of a primary school student develop very noticeably, especially cognitive interest, a greedy desire to learn more, and intellectual curiosity. First, interests appear in individual facts, isolated phenomena (grades 1-2), then interests related to the disclosure of causes, patterns, connections and interdependencies between phenomena. If first and second graders are more often interested in “what is this?”, then at an older age the questions “why?” become typical. And How?". With the development of reading skills, an interest in reading certain literature develops; boys quickly develop an interest in technology. From the 3rd grade, educational interests begin to differentiate.

Cognitive interest, as well as creative activity, are complex, multi-valued phenomena that can be considered from two sides. Firstly, they act as a means of learning, as an external stimulus with which the problem of entertainment is associated. Secondly, these concepts are the most valuable motive for a student’s educational activities. But external influences are not enough to form motives; they must be based on the needs of the individual himself. Therefore, we can distinguish internal and external manifestations of cognitive interest, and, consequently, the conditions influencing their formation can also be divided into internal and external.

The problem of developing the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren does not have a clear solution, due to its multifactorial nature. M.N. Skatkin argues that the development of the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren is influenced by the content of the material, teaching methods, organizational forms, the organization of educational work, the material resources of the school, and, finally, the personality of the teacher.

When forming the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren when performing various kinds of tasks, it is important to take into account its internal and external aspects. But since the teacher cannot fully influence the motives and needs of the individual, it is necessary to focus on the means of teaching and, therefore, take into account external conditions.

The subject of cognitive interest for younger schoolchildren is new knowledge about the world. Therefore, deeply thought-out, well-selected educational material, which will be new, unknown, striking the imagination of students, making them wonder, and also necessarily containing new achievements of science, scientific research and discoveries, will be the most important link in the formation of interest in learning.

The main thing in the system of work to develop the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren: the educational process should be intense and exciting, and the communication style should be soft and friendly. It is necessary to maintain a feeling of joy and interest in the child for a long time. Mathematics lessons using presentations are interesting and do not tire children, providing them with useful exercises for the mind, developing observation skills, and teaching them to draw conclusions on their own. A child of primary school age is an inquisitive, thinking, observing, experimenting person.

Exploring the world and exploring it, the child makes a lot of discoveries and inventions, showing interest in different areas of the surrounding reality.

Among characteristic features In the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren, such a feature as effectiveness, expressed in the active activity of the child, aimed at familiarizing himself with the objects and phenomena of social reality, in overcoming difficulties and demonstrating volitional efforts to achieve the goal, acquires special significance for us.

A number of studies have been devoted to the problem of developing cognitive interest in younger schoolchildren (R.D. Triger, K.M. Ramonova, N.K. Postnikova, I.D. Vlasova, L.F. Zakharevich, L.M. Manevtsova, T. A. Kulikova, E.V. Ivanova, E.S. Babunova, L.N. Vakhrusheva, etc.), considering it as a motive for cognitive activity.

The cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren enriches the communication process. Intensive activity, passion in discussing current issues, acquiring broad information from each other - everything contributes to the effectiveness of learning and social connections of younger schoolchildren, education and strengthening of collective aspirations. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the interests of younger schoolchildren are characterized as interests with a strongly expressed emotional attitude, which is especially clearly and effectively revealed in the content of knowledge. Interest in impressive facts, in the relationship of natural phenomena, events in life societies (history), observation of words with the help of a teacher, interest in the transformation of linguistic forms allow us to talk about the multifaceted interests of preschoolers. At the same time, practical actions with plants living outside of their studies expand the scope of their interests in the world around them and force them to gradually peer into the causes of the observed phenomena; this, of course, is facilitated by television programs: “The Travelers Club”, “In the Animal World” and others, to which older preschoolers have already been introduced.

Several stages can be distinguished in the development of cognitive interest in younger schoolchildren. Initially, it manifests itself in the form of curiosity - a natural human reaction to everything unexpected and intriguing. Curiosity caused by an unexpected result of an experiment, an interesting fact, attracts the student’s attention to the material of this lesson, but does not transfer to other lessons. This is an unstable, situational interest. A higher stage of interest is curiosity, when the student shows a desire to understand more deeply and understand the phenomenon being studied. In this case, the student is usually active in the lesson, asks questions, participates in discussing the results of demonstrations, gives his own examples, reads additional literature, designs instruments, independently conducts experiments, etc. However, the student’s curiosity usually does not extend to studying the entire subject. The material of another topic or section may be boring for him, and interest in the item will be lost. Therefore, the task is to maintain curiosity and strive to form in students a sustainable interest in the subject, in which the student understands the structure, logic of the course, the methods used in it to search and prove new knowledge, in his studies he is captivated by the very process of comprehending new knowledge, and independent solving problems and non-standard tasks is a pleasure. Thus, the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren is an important factor in learning and at the same time is a vital factor in the development of personality.

Cognitive interest contributes to the general orientation of the activities of younger schoolchildren and can play a significant role in the structure of their personality. The influence of cognitive interest on the formation of personality is ensured by a number of conditions:

The level of development of interest (its strength, depth, stability);

Character (multilateral, broad interests, local-core or multilateral interests with emphasis on the core);

The place of cognitive interest among other motives and their interaction;

The originality of interest in the cognitive process (theoretical orientation or the desire to use knowledge of an applied nature);

Connection with life plans and prospects.

These conditions ensure the strength and depth of influence of cognitive interest on the personality of younger schoolchildren.

The development of cognitive interests directly depends on the organization of educational work. Therefore, the teacher needs to focus on the patterns of development of the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren, remember that development proceeds from simple to complex, from known to unknown, from close to distant, from description to explanation. To develop cognitive interests, it is important to observe the principle: the younger the students, the more visual the learning should be and the greater the role active participation should play. For primary school age, the most effective means for developing cognitive interests is the use of gaming technologies, the possibilities of which we'll talk in the next paragraph.

1.3 Gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of children of primary school age

Gaming technologies are an integral part of pedagogical technologies. The problem of using gaming technologies in educational process in pedagogical theory and practice is not new. L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. were engaged in the development of the theory of the game, its methodological foundations, clarification of its social nature, and its significance for the development of the student in Russian pedagogy. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin et al.

The word "game" is not a scientific concept in the strict sense of the word. Perhaps precisely because a number of researchers have tried to find something in common between the most diverse and different-quality actions denoted by the word “game,” we still do not have a satisfactory differentiation of these activities and a satisfactory explanation of the different forms of play.

The beginning of the development of game theory is usually associated with the names of such thinkers of the 19th century as F. Schiller, G. Spencer, W. Wundt. While developing their philosophical, psychological and mainly aesthetic views, they simultaneously, in only a few positions, touched upon play as one of the most widespread phenomena of life, linking the origin of play with the origin of art. In the domestic pedagogical literature there are different views and approaches to the essence of the didactic possibilities of games. Some scientists, for example, L.S. Shubina, L.I. Kryukova and others classify them as teaching methods. V.P. Bederkanova, N.N. Bogomolov characterizes games as a means of learning. Game activity as a problem was developed by K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, S.L. Rubinstein.

According to D.N. Uznadze game is a form of psychogenic behavior, i.e. intrinsic, immanent to the individual. L.S. Vygotsky envisioned play as a space for a child’s “internal socialization” and a means of assimilating social attitudes.

This concept was described quite interestingly by A.N. Leontyev, namely as personal freedom in the imagination, “illusory realization of unrealizable interests.” In our opinion, the most full definition presented by V.S. Kukushina. He believes that a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-control of behavior is formed and improved.

The technology of play as a form of organizing and improving the educational process has been examined most deeply by S.F. Zanko, Yu.S. Tyunnikov and S.M. Tyunnikova, who bark that “before the development of the theory problem-based learning, its basic concepts, principles, methods, the game could not receive, and did not have a pedagogical logic of construction either in the aspect of didactic interpretation of the structure and content of problems, or in the aspect of organizing the implementation of the game process.”

Otherwise, the game is presented by B.P. Nikitin, namely as a set of problems that a child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard, plastic. Technology of educational games B.P. Nikitin is interesting in that the game activity program consists of a set of educational games, which, with all their diversity, are based on a general idea and have characteristic features.

The game method of teaching was most accurately and widely described by A.A. Verbitsky, he most accurately defined the principles of a business game, he is absolutely right when he says that DI allows students to gain experience in cognitive and professional activities, he compiled a structure or game model, and identified the peculiarity of a business game. A great contribution to the development of business games was made by Yu.N. Kulyutkin, who described the main stages of the game.

A little later, the concept of gaming technology arose, or what the process of implementing a game means in our understanding.

The structure of gaming technology as an activity limitedly includes goal setting, planning, goal implementation, as well as analysis of the results in which the individual fully realizes himself as a subject. The structure of gaming technology as a process includes:

a) roles taken on by those playing;

b) game actions as a means of realizing these roles;

c) playful use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones;

d) real relationships between the players;

The value of gaming technology cannot be exhausted and assessed by entertainment and recreational opportunities. This is the essence of its phenomenon: being entertainment and relaxation, it can develop into learning, creativity, therapy, a model of the type of human relationships and manifestations in work and education. In a modern school that relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, gaming technology is used in the following cases:

As independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic, or even a section of an academic subject;

As elements (sometimes quite significant) of a larger technology;

As a technology for a lesson or its fragment (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control);

As a technology for extracurricular activities (games like “Zarnitsa”, etc.).

The concept of “game technologies” includes a fairly broad group of techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various didactic games.

Students' activities should be based on the creative use of games and play activities in the educational process with younger students, which best meets the age needs of this category of students.

Based on the importance of gaming technologies for the development of cognitive interests, as well as the consistency and systematic inclusion of games and game techniques in creative cognitive activity, we have identified general conditions for the use of games in the learning process of primary schoolchildren: a) the need to evaluate the everyday use of the game according to a double criterion; according to the immediate effect and in accordance with the prospects for the development of cognitive interests; b) understanding the game as a form of organizing collective, teacher-led, educational activities; c) the need to ensure a direct educational effect of the game, that is, a cognitive orientation aimed at mastering the methods of educational actions; d) creating a positive emotional mood that helps to induce in the child a state of creative search and initiative during the game.

The game form of classes is created during lessons using gaming techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to learning activities.

The implementation of game techniques and situations during the lesson form of classes occurs in the following main areas: didactic purpose is presented to students in the form of a game task; educational activities are subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means, an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

When using gaming technologies in lessons, the following conditions must be met:

1) compliance of the game with the educational goals of the lesson;

2) accessibility for students of a given age;

3) moderation in the use of games in the classroom.

We can distinguish the following types of lessons using gaming technologies:

1) role-playing games in class;

2) gaming organization educational process using game tasks (lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - travel, lesson - KVN);

3) game-based organization of the educational process using tasks that are usually offered in a traditional lesson (find a spelling, perform one of the types of analysis, etc.);

4) use of the game at a certain stage of the lesson (beginning, middle, end; acquaintance with new material, consolidation of knowledge, skills, repetition and systematization of what has been learned);

5) various types of extracurricular work in the Russian language (linguistic KVN, excursions, evenings, olympiads, etc.), which can be carried out between students of different classes of the same parallel.

Gaming technologies occupy an important place in the educational process, as they not only contribute to the development of cognitive interests and the activation of students’ activities, but also perform a number of other functions:

1) a game properly organized taking into account the specifics of the material trains memory, helps students develop speech skills;

2) the game stimulates the mental activity of students, develops attention and cognitive interest in the subject;

3) the game is one of the methods for overcoming the passivity of students.

Thus, having considered the theoretical foundations of the use of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren, we came to the following conclusions:

1. Cognitive interests are an active cognitive orientation associated with a positive, emotionally charged attitude towards studying a subject with the joy of learning, overcoming difficulties, creating success, with self-expression and affirmation of a developing personality.

2. At primary school age, the development of cognitive interests has its own characteristics. Cognitive interest as a motive for learning encourages the student to engage in independent activity; if there is interest, the process of acquiring knowledge becomes more active and creative, which in turn affects the strengthening of interest. The development of the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren should occur in a form accessible to them, that is, through the use of games and the use of gaming technologies.

3. Activities imbued with game elements, competitions containing game situations significantly contribute to the development of the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren. During the game, the student is a full participant in cognitive activity; he independently sets tasks for himself and solves them. For him, a game is not a carefree and easy pastime: the player gives it maximum energy, intelligence, endurance, and independence. Knowledge of the surrounding world in the game takes on forms that are unlike conventional learning: here there is fantasy, an independent search for answers, a new look at known facts and phenomena, replenishment and expansion of knowledge and skills, establishing connections, similarities and differences between individual events. But the most important thing is that not out of necessity, not under pressure, but at the request of the students themselves, during games the material is repeated many times in its various combinations and forms.

In the next chapter we will consider an experimental study of the development of cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren using gaming technologies.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren

2.1 Diagnostics of the levels of development of cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren

To study the possibilities of gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of children of primary school age, an experiment was conducted at the secondary school in the village of Ilyinovo, Yalutorovsky district, Tyumen region.

20 4th grade students took part in the experiment. They were divided into two groups: experimental and control (10 people in each). The list of children participating in the study is given in Appendix 1.

The experiment consisted of three stages:

Stage 1 – ascertaining.

At this stage, a primary diagnosis of the level of formation of cognitive interests of children of primary school age in the experimental and control groups was carried out.

Stage 2 - formative.

At this stage, classes were conducted aimed at developing the cognitive interests of children of primary school age. At the formative stage of the experiment, the control group received classes provided for in the curriculum. The children who made up this group were not included in the formative experiment.

Stage 3 – control.

At this stage, a repeated diagnosis of the level of formation of cognitive interests of children of primary school age in the experimental and control groups was carried out, and the results obtained were analyzed.

To identify the level of development of the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren, we identified the following criteria and indicators:

Cognitive (presence of cognitive questions, emotional involvement of the child in the activity);

Motivational (creating situations of success and joy, purposefulness of activity, its completion);

Emotional-volitional (manifestation of positive emotions in the process of activity; duration and stability of interest in solving cognitive problems);

Effective and practical (initiative in cognition; manifestation of levels of cognitive activity and perseverance, the degree of initiative of the child).

Based on the identified criteria, as well as for analytical processing of the research results and obtaining quantitative indicators, three levels of development of cognitive interests in primary schoolchildren were identified: low, medium and high.

Low level - do not show initiative and independence in the process of completing tasks, lose interest in them when difficulties arise and show negative emotions (sadness, irritation), do not ask cognitive questions; They need a step-by-step explanation of the conditions for completing the task, a demonstration of how to use one or another ready-made model, and the help of an adult.

Intermediate level – a greater degree of independence in accepting a task and finding a way to complete it. When experiencing difficulties in solving a task, children do not lose their emotional attitude towards them, but turn to the teacher for help, ask questions to clarify the conditions for its implementation and, having received a hint, complete the task to the end, which indicates the child’s interest in this activity and the desire to look for ways solving the problem, but together with an adult.

High level – manifestation of initiative, independence, interest and desire to solve cognitive problems. In case of difficulties, children are not distracted, they showed perseverance and perseverance in achieving a result that brings them satisfaction, joy and pride in their achievements.

To identify the level of formation of cognitive interests, we used the observation method, individual conversations with students, with teachers working in a given class, studying children in the process of joint preparation and carrying out a collective creative activity. The results of the ascertaining stage are presented in Appendix 2. During the observation process, we noted the presence of the following manifestations in primary schoolchildren:

1. Characterized by diligence in learning.

2. Shows interest in the subject.

3. Is emotionally active in class.

4. Asks questions and strives to answer them.

5. Interest is directed to the object of study.

6. Shows curiosity.

7. Independently completes the teacher’s assignment.

8. Shows stability of volitional aspirations

During the observation, the following data were obtained:

On low ( reproductive-imitative) 38% of children were at the level of development of cognitive interests. This subgroup received the code name “Imitators.” Children of this subgroup did not show initiative and independence in the process of completing tasks, lost interest in them when faced with difficulties and showed negative emotions (sadness, irritation), and did not ask cognitive questions; needed a step-by-step explanation of the conditions for completing the task, a demonstration of how to use one or another ready-made model, and the help of an adult. On average ( search and execution) level of cognitive interests turned out to be 58% of children. This group of children, called “Questioners,” were characterized by a greater degree of independence in accepting a task and finding a way to complete it. When experiencing difficulties in solving a task, the children did not lose their emotional attitude towards them, but turned to the teacher for help, asked questions to clarify the conditions for its implementation and, having received a hint, completed the task to the end, which indicates the child’s interest in this activity and the desire to look for ways solving the problem, but together with an adult. The smallest number of children (4%) were at high ( search-productive) level of cognitive interests. This subgroup of children, conventionally called “Seekers,” was distinguished by their manifestation of initiative, independence, interest and desire to solve cognitive problems. In case of difficulties, the children did not get distracted, showed perseverance and perseverance in achieving a result, which brought them satisfaction, joy and pride in their achievements.

The diagnostic results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Indicators of the level of formation of cognitive interests at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level
Experimental group 5 14 1 4 15 1 4 14 2 3 16 1
Control group 1 16 3 - 13 7 1 14 5 2 15 3

In percentage terms, the diagnostic results by group can be presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Results of the ascertaining stage

Criteria and indicators Ascertaining stage
Cognitive (presence of cognitive questions, emotional involvement of the child in the activity) Low level Average level High level
KG 30% 65% 5%
EC 25% 65% 10%
motivational (creating situations of success and joy, purposefulness of activity, its completion) Low level Average level High level
KG 49% 31% 20%
EC 44% 33% 23%
emotional-volitional (manifestation of positive emotions in the process of activity; duration and stability of interest in solving cognitive problems) Low level Average level High level
KG 65% 33% 2%
EC 69% 31% -
effective and practical (initiative in cognition; manifestation of levels of cognitive activity and perseverance, the degree of initiative of the child) Low level Average level High level
KG 32% 58% 10%
EC 25% 53% 22%

As a result of the work carried out at the ascertaining stage of the experiment, it was found that 30% of all subjects have a low level of development of cognitive interests, based on four criteria defined at the beginning of the experiment. These children do not show initiative and independence in the process of completing tasks, lose interest in them when faced with difficulties and show negative emotions (sadness, irritation), and do not ask cognitive questions; They need a step-by-step explanation of the conditions for completing the task, a demonstration of how to use one or another ready-made model, and the help of an adult.

57% of subjects showed average level. These children, experiencing difficulties in solving a task, do not lose their emotional attitude towards them, but turn to the teacher for help, ask questions to clarify the conditions for its implementation and, having received a hint, complete the task to the end, which indicates the child’s interest in this activity and desire to look for ways to solve a problem, but together with an adult.

Only 13% of children have a high level of development of cognitive interests. In case of difficulties, children are not distracted, they showed perseverance and perseverance in achieving a result that brings them satisfaction, joy and pride in their achievements.

The results obtained allow us to conclude that the majority of subjects have a low and average level of cognitive interests, which indicates the need for their development. For this purpose, we carried out the formative stage of the experiment, which will be discussed in the next paragraph.

2.2 Organization of work to develop the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren through the use of gaming technologies

With the children of the experimental group, we began to conduct classes aimed at developing cognitive interests through the use of gaming technologies in Russian language lessons. One of the most effective means of arousing interest in Russian language classes is a game. The goal of the game is to awaken interest in knowledge, science, books, and learning. At primary school age, play, along with learning, occupies an important place in the development of the child. When children are included in a play situation, interest in educational activities increases sharply, the material being studied becomes more accessible to them, and their performance increases significantly.

Therefore, to conduct the experiment, we conducted a set of classes using gaming technologies. In addition to conducting lessons in a game form (see Appendix 3), we also used various game situations and exercises in other lessons.

Let's look at some of the games in Russian language lessons at the formative stage of the experiment.

I. “Choose three words” (The game can be used to reinforce any topics in the Russian language)

Goal: To monitor the formation of spelling skills, taking into account the stage of work on spelling.

The choice of words depends on the topics being studied or completed.

Nine words are written on 9 cards:

1st set: fish, blizzard, stocking, oak trees, jam, scarecrow, streams, plague, mushroom.

2nd set: entrance, warehouse, crow, hail, shooting, treasure, gate, rise, sparrow.

Two people take turns taking cards, the first one to have three words with the same spelling wins.

II. Game "Postman"

Goal: To consolidate students’ knowledge of selecting a test word, expand their vocabulary, develop phonemic awareness, and prevent dysgraphia.

Procedure: The postman distributes invitations to a group of children (4-5 people each).

Children determine where they have been invited.


1. Explain spellings by selecting test words.

2. Make up sentences using these words.

III. Game "Cryptographers"

Goal: automation of sounds, development of phonetic-phonemic perception, processes of analysis and synthesis, understanding of the semantic-distinctive function of sounds and letters, enrichment of students’ vocabulary, development of logical thinking.

Progress: Play in pairs: one as a coder, the other as a guesser.

The cryptographer conceives a word and encrypts it. Players can try their hand at deciphering phrases and sentences.

The guesser has to not only guess the words, but also choose the extra word from each group.

For example:

1. Aaltrek, lazhok, raukzhk, zoonkv (plate, spoon, mug, bell)

2. Oarz, straa, enkl, roamksha (rose, aster, maple, chamomile)

3. Plnaeat, zdzeav, otrbia, sgen (planet, star, orbit, snow)

IV. Game "Nicknames"

Goal: formation of the process of inflection and word formation, consolidation of phonetic and grammatical analysis of words, spelling of proper names.

Progress: Form animal names from the following words:


Make sentences.


Highlight the part of the word that you used to compose nicknames (suffix, ending).

Gaming techniques.

1. Find the “extra word”

Goal: to develop the ability to identify a common feature in words, develop attention, consolidate the spelling of untestable vowels.


Tasks: Underline the “extra” word. What spellings are found in these words?

2. Children really like tasks such as:

· Replace phrases with one word:

o - time period of 60 minutes,

o - a soldier standing at a post,

o - a child who loves sweets,

o is a very funny movie.

· Divide the words into two groups.

o Find related words. Select the root.

· Complete the sentences:

Roma and Zhora have …………. One day they went …………. Suddenly from the bushes…………….. Then the guys remembered for a long time how……..

· Compose a story using key words:

o winter, snow, frost, trees, cold, bullfinches.

The value of such games lies in the fact that using their material you can also practice reading speed, syllabic composition of words, develop spelling vigilance and much more.

An important role of entertaining game exercises in the classroom is that they help relieve stress and fear when writing in children who feel their own inadequacy, and create a positive emotional infusion during the lesson.

The child happily completes any of the teacher’s tasks and exercises. And the teacher, thus, stimulates the student’s correct speech, both oral and written. The game helps the formation of phonemic perception of words, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly, stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that games in the Russian language contribute to the development of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren.

Interest in cognitive activity presupposes the participation of the student as a subject in it, and this is only possible in the case when children have formed one of the leading personality qualities - cognitive activity. This personality trait is manifested in the direction and stability of cognitive processes, the desire for effective mastery of knowledge and methods of activity, and the mobilization of volitional efforts to achieve educational and cognitive goals. An important factor in enhancing educational and cognitive activity is encouragement. Therefore, we tried to encourage children while completing tasks.

Thus, as a result of the successful use of rewards, interest in cognitive activity develops; the volume of work in the lesson gradually increases as a result of increased attention and good performance; the desire for creativity intensifies, children look forward to new tasks and take the initiative in finding them. The general psychological climate in the classroom is also improving: children are not afraid of mistakes and help each other.

It is possible to describe some of the changes that occur in children’s behavior during formative classes. At the beginning, the children did not show much interest in the proposed material and in finding different ways to handle it. The options offered by the children were quite monotonous and not numerous. In the middle of the formative experiment, the children's interest in the material offered to them increased significantly; they sought to find various ways to use the material offered to them, although they did not always succeed. The children began to try to expand the situation offered to them. At the end of the formative classes, the children's behavior changed significantly. They sought to find various ways using the material he offered and often found it very interesting.

In order to determine how effective our classes using gaming technologies were, we conducted a control study, which will be discussed in the next paragraph.

2.3 Analysis of implemented activities to develop the cognitive interests of junior schoolchildren

After the formative experiment, a control examination of children in the experimental and control groups was carried out. The data obtained showed that the level of indicators of cognitive interests in children of the experimental and control groups became different after conducting formative classes. The level of development of indicators in the children of the experimental group became significantly higher than in the children of the control group, with whom no special classes were conducted.

Comparison of the results of the level of development of cognitive interests in relation to the cognitive criterion (cognitive questions, emotional involvement of the child in activities) of cognitive interests within each group of children, before the formative experiment and after the formative experiment, allows us to draw the following conclusions. In the control group, where traditional classes were conducted, there were no significant changes in the level of development of cognitive interests: the number of children with a low level from 30% of children (6 people) to 29% of children (3 people), the number of children with an average level increased from 66% children (13 people) to 80% of children (12 people), the number of children with a high level of development of the content indicator of cognitive interests remained unchanged - 10% of children (2 people).

In the experimental group, classes were conducted using gaming technologies; significant changes occurred in the level of development of the cognitive sphere of cognitive activity. The low level of development of cognitive interests decreased from 25% of children (5 people) to 1 person. children (5%), the average level decreased from 65% of children (13 people) to 35% of children (7 people), at the same time, the high level of development of cognitive interests increased from 10% of children (2 people) to 60%. children (12 people).

Comparison of the results of the level of development of the motivational sphere of cognitive interests, before the formative experiment and after the formative experiment, allows us to draw the following conclusions. In the control group, there were no significant changes in the level of development of cognitive interests: the number of children with a low level increased from 49% of children (6 people) to 39% of children (3 people), the number of children with an average level increased from 31% of children (13 people). ) up to 41% of children (12 people), the number of children with a high level of development of the content indicator of cognitive interests remained unchanged - 20% of children (2 people).

In the experimental group, significant changes occurred in the level of development of the motivational sphere of cognitive interests. The low level of development of cognitive activity decreased from 44% of children (5 people) to 1 person. children (7%), the average level from 33% of children (13 people) to 57% of children (7 people), at the same time, the high level of development of cognitive interests increased from 23% of children (2 people) to 36% of children (12 people).

Comparison of the results of the level of development of cognitive interests in relation to the emotional-volitional sphere of cognitive activity within each group of children, before the formative experiment and after the formative experiment, allows us to draw the following conclusions. In the control group, there were no significant changes in the level of development of cognitive interests: the number of children with a low level increased from 65% of children (6 people) to 22% of children (3 people), the number of children with an average level increased from 33% of children (13 people). ) up to 68% of children (12 people), the number of children with a high level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere of cognitive interests became 10%.

In the experimental group, the following changes occurred in the level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere of cognitive interests. The low level of development of cognitive interests decreased from 69% of children (5 people) to 1 person. children (15%), the average level changed from 31% of children (13 people) to 45% of children (7 people), at the same time, the high level of development of cognitive interests increased to 40%.

Comparison of the results of the level of development of cognitive interests in relation to the effective and practical sphere of cognitive activity before the formative experiment and after the formative experiment allows us to draw the following conclusions. In the control group, there were significant changes in the level of development of the effective-practical sphere of cognitive interests: the number of children with a low level from 32% of children (6 people) to 40% of children (3 people), the number of children with an average level changed from 58% of children (13 people). people) up to 50% of children (12 people), the number of children with a high level of development of the content indicator of cognitive interests remained unchanged - 10% of children (2 people).

In the experimental group, changes occurred in the level of development of the effective-practical sphere of cognitive interests. The low level of development of cognitive interests decreased from 25% of children (5 people) to 1 person. children (6%), the average level decreased from 53% of children (13 people) to 34% of children (7 people), while the high level increased from 22% of children (2 people) to 70% of children (12 people). people).

Along with this, we can also note some psychological characteristics of cognitive interests that appeared in the children of the experimental group after the formative experiment. Almost all children clearly showed increased initiative in finding new ways to handle the proposed object. Children have a moment of “thinking” - when a child, at a certain moment, having exhausted his possibilities, does not leave the situation, does not begin to repeat previously made options, but takes a “timeout”, carefully examines the cubes and tries to find a new solution. If by chance, in the process of manipulating with the cubes, some option was obtained that the child had not yet done, it was usually noticed by him.

Our data allows us to draw the following conclusions.

After conducting the formative experiment, the level of development of cognitive interests of children in the experimental and control groups began to differ significantly. In the children of the experimental group, the level of cognitive interests increased significantly, while in the children of the control group they remained unchanged.

Constructing activities using gaming technologies in order to support the child’s cognitive initiative leads to the development of his cognitive interests.

The most adequate for the development of all components of cognitive interests are activities with situations in which an adult shows the child various ways to handle the material and stimulates him to search for new possibilities for action.

By the end of the experiment, the emotional involvement and initiative of the subjects increased by one and a half times, and focus - by more than 2 times.

The results showed that during the control experiment, children showed more emotional involvement and initiative. In the experimental group, the number of questions increased significantly. About half of the children asked between 2 and 4 questions. Thus, being formed in the process of productive cognitive activity, cognitive activity also revealed itself in the figurative plane, requiring imagination and some separation from the immediate situation.

The experiment conducted allows us to conclude that cognitive interests have their own zone of proximal development and are formed under the influence of the teacher during lessons using gaming technologies.

Thus, using gaming technologies in primary school classes, it is possible to purposefully develop cognitive interests in children of primary school age. The results of diagnosing the development of cognitive interests in children at the ascertaining and control stages of the study are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Distribution of children in the experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups by level of cognitive interests (%)

Criteria and indicators Control stage
Cognitive (presence of cognitive questions, emotional involvement of the child in the activity) Low level Average level High level
KG 30% 65% 5%
EC 25% 65% 10%
motivational (creating situations of success and joy, purposefulness of activity, its completion) Low level Average level High level
KG 49% 31% 20%
EC 44% 33% 23%
emotional-volitional (manifestation of positive emotions in the process of activity; duration and stability of interest in solving cognitive problems) Low level Average level High level
KG 65% 33% 2%
EC 69% 31% -
effective and practical (initiative in cognition; manifestation of levels of cognitive activity and perseverance, the degree of initiative of the child) Low level Average level High level
KG 32% 58% 10%
EC 25% 53% 22%

These tables indicate significant positive changes in the levels of development of cognitive interests in the experimental group compared to the control group. The research results are presented in Appendix 2.

So, the results of the study convince us of the importance of organizing and conducting classes using gaming technologies as a means of developing children’s cognitive interests. Thus, the evaluation of the results indicates that the activities developed to develop the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren are effective.

Table 4. Development of cognitive interests based on the results of the experiment

Criteria and indicators Ascertaining stage Control stage
cognitive issues, emotional involvement of the child in activities) Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level
KG 30% 65% 5% 29% 66% 5%
EC 25% 65% 10% 5% 35% 60%
motivational (creating situations of success and joy, purposefulness of activity, its completion) Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level
KG 49% 31% 20% 39% 41% 20%
EC 44% 33% 23% 7% 57% 36%
emotional-volitional (manifestation of positive emotions in the process of activity; duration and stability of interest in solving cognitive problems) Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level
KG 65% 33% 2% 22% 68% 10%
EC 69% 31% - 15% 45% 40%
effective and practical (initiative in cognition; manifestation of levels of cognitive activity and perseverance, the degree of initiative of the child) Low level Average level High level Low level Average level High level
KG 32% 58% 10% 40% 50% 10%
EC 25% 53% 22% 6% 24% 70%

In the course of targeted work on introducing games into the learning process in the classroom, most students showed an increase in cognitive activity, expansion and deepening of cognitive interests, desire and ability to learn. Schoolchildren began to pay attention to their characteristics and abilities, their academic performance increased, and their emotional state improved.

The improvement of results was facilitated by the introduction of gaming techniques into the learning process. The selection of game material was carried out on the basis of the essential features of the concept under consideration. The classes were structured in such a way that different aspects of knowledge received logically consistent development. Learning to read in the form of a game contributes to the development of emotional responsiveness, activation of mental activity, and encourages personal participation in solving problems.

It has been experimentally proven that such elements of cognitive interest as the desire to overcome difficulties when completing tasks, searching for ways to solve tasks, concentrating on the object of activity, passion, activity, independence when using game techniques in the learning process are formed much faster.

The educational role of games is that it allows game situation intensify the process of assimilation of new knowledge, and the positive emotions that arise during the games help prevent overload and provide communication and intellectual skills.

The student became active and interested, and the motives for learning activities became meaningful for the children.

Thus, the analysis of the results obtained reliably shows that the classes using gaming technologies developed by us are an effective means of developing the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren.


Currently, the school needs to organize its activities in such a way that would ensure the development of individual abilities and a creative attitude to the life of each student, the introduction of various innovative curricula, implementation of the principle of a humane approach to children, etc. In other words, the school is extremely interested in knowledge about the characteristics of the mental development of each individual child. And it is no coincidence that the role of practical knowledge in vocational training teaching staff.

The level of education and upbringing in school is largely determined by how pedagogical process focused on the psychology of the age-related and individual development of the child. This involves a psychological and pedagogical study of schoolchildren throughout the entire period of study in order to identify individual development options, the creative abilities of each child, strengthening his own positive activity, revealing the uniqueness of his personality, and timely assistance in case of lagging behind in studies or unsatisfactory behavior. This is especially important in the lower grades of school, when a person’s purposeful learning just begins, when learning becomes the leading activity, in the bosom of which the mental properties and qualities of the child are formed, primarily cognitive processes and attitude towards oneself as a subject of knowledge (cognitive motives, self-esteem, ability to cooperation, etc.).

In this regard, there is a relevance in the development of gaming technologies for the modern school. Recently, several manuals on gaming technologies have been published. I would like to note the work of A.B. Pleshakova “Game technologies in the educational process”, A.V. Finogenova “Game technologies at school” and O.A. Stepanova “Prevention school difficulties in children."

Studying the literature, analyzing and summarizing the materials collected on the problem gave us the opportunity to determine the theoretical basis for the use of gaming technologies to develop the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren.

As a result of the work, we examined the concept of “cognitive interest” in the psychological and pedagogical literature, identified the features of the development of cognitive interests of primary school children, and identified the role of gaming technologies in the development of cognitive interests in children of primary school age.

We conducted an experimental study consisting of three stages. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we diagnosed the levels of formation of cognitive interests of 4th grade students, which showed that the majority of children do not have cognitive interests or are at a rather low level.

The formative stage of the experiment allowed us to conduct a series of activities to develop students’ cognitive interests. During the classes at this stage, we used various forms of gaming activities and developed special exercises using gaming situations.

The control stage confirmed the effectiveness of the activities we developed to develop the cognitive interests of primary schoolchildren. The data from the control stage showed that the material studied during game activity is forgotten by students to a lesser extent and more slowly than material in which the game was not used. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the game organically combines entertainment, which makes the learning process accessible and exciting for schoolchildren, and activity , thanks to whose participation in the learning process, knowledge acquisition becomes better and more durable.

The study showed that games activate cognitive activity at all stages of learning new material, using the capabilities of methodological techniques aimed at learning the Russian language.

For younger schoolchildren, it is not enough to create a positive emotional background. It is necessary to include students in active activities that “connect the mind with the heart.” This situation allows you to solve games.

We came to the conclusion that the use of gaming technologies during primary school is the most effective means of improving the quality of students' knowledge in the subject. Therefore, every teacher should work creatively. The most important thing is that the teacher must have creative activity, skillfully and methodically correctly use this tool, contributing to the familiarization of the interests and desires of each student for knowledge and improving their literacy through a deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of language knowledge.

The use of game techniques in lessons is an important means of education and training. Often, as a result of such activities, low-performing students begin to show interest and study better, they develop an interest in reading, which is very important in the elementary grades. Many children show great abilities, initiative, and ingenuity.

As it was established, the introduction of games into the learning process helps to deepen cognitive interest, increase motivation for learning activities, and develop communication skills. One of the significant tasks of using games in the classroom is the formation of independent work skills and the development of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren.

Thus, the tasks set at the beginning of the work were solved, the goal of the study was achieved, and the hypothesis was confirmed.


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MBOU Dolmatovskaya secondary school No. 16


on the topic of:



Fedorova Marina Nikolaevna

Geography teacher


Target – identifying the effectiveness of using gaming technologies in geography lessons.


The modern philosophical attitude to gaming activity defines game as the conditional existence of a real subject-object relationship and the totality of all manifestations of gaming activity of interacting subjects (or a single subject), aimed not at an external object, but at an internal one - at the process of the activity itself and control over it. Thus, play is an urgent, objective need for understanding the world and human culture as a whole.

Naturally, it is impossible to replace all methods and forms of teaching only with games, however, the logic of the educational process and the characteristics of adolescence require a game form of presenting material, analyzing significant concepts and various types of activities in the process of a business game.

Methods for introducing games into school practice have been developed by both domestic and foreign authors. The names of games intended for education have various epithets: learning, educational, role-playing, simulation, modeling games, etc. There is also an opinion that all games used in teaching should be called didactic. In general, this indicates the absence of a unified classification of gaming activities. So, if we take the time of the game as a basis, then they are divided into minute games, episode games, and lesson games.

In the case when the classification is based on functional effectiveness, business games are divided into didactic and plot-based or preparatory and creative. From a methodological point of view, the most interesting is the classification of didactic games according to T. A. Shakurov, which is clearly reflected in Table 1.

Table 1

Classification of didactic games according to T. A. Shakurov.

1. Procedural aspect

Level of cognitive activity




Logic for alternating game steps




Decision making method




Game time




2. Management aspect

Forms of organization of control and self-control




Method for determining the results of decisions made



Forms of games




3. Social – psychological aspect

Gameplay nature




Type of game



mysteriously winning


Correlation of educational and gaming goals and interests of the subjects of the game

community of goals and interests

commonality of goals, difference of interests

difference in goals and interests

This form of organizing student activities in the classroom will help the teacher make the learning process more diverse, taking into account the interests of students. This classification takes into account not only the gaming purpose, but also the educational purpose.

Despite the apparent universality of this type of training, it is necessary to accurately determine the position of the game in each specific case. It must be remembered that a lack of games is harmful, and an excess is unacceptable, otherwise the center of gravity will shift from the didactic side of the matter to the formal side. When developing and determining the place of games in lessons, it is necessary to find not only the theme of the game, but also the place of its inclusion in the lesson, the time allocated and means of increasing cognitive activity.

Novelty of experience

The novelty of the experience lies in the fact that the concept of gaming activity used in the didactic system is defined; a set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of cognitive interest among students has been identified and justified; Methodological recommendations have been developed for the use of role-playing games to increase cognitive interest in geography lessons.

Innovative activity consists in the use of games in teaching geography, developing cognitive interest in the subject, activating the learning activities of students in the classroom, contributing to the development of the student’s creative personality.

Experience technology

Features of the use of gaming technologies

To conduct any game, it is necessary to determine the goal, create a game situation, develop a scenario, think about at what stage of the lesson the game will be played, take into account the characteristics of the class and the interests of individual students.

The games I use can be divided into individual, pair, and group based on the form of student activity. By educational objectives– games for learning new material, developing skills and a large number of games for general repetition and knowledge control. By type - these are educational, role-playing, business, complex, games on the ground and in the classroom. The form of the game includes auction games, defense games, competitions for the best quality, speed, quantity, traveling through stations with alternating game situations, simulating events, press conferences, dramatization games, performances, finding a solution to a problem, games of research, discovery.

Taking into account the modern requirements of the State Education Standard, games help teach schoolchildren to “show and name, define and measure, describe, explain, predict.” It should be noted that the large role of electronic testing and computer games in teaching. Since testing is becoming a widespread form of testing knowledge, I also use a game form here. In lessons I use electronic forms of test questioning, when great importance is given to the figurative form of questions. This is a regular test with 10 questions that must be answered in order to receive a grade. The answers are given in the form of a series of pictures.

The modern course of school geography in Russia is full of material, the deep meaning of which reflects real conditions and, simulating specific processes, have a pronounced socio-psychological character, revealing modern economic features activities of people, provide “recipes” for making decisions in various life situations.

The game starts with opening remarks a teacher who aims students at active and creative cognitive activity. The activity of the game participants largely depends on the teacher’s contact with the students.

When summing up, one should proceed from the final result of the game, that is, the degree of mastery of the topic, the formation of students’ beliefs, the development of their independent creative thinking– to guide game participants into game restrictions, which helps prevent violations during the game.

When organizing role-playing games, competition games, and outdoor games, it is necessary to involve as many students as possible in the game, while paying attention to the students’ hobbies. Artists design the game, technology enthusiasts become sound engineers, photography enthusiasts become photographers, etc. Their performance needs to be assessed in the future. It is not necessary to put a mark, but you can assign, for example, the title “Best Artist”, “Best Photographer”, etc.

A necessary element in preparing the game is consultation. Consultations form in schoolchildren a positive psychological attitude towards games and allow them to instill confidence in their abilities. When summing up, one should proceed from the final result of the game, that is, the degree of mastery of the topic, the formation of students’ beliefs, and the development of their independent creative thinking. To summarize, it is necessary to note what was successful in the game and what should be paid attention to.

The effectiveness of games depends on a number of conditions: clearly think through the purpose of the game; motivate gaming activities; clearly organize the preparation and conclusion of the game; combine independent, group, individual, frontal work during the game; pose cognitive and problematic questions during the game, organize a discussion; provide games with the necessary learning tools; involve all students in the class in the game; form a conclusion and evaluate the results obtained; control the progress of the game.

In geography lessons, I often use board games, these include crosswords, puzzles, teawords, game cubes, lotto, dominoes... A feature of geography board games is the presence of a game rule, which contains the game task.

Board games develop imagination, intelligence and observation, and teach you to think quickly and logically. Board games always have an element of competition; they reinforce the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge, the ability to use reference books, popular science literature, and a geographical map.

So in a general lesson in 7th grade I teach the game “Mail”. 6 pockets (mailboxes) with the inscriptions are made from fabric: North America, Africa, Eurasia... Participants in the game are given an equal number of cards. Then students must put the cards with the outlines of continents, islands, rivers, lakes, and bays in their pockets and not make the wrong address. This game summarizes knowledge of the continents.

While studying “Natural Areas” the game “Select Correctly” is played, the student receives several postcards and drawings. It is necessary to correctly select postcards and drawings with representatives of any one natural zone. For each correct answer, the student receives a point.

The guys really love the “Collect a card” yoke. The student receives a card cut into pieces in the form of irregular outlines. These pieces must be collected to make a map and name the territory. This kind of games develops memory, imagination, and the ability to memorize geographical nomenclature and their geographical location.

Crosswords and puzzles are the most popular type board game among schoolchildren. By answering crossword questions, students better understand scientific terms and remember the names of geographical objects by finding them on the map. Experience shows that crosswords develop students' interest in geography. Students in grades 6-8 are especially interested in this type of game.

Games and competitions are used both in educational activities and in extracurricular activities. They are equally interesting for students of all age groups. These games attract children with the desire to win. Moreover, an important motive for students is the motive of collective and individual competition in the game. This type of games includes competitions: “Project Defense”, “Presentation”, “Competition of Geography Experts”, “Best Team”, KVN and other games. So, to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Atmosphere” in the initial geography course, a game-competition “Explain natural phenomena” is held.

The class is divided into several teams. The teacher reports that he has many letters in which travelers talk about various events and ask questions about things that are incomprehensible to them. natural phenomena. The task of schoolchildren is to answer the questions contained in these letters and try to explain some phenomena. Teams take turns reading letters and answering them. For each team, the student named by the teacher first responds, and then any team member. For their answer, students receive points from 1 to 5, depending on the content of the answer. If a team fails to complete the task, the team with the most points comes to its aid.

One of the popular and favorite games among students is the quiz. Its main goal is to increase interest in the subject, consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired in the process of teaching geography. When studying the seas of Russia, I give the following quiz: “Which seas are named after famous travelers? Which of the Russian seas is called the “ice bag”? Name the largest sea”... Quizzes can be given both oral and written. Oral quizzes have a significant drawback - unequal conditions for participants: many guys are timid, indecisive, and are delayed in answering, although they can answer the question correctly. Therefore, it is better to conduct a written quiz. One of the jury members reads the question, everyone is given the same time to think about the answer. Then they roll up the written part of the sheet, put down their pens and wait for the next question. After counting the points, the jury members announce the results of the quiz.

Role-playing games presuppose the presence of an imaginary game situation in which imaginary characters act. Basically, the content of the role-playing game is the real problems of geographical science that permeate the school curriculum: economic, environmental, political, social, or a complex of these problems. A role-playing game is successful if students debate and defend their views during it.

For students in grades 6-8, the most interesting are role-playing games such as press conferences, travel games, and dramatization games. High school students, along with role-playing games, also play situational games to create models and projects. I usually conduct role-playing games in general knowledge lessons, seminars, and practical work. The main thing in this game is the organizational and preparatory stage, on which the success of students completing tasks and the organization of the game itself depends. The teacher determines the goal, specific developmental tasks, prepares materials for their implementation, draws up methodological instructions and rules of implementation, distributes roles, and conducts instructions. During the game, the guys show activity, try not to interrupt their friend during the speech, and show independence in studying the topic.

When forming groups, I take into account the wishes of the students. For this purpose, I am conducting a survey with answers to the following questions: what role would you like to play in the game? Who would you like to see as the leader of the group? ... The relationships between students are taken into account. The game begins from the moment students receive assignments (instruction cards). The children work with great interest in such lessons. They mean necessary objects on a site plan or map, draw conclusions.

In order for the children to remember the nomenclature better, I play the “Get to know me” game. Each student receives an envelope with cards different color and different letters: yellow A /Africa/, green B /Australia/, red B / South America/… are given geographical names, the guys must show a card of the continent where this object is located.

The introduction of various forms of work in the classroom: group, pair, individual, collective contributes to the development of children's interest in learning and develops in schoolchildren the ability to cooperate with each other.

Traditional geography lessons arouse quite a lot of interest among students at different stages of learning, but the introduction of game moments into educational activities, or business, role-playing, organizational and business games significantly increases students' interest in the subject.

But it should also be noted that lessons using game moments provide an opportunity for mutual learning, as they involve group forms of work and a deliberative process. The opportunity to confer and discuss problems also allows you to satisfy adolescents’ need for communication. The inclusion of game moments in the structure of the lesson can be used to relieve fatigue and to develop personal freedom and relaxedness in children who are weak and unsure of themselves. Observations during some games make it possible to identify the informal structure of the class, the type of relationships between students, and identify students with obvious leadership qualities and outsiders. Well-designed games can be used to improve relationships within a team, develop friendships and mutual assistance in the classroom.

Thus, the use of game methods in the educational process makes it possible to solve a whole range of pedagogical problems. Geography games in combination with other pedagogical technologies increase the effectiveness of geographical education.

  1. The beginning of a role-playing game is carried out along with the creation of an emotional attitude towards the game in students in a fun way, sometimes using slides, drawings, and film clips.

  2. The game situation can be played out in a certain fictional space (equatorial forest, ocean area), outlined geographical map, historical time and the problem posed.

  3. One of the structural elements of a role-playing game is game tasks. Most researchers distinguish both gaming and educational tasks. The game task interests schoolchildren, and educational tasks appear for students in a disguised, unclear form.

  4. To connect gaming and educational tasks, game rules are necessary. Firstly, the rules of action in an imaginary situation: you are an ecologist, you are a forester, etc. The rules of a role-playing game should be aimed at performing actions in a certain sequence. The actions of the “specialist” should become more complex as they study the topics of sections and courses of school subjects.

  5. Along with the rules of action in an imaginary situation, it is necessary to develop rules for interpersonal relationships that play an educational role in the game. For example, finish your work, help a friend, be friendly, listen carefully to your friend’s opinion. Game activities are closely related to the development of students’ skills. The game should not be played if certain skills have not been developed.

  6. For more successful implementation The game requires that students know the material well enough on which the educational game will be based.

  7. The psychological readiness of the teacher to conduct the game is also important, which implies pedagogical skill, communication skills, self-confidence, and respect for the child’s personality.

  8. When forming groups of students, it is necessary to take into account the abilities, interests and existing relationships in the team. In their work, students are also aware of their social responsibility. They choose the strategy of their own behavior, therefore, when developing a scenario for an educational game, it is advisable to include in it such problems that can evoke an emotional response in the souls of children and have a moral aspect. For example, rescuing people in distress, optimal accommodation of a large number of refugees, actions to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe/. Preparing and conducting role-playing games creates conditions for schoolchildren to demonstrate strengths personality, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities.

  9. Therefore, for a more complete implementation of the educational and educational tasks of the educational game, it is important to take into account the individual qualities of the student. Joint participation in the game allows children to develop their ability to communicate. The child acquires the skill of free participation in discussion, respect for other opinions, and defending his point of view. Active participation in the game affects the quality of learning the educational material. Students begin to better understand the logic of presentation of the course material, the interconnection of the phenomena being studied, and it is easier to remember factual data. The development and change in educational play activities of schoolchildren is determined by the age characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the geography course material.

  10. Game plots should be based on real events. Through cognitive interest, it is possible to form the ecological culture of students, including environmental issues in role-playing games, which will also contribute to the formation of an ecological worldview and the formation of an environmentally literate personality.

  11. Methods and techniques used in lessons - role-playing games: observation, analysis, synthesis, modeling of problem-solving projects, questioning. Techniques: working with facts, using additional literature, comparative characteristics of objects, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship, problem-solving tasks, research tasks, working with maps.

  12. The criteria for evaluating games are related to all the main parameters of a role-playing game: modeling, simulation, the presence of goals, roles, rules, scenario, evaluation criteria, game interactions players, analysis and solution of specific situations, atmosphere of uncertainty and incomplete information

  13. Game evaluation criteria:
- quality of role-playing in accordance with instructions from 1 to 5 points;

Realization of game goals from 1 to 10 points;

Compliance with the rules of the game from 1 to 6 points;

Failure to comply with the rules of the game - 3 points /removed for each violation/;

Using the “Bank of Information” to identify new information /for each link to the original source 4 points/;

Compliance with the rules of the game from 1 to 8 points;

Failure to comply with the rules of the game - 4 points / deducted for each violation. If each simulated element is present in the game, it is given the highest score, for example 20 points. This assessment system helps to activate students in the classroom and stimulates their activity.

Student interest in geography lessons

Diagram 1

The diagram shows that students’ interest in geography lessons using gaming technologies is higher than in traditional lessons.

During the experiment, we carried out comparative analyzes mastering material in different classes. The experiment showed that the experimental class learned the material better and showed better results compared to the control class.

So, when studying the topic “Labor Resources” in the 9th grade in the 2013-2014 academic year, a business game was held, but in the 9th grade in the 2012-2013 academic year it was not held. When performing test work in class, the results were different.

Indicators of success in teaching 9th grade students:

Experimental training showed the effectiveness of the developed methodology for conducting business and didactic games in the formation of basic economic concepts, and had a positive impact on the formation of the need for independent acquisition of knowledge. During the game, students can create a rationale for a rational attitude towards all types of resources and their cost-effective use.

A survey of students showed that for them a game is

method of obtaining an assessment - 31%;

Opportunity to express yourself – 39%

Learn something new – 16%;

Independence of action – 14%

The conducted research allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The introduction of games and gaming elements increases the quality of knowledge and interest of students.

2. Promotes better assimilation of the material.

3. Develops cognitive interest.

Chart for years

Targeted focus of the experience:

The presented materials can be used in the process of studying the “Geography of Russia” courses. The work is intended for geography teachers. The described forms and stages of activity can be used by other teachers working in this direction.


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General Repetition Lesson