Money according to Feng Shui in the apartment. The main money secrets of Feng Shui

  • 16.08.2019

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, designed to harmonize human life, equips us with knowledge of the laws of space organization, following which we can achieve happiness and prosperity. Since no one will deny that money plays an important role in a person’s life, attracting wealth and prosperity is one of the tasks that should be solved using the rules of Feng Shui.

But the purpose of feng shui practice is to harmonize the flows of positive and negative energy in the space surrounding a person, and money is bills and coins, that is, completely material things. Isn't there a contradiction in this? Strange as it may seem, there is no contradiction.

Look video about money feng shui and space harmonization:

The fact is that money is a special type of energy that obeys the laws of Feng Shui. How do these laws work, and how can you use them to attract money into your life?

Attracting money according to Feng Shui

The laws of Feng Shui for attracting money only work if a person is internally ready to let wealth into his life. How to determine the degree of this readiness?

  • Treating money with respect, a person must be able to count it. This - an indispensable condition capital increase. Money loves counting, so you need to record the amounts of your income and expenses every day, making notes in a special notebook or using special computer applications for this.
  • A person’s thinking should be constantly aimed at finding new ways to make money.

The best way activating your own thinking is coming up with questions about how best to make money and finding independent answers to them. All invented questions must be written down, because in this way you pose a challenge to your own intellect.

And once the task is set, the subconscious begins to look for an answer to it. As a result original ideas will visit you more and more often. Having found the answers to all the questions, invent new ones, write them down and set tasks for your mind.

  • A person striving for wealth must constantly move among rich and successful people , because as a result of such communication, the energy exchange necessary to attract money occurs. It is no coincidence that they say that a person’s personality is shaped by its environment.

From all of the above, we conclude that using the laws of Feng Shui practice, which help to activate the energy of money, a person should strive to personal growth, moving on to more high level development.

In order to use the laws of Feng Shui to attract money inside your home, you need to follow simple rules and rituals. The first thing you need to do is make detailed plan of your home and, orienting it to the cardinal points, determine where it is south- eastern sector . It is in it that the wealth zone should be placed, which is responsible for the prosperity of all inhabitants of the house.

How to activate the wealth zone?

  • All furnishings in this area (furniture, indoor plants, painting themes) should be related to living nature. The paintings should show landscapes with lush vegetation, and not images of sparse deserts.
  • Choosing color scheme to decorate a wealth zone, preference should be given to all shades of blue and green.

A very effective way to attract money is to use an artificial fountain. Instead of a fountain, you can use a photograph or picture of it.

The size of the reservoir does not matter: it is only important that the owner of the house likes it and causes him to associate it with the source. Only in this case will this accessory take on the role of a source of wealth after some time. The scale of the elements depicted in the picture should not be excessive (for example, the view of Niagara Falls is completely unsuitable), because in this case, instead of profit, the owner of the house may lose part of his income: they will be carried away by a powerful stream of water.

  • An aquarium can be a symbol of prosperity, but a number of conditions must be met. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite results. The size of the aquarium should match the area of ​​the room in which it is installed.

Too large an aquarium in a small space can result in lost money rather than increased income.

Fish should live in good conditions, without lacking either food or the attention of the owner. If you are not sure that you will be able to provide the fish with proper care, it is better not to start one at all: the offended inhabitants of the aquarium, according to Feng Shui, will create vibrations due to which luck will turn away from their careless owner.

It is not at all necessary to place only goldfish in the aquarium: only those fish that the owner likes will bring good luck, so when choosing them you should be guided by your own sympathies. The aquarium can be replaced with a picture or a drawing made by yourself: placed in the desired area, it will work perfectly.

  • Since the element of the wealth zone is a tree, Feng Shui practice recommends placing in it plants with thick and fleshy leaves, the shape of which resembles coins.

Most often they place in the wealth zone Money Tree(crassula) or succulents.

Under no circumstances should you use plants with pointed leaves or thorns: they will interfere with the flow of monetary energy.

  • Feng Shui experts recommend filling the wealth zone with traditional symbols of abundance, using figurines of a laughing Buddha, a three-toed toad with a coin in its mouth, and a turtle holding two small turtles on its back.
  • To attract money to your home you can use foreign currency of any denomination by placing bills or coins in the wealth zone.

    Since money tends to attract monetary energy, it must be kept in the house.

    When moving to a new home, followers of Feng Shui practice place coins in the corners of each room. However, the same can be done in any home.

What else should be done to attract money to the house?

Having laid a bright red or golden rug in front of the entrance, you can put three chinese coins, tied with a red cord or three five-ruble coins (heads up).

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is unacceptable to hang a mirror in front of the front door, since the positive energy reflected in it will immediately leave the house without even entering any of the rooms.

  • The doors to the bathroom and toilet should be tightly closed and the toilet lid down, because through them monetary energy can leave the house. Cause a leak Money from the family budget there may be a leak in the flush tank or water tap, therefore, all plumbing faults must be corrected in a timely manner .
  • Do not allow guests to wash dishes in your house: by doing this you are giving them your fortune.
  • The trash can should be hidden from prying eyes and tightly closed with a lid, since this is another possible channel for the outflow of monetary energy.

Feng Shui for attracting money at work

If you use the principles of Feng Shui to organize your workplace, you can achieve an increase in the efficiency of your own work, as well as an influx of monetary energy, the consequence of which can be career growth and periodic promotions wages. So, how can you use the rules of Feng Shui to attract money at work?

  • The work desk should be positioned so that there is a wall or a solid partition behind the worker. It is extremely undesirable to sit with your back to your colleagues, doorways and window openings. If you can’t position the table differently, you can try to correct the situation in the following way: a worker sitting with his back to the window can place pots on it indoor plants, and the person sitting with his back to the door can isolate himself from it with a screen or cabinet.

In the first case, a conditional barrier of plants separating the employee from the people entering the office will help correct the situation, and in the latter case - beautiful landscape, hung on the wall, into which the gaze of the person sitting in front of it rests.

  • The design and size of furniture at work also matters. Feng Shui recommends using light-colored desks made from natural wood, as this color instills a sense of security in workers and has the potential for development and career growth.

To attract money energy, you need to place a figurine of a turtle or a dragon on the table, and to activate the energy of career growth, it is useful to place a quartz crystal, cut crystal or glass ball on the northeastern side of the table.

A work chair must be equipped with armrests and a high back, which are a symbolic expression of stability, confidence and support. Only chairs that fully protect your back bring success in money matters.

  • When choosing paintings, you should focus on images of mountain peaks, symbolizing determination and luck, or reputable banks, personifying financial prosperity. Images of various types of bodies of water should be avoided, since the symbolism water element can contribute to the collapse of all your business endeavors. Creation favorable environment The office will benefit from views of nature and tranquil landscapes.
  • An immaculate order on your desk at the end of each shift is another source of success and attracting positive monetary energy.

Feng Shui for attracting money to your wallet

Feng Shui for money teaches that the wallet itself is of no small importance for attracting money: its condition, color, size, as well as the material from which it is made. What requirements does Feng Shui place on this receptacle of funds?

  • A wallet is a house where money lives, so it should be beautiful and tidy. Banknotes It should be stored in it flattened, folded in a neat pile.

The wallet can be harmonized by putting a traditional Chinese talisman in it: three coins on a red ribbon or a gold success card.

  • The wallet should have a well-groomed appearance, but frayed and torn wallets must be disposed of immediately.
  • Feng Shui claims that colors related to the elements of earth and metal have an attractive effect for money, and therefore, when choosing a wallet, you should focus on them.

Feng Shui for money

If those spaces in which a person spends his daily life, will be organized in accordance with the laws of Feng Shui, then they will always be filled with harmony, and a person’s life will become prosperous. The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui can also help attract wealth into a person's life. The very word “wealth” in the teachings of Feng Shui has more deep meaning, than we are accustomed to mean by this concept. Relying on the teachings of Feng Shui, this word should be understood not only as the amount of material values ​​surrounding you, but also as spiritual, intellectual, cultural heritage- everything that can fill life with meaning and develop you. Now I would like to describe how to attract financial, material wealth.

Where to begin?

Using the teachings of Feng Shui for money, you need to start by drawing up a plan for your home or apartment. This can be a drawing to a given scale; it is also necessary to determine its orientation relative to the cardinal points. It will be more convenient for you to work with this plan if you make it more detailed and on a large scale. Determine the southeastern sector, since it is this part of your house that is responsible for the wealth of those who live in this home.

The priority colors for decorating the interior of this part of the house should be shades of blue and green. Everything you place in this space must be of natural origin: wooden furniture, living plants, images of nature, for example, forest, meadow, flowers, trees, park, etc. You should not use images of desert landscapes devoid of living vegetation.

Mill, waterfall - money talisman

The mill symbol will also help attract money to the house; any images of it are welcome. Very in an effective way attracting money is the addition of electric power to the interior. This is very effective remedy, and it works regardless of the size or shape of the fountain, you should choose it based on your internal sensations. You must associate it with the source, it is this fountain that you should choose, and subsequently it will truly become a source of wealth.

If you do not have the opportunity to acquire a real fountain, you can use its image - a photograph or painting. The main thing is not to overdo it - too much a large number of water can harm you. For example, if you hang a picture of Niagara Falls or a reproduction of Aivazovsky’s “The Ninth Wave” on your wall, you may begin to lose your income due to the force of the elements.

Aquarium as a symbol of prosperity

There is another effective way to attract wealth to your home - this is an aquarium, it should be placed in the south-eastern part. But simply placing it there is not enough; there are a number of conditions that must be met. If you do not follow them, the results may be the opposite of what you wanted.

Aquarium according to Feng Shui - for money

The first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the aquarium. It must match the size of the room and match the style of the interior. An aquarium that is too large can lead to serious problems, and not to generate income. The second important point is the inhabitants of the aquarium, you should always ensure that they are properly cared for. Fish deprived of your attention may become “offended” and contribute to the fact that luck will turn away from you. Fortune does not favor those who neglect its symbols, especially if they are living beings. If you know in advance that you will not be able to maintain the aquarium adequately, you should not purchase it. The last, third, is the choice of its inhabitants. You must take this moment very seriously. Everyone remembers the fairy tale about the goldfish that granted the old man's wishes. You should choose exactly those fish that will become golden for you, rely on your feelings. Buy only those for which you have an inner liking. There are no special restrictions regarding the materials from which the aquarium is made; glass and wood are optimal.

Pictures or figurines of fish can help you if it is not possible to have a real aquarium. In practice, there are cases where people have achieved good results by simply drawing an aquarium and its inhabitants and placing this drawing in the right place.

Money Tree

Another powerful one is, which can also be called the tree of love or monkey tree. The embodiment of this symbol are plants whose leaves are fleshy and thick; succulents are in particular demand in flower shops. If you place such a plant in the south-eastern part of your home or room, this can have the most favorable effect on your income. On the contrary, if there are plants with pointed leaves, or even those with thorns, this can lead to a situation described by the saying “you want it and it pricks you.”

Money attracts money

The presence of foreign banknotes in your home will also bring very good results; again, you need to put them in the southeastern sector. The denomination of the money does not matter. It is important to remember: money attracts money, you should always keep it in your home. There is a tradition - when moving to new house scatter coins in all corners. You can use this tradition in already existing home, people often resort to it by placing coins in the corners of the apartment.

Correct hallway arrangement

The organization of the hallway is also important. In no case should it be dark, uncomfortable, or make you want to leave this room as soon as possible, because the money coming into your home will receive exactly the same energy. Receiving such energy, money may soon forget its way into your home. It is necessary to clear the way for them, freeing the hallway from unnecessary things. Cabinets should be placed there to store outdoor shoes and clothes. Good lighting also plays a very important role; the hallway should always be light. Do not forget about the indispensable cleanliness. You can put three coins of five rubles each under the rug, the eagle should be at the top.

Use coins in the hallway

By no means the opposite front door There shouldn't be a mirror hanging. Positive energy will be reflected in it and leave your home without having time to penetrate into any of the other rooms. In a specialized store you can purchase a mirror with symbolic trigrams and hieroglyphs. They are needed to destroy negative energy. If used incorrectly, such mirrors can cause you great harm.

If you want to attract wealth and well-being to your home, symbols of abundance should be placed opposite the front door or close to it. These can be figurines, images, etc. The images may contain money itself, fish, fruits, beautiful house, Jewelry. But there's one here important point: The symbols you use should be relevant to your culture and fit seamlessly into the space. If you use symbols from other cultures without proper meaning, it can harm you.

Attracting money using Feng Shui:

  • Do not allow water to drip from your taps. They must be well sealed or you should have them repaired.
  • Constantly flowing water will take your well-being with it.
  • You can place not only coins under the rug, but also some seaweed or dry moss.
  • Place a money tree in the southeast in your living room or office.
  • The southwestern part of your home should be illuminated by a lamp with a red shade; red color is a symbol of passion and wealth.
  • Under no circumstances should there be trash bins in the wealth-providing part of your home.
  • In the corner of the northern part of your house you need to place a figurine or figurine of a turtle; it will help attract money.
  • Cactus is a source of negative energy; you should not keep them in your home.
  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises of your home. It spreads more freely in fresh air.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when performing the rituals described above, it is impossible to guarantee that this will happen. It is also necessary that a person has a special attitude towards money, so that he knows how to value it and knows how to count it. Such a home setup only contributes to those people who strive for their financial well-being, make their own efforts.

Well-being is an area in which the result can come completely unpredictably from sources that you are not even aware of. Therefore, a person must always be open to the world.

How to attract luck and money into your life at home? How we all sometimes need a little luck! And it seems that it's all about her. Our success and well-being depend on the favor of the capricious lady luck. IN different times and in different countries people tried to win favor with fortune. Their efforts resulted in various rituals, conspiracies and even teachings that people still trust in our time.

First of all, in order to attract luck and luck into your life, you need to program yourself for well-being. Thoughts materialize - everyone knows about this. And you need to use this property 100%. This is called a "thought form". Often imagine what you dream about. Just be very careful.

For example: one of my friends was very dissatisfied with the inattention and unromanticism of her husband. And she repeatedly painted herself the following picture: she was lying in bed, and her husband was bringing her breakfast in bed. Romantic, isn't it?

But her thoughts soon materialized in a slightly different way - she broke her leg and was forced to lie in bed for a month. The husband, naturally, had no choice but to bring her breakfast, lunch and dinner. That's why main law thought forms - think carefully before making a wish. You cannot influence a person with the power of thought alone; you can only influence circumstances. If your goal, for example, is interesting, money work V good team, then this task is just for thought forms.

Rules for attracting luck and luck

In order to get the desired result, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

Feng Shui techniques to attract good luck

Certain Feng Shui techniques will help improve the situation in a specific area of ​​life. With the help of small manipulations in the apartment, the energy of luck will flow into your home like a river.

There should be no accumulations of unnecessary things in the apartment. Clear your home of clutter. old or unloved clothes and shoes that you don't wear, expired cosmetics and creams, piles of old magazines and newspapers, uninteresting photographs, jars and food containers without lids, broken children's toys, unnecessary gifts and other things that no one wants bring benefits. Don't try to throw everything away in one day. Declutter your house little by little, for example, you can devote only half an hour to this, but every weekend.

Amulets to attract good luck according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui suggests that we place some symbolic objects in certain areas of the apartment. bringing good luck and accumulating well-being in the home. Mentally divide your apartment into 8 zones according to the cardinal directions. Each side will be responsible for a certain area of ​​your life. To revive a particular area, place several talismans “for good luck” in the corresponding zone.

For example, if you are having financial difficulties. place a “money” tree in the southeast of your apartment. a small aquarium with goldfish or an indoor fountain. as well as any valuable items: expensive vase, figurines, rare coins, antiques.

Just don’t overdo it with talismans, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite: a fountain that is too large (not the size of the room) can “wash away” your money, and an area overloaded with symbols will simply stop transmitting energy through itself.

In the southwest, in the zone of love and marriage, under no circumstances should there be portraits and photographs of deceased people, as well as lonely objects. Candlesticks, lamps - there should be two in total, and dolls and other figures must be male and female.

For the well-being of your family and the health of those close to you, it is enough to “revive” the eastern part of your apartment with flowers, you just need to carefully care for them. One very important rule. Do not rearrange all zones at once. Make updates at least every day.

There are also various magical rituals and conspiracies to attract success. They often combine the laws of Feng Shui and thought forms, and often acquire religious overtones.

It is believed that one should go with one’s desires to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - he not only patronizes sailors and travelers, but also helps in the fulfillment of one’s cherished dream. By the way, you can turn to Saint Nicholas for help in attracting good luck at home: to do this, light a candle in front of the icon of the Wonderworker and, after reading the prayer, repeat your wish forty times. Only the desire (remember the thought forms) must contain the final result: if you want to get married, say so, “I want to get married,” and not “I want a handsome groom.”

Magic rituals and rituals to make dreams come true

Another magic ritual to fulfill dreams and attract good luck - “magnetized desire”.

  • Take two small candles (green - for desires related to money, red - for love, blue - for the fulfillment of another dream), a red silk ribbon, a white sheet of paper.
  • Light the candles and write your wish on paper. Wrap a magnet in a piece of paper with a wish and tie it with a silk ribbon.
  • Try to do everything without rushing, thinking through each step well, clearly imagining your dream - during this time the candles should burn out.
  • A magnet with the desire to always carry with you until your plan is fulfilled.

If you want to fix your financial position and attract luck in money matters, resort to the following current method.

  • Place a handful of peas (beans or lentils), tea, and coffee beans in equal proportions into the jar. Mix everything and place in the middle of the mixture iron coin(2.5 or 10 rubles).
  • Say mentally or out loud: “I gratefully accept prosperity and well-being from the Universe. I attract money and luck like a magnet.”
  • Then close the jar with a lid and place it in a secluded place in the southeast of your apartment.

Of course, none of the listed methods and rituals will make money appear in your wallet by itself, and your loved one will suddenly propose marriage.

But after the ritual to attract money, you may suddenly receive a successful offer new job or new clients will appear. After making a wish “for love,” who knows, maybe you will unexpectedly receive an invitation to a holiday, where you will meet your betrothed (if you go, of course). Consider what fate has in store for you lottery ticket, and only you decide whether to erase the protective layer from it or not.

Mantras to attract luck and good fortune

A mantra is a special combination of sounds that, when pronounced, can help a person in any aspect of his life. The set of mantras, or as they are also called the Vedas, represent revelations of God and are used for spiritual development person. The use of mantras is very effective in attracting luck and success in business.

There are many mantras that help various aspects human life. These include: strong mantras for attracting money, wealth, love, success, good luck, etc. For better effect they are pronounced out loud, or in a chant. In order to learn how to sing mantras correctly, you can listen to them on the Internet performed by others. But remember, for the miraculous power of mantras to start working for you, it is you who must resonate with the forces of the Universe, and for this you will need your voice.

How to correctly read strong mantras to quickly attract money

Mantras must be recited at sunrise in a quiet, calm place. Buddhist mantras for attracting money, wealth and material well-being be sure to read according to lunar calendar, with the waxing moon 108 times. In order not to be distracted when counting, they use rosaries with 180 beads.

Before reading the mantra, you need to meditate, think about how you will use what you have received, what opportunities you may have and how your life will change with the advent of material well-being. You can listen to how to correctly read mantras to attract money on the Internet, in various versions. Choose the option that suits you best.

In order to attract money even more, you can charge water with the help of a mantra. If you drink such charged water, it will be absorbed into your body and transfer its energy to you. For the ritual, you need to memorize a mantra, open the window, turn your hands with your palms up towards the moon and quietly chant the mantra out loud. Place a carafe of water nearby so that the light from the moon falls on both you and him. Feel how the moonlight penetrates and nourishes you. The duration of the ritual is 5-10 minutes.

Texts of the most powerful mantras for attracting money, good luck and luck into your life

  1. Mantra of wealth, money, success, luck and luck, peace and fulfillment of desires.
  2. Mantra of Ganesha.
  3. Mantra for success in any business endeavor.
  4. Mantra for purifying karma, good luck and protection from all types of misfortunes.
  5. Main mantra.
  6. A universal mantra for attracting money.
  7. Mantra for gaining and maintaining wealth.
  8. Mantras for well-being, prosperity and attracting good luck in business.

Prayers to attract luck and good fortune

Since ancient times, prayers have helped people find peace and tranquility. The person praying, by turning to a Higher Power, seems to shift problems and responsibility for them onto stronger shoulders. Indeed, as a result, many difficult issues are resolved on their own, and problems lose their urgency.

How it works

Similar prayer spells Luck cards are designed in such a way that they act as a lever that switches you from bad luck to success. It is important after reading to be absolutely sure that now everything will work out for you in the best way. This method of attracting good luck works flawlessly, and even the most difficult situations gradually resolve themselves.

By using these prayers day after day, you change the world around you and attract luck, luck and success in business into your life and the lives of people close to you. You can decide for yourself whether to say the prayer out loud or silently, the main thing is to be sure that everything will work out. We wish you luck around the clock and daily luck.

Morning prayer for good luck

People have long believed that how you greet a new day is how you will spend it. Effective morning prayer will help attract good luck and lift your spirits for a whole 24 hours. After all, in fact, many people are familiar with the popular observation: the mood you wake up in is how the whole day will go.

There are many reasons why we may feel unwell, and our emotional state also brings disharmony into our plans until the evening. But still, we build our own lives, and sometimes even a few phrases can change the mood and attract success.

A prayer for good luck for morning reading is one of those lifesavers that works miracles every day and makes us happier. By using it every day, you will feel a surge of strength, and a smile on your face will appear more and more often.

Immediately after you wake up, read this prayer. You can pray out loud or silently, you can do it in a way that is convenient for you.

To start, smile, put your palms together and say prayer text: “Most Holy Mother of God, thank you for the new day. You are the Mother of God, please protect me from evil and all kinds of misfortune, from vile and envious people. And guide me on the true path, the path of joy and happiness. Help me in all my endeavors, through good and pure people. Send me your love and blessings. Amen".

This prayer must be repeated three times before leaving the house or even taking up morning chores.

Features of the prayer for attracting good luck

This prayer starts working from the first day. The most important condition is the following: you must sincerely believe in what you say. If you read the prayer mechanically, as many say, “for show,” then nothing will work.

While reading, you need to completely surrender to the process and listen only to your body and inner voice. If you think that you will be late because of this reading or what things you need to do in a day, then again nothing will work. Be in the moment here and now.

The Mother of God helps only those who really want it and ask for help with all their hearts. After all, you, too, will not be pleased when, during communication, the interlocutor only pretends to listen, but he himself thinks about something of his own. Likewise, when communicating with higher patrons, there should be complete concentration on the action and words themselves.

At their core, prayers are similar in action to affirmations. These are the same statements, only directed towards To the Higher Powers. Affirmations work more on our subconscious, but are also one of effective ways make life more successful. Therefore, while you believe in God, do not stop believing in yourself. Love yourself, trust the Universe and luck will accompany you.

Video: Powerful prayer for good luck, success and prosperity

Prayers for good luck for every day

Tired of gray everyday life? Tired of nothing happening in your life? We will tell you about prayers for every day that will help make your days more successful and happy.

Our whole life consists of a series of accidents. Oddly enough, our mood and success sometimes depend on little things that we sometimes don’t even suspect. For example, you are trying to impress your boss, but instead he reprimands you about the stain on your blouse left by a gel pen. Such small troubles tend to accumulate and cause us great inconvenience.

Prayer for success in the upcoming task

If you have some difficult business ahead of you, or a serious deal is about to take place at work, such a prayer will help you bring luck to your side. You need to read her text three times before an important meeting:

“Hear me, my Patron Angel. Your kindness and care have accompanied me throughout my life. And now I need your help. Please help me... (further voice your request). Just as you soar in Heaven, and I live on earth, so my business is going smoothly and well. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for good luck and luck in small things for every day

There are people in whom everything works out in their hands: things get done, they succeed in everything, luck and luck accompany them in all matters, everything turns out great for them. And someone is constantly late, forgets their things on public transport, or is sad over a burnt dinner. You never know what can ruin your mood throughout the whole day?

If your day is not going well in the morning, go to the mirror and, looking into your eyes, say the following: “Beyond the sea-ocean lives a shepherd with a ram. He plays the harmonica and takes away all my troubles. I become happy, I share my joy with everyone! Amen"

These words must be repeated seven times without interruption. eye contact. After you finish, be sure to smile at your reflection. This is very effective method attracting good luck in everyday affairs.

Have you ever had problems with money? Although, who didn’t have them? It so happened that now my family is in a difficult financial situation, we started small business, and until it starts to generate good income, count my pennies. At least, that's what I thought until recently.

Just a few weeks ago I shared my thoughts with a friend, and she revealed to me a few of her secrets that help - her own feng shui for money. I tried to put her recommendations into practice, and now I’m sharing them with you.

How feng shui helps

How to attract money using Feng Shui? This practice has existed for a long time, and it is a practice of energetic work with space, matter and information. This is a Taoist practice that is very popular all over the world. What exactly needs to be done to make Feng Shui work to attract money? Work with space in a special way, use amulets and talismans that will help you organize your life so that there is more happiness in it.

What you have to do:

  1. Stock up on talismans;
  2. Make a rearrangement;
  3. Choose a color for certain tasks;
  4. Get acquainted with the traditions of the East.

Looking for a zone of wealth

Choose the southeast corner or window in the house - it will represent the wealth zone in your home. The main element for this area is wood. It could be a money tree, or just some objects, symbols, images of a tree. The main colors that will help activate the wealth zone are shades of green and purple.

Any symbols associated with seething energy, growth, and movement will also help to activate the wealth zone. The best activator of the wealth zone will be the money tree.

Money Tree

The main money tree is Crassula, commonly known as Crassula. You've probably seen it - a not too tall tree with a dense trunk and round, dense leaves.

But my friend revealed to me the second meaning of caring for the money tree. It turns out that when a person regularly thinks about his own enrichment, and takes care of the tree in every possible way (which, as we remember, symbolizes growth and prosperity), then his energy changes, becomes more positive, suitable for cash flow.

For a tree to flourish, multiplying your wealth, it must be located in the south-eastern part (whether it is a house or an apartment), it must be watered regularly (the water should be at room temperature), and it must also have enough light. It is best to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

Talismans and wealth sector

However, feng shui to attract money suggests not only placing a money tree in a room or some corner of the apartment. Exist various talismans, which will help keep the house in prosperity and wealth. Money abundance can be affected various items.

What else can be stored in the apartment in order to save monetary well-being? Such talismans can be fountains or aquariums with fish. In order for the fish to also influence the well-being sector, the aquarium should be placed in the south-eastern part of the apartment or house.

Turtles and special Chinese toads - on three legs, with coins in their mouths - are considered good, potent talismans. Such figurines are often found in small oriental shops. You can place such a toad not only in the south-eastern part of the house; the hallway is also suitable.

Quite often, coins are used as a talisman - it is generally believed that if you tie three coins with a red ribbon and store them in the well-being zone or in your wallet, well-being will increase. And if you knit not three coins, but nine, then the resulting structure should be hung at the entrance to the house.

To attract happiness, a figurine of Hottei is often used. Hottey - also often called the laughing Buddha - is the god of happiness, the god of fun and prosperity. This god helps to take away suffering, he gives happiness, power and wealth. It is generally accepted that this little plump god digests all human sorrows and gives happiness and good luck from his bag. God Hotei can stand anywhere in the house, but you should not place it in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom. Best places at home - the master bedroom, living room or hallway will become a wonderful living space.

However, it should be taken into account that in different places At home, the god Hottei will carry different meanings. If you place it in the eastern sector in the common room, then prosperity will come to the house. The God of happiness and good luck, placed in the office, will save its owner from stress and sorrow.

The role of color in feng shui

It is very important to take into account the color scheme during Feng Shui rituals. For example, the god Hottei in a red robe will help protect the house from quarrels. The golden color predominant in the apartment will strengthen the wealth sector and help it establish a strong cash flow.

There is no single advice on how to choose correct color for this or that thing that will fall into the wealth sector. It is recommended to put something there that has green color or purple, but this is universal advice.

For example, if you consider it necessary to place an aquarium in the well-being sector, then it is better that the color of the fish is not uniform - of course, gold has a great effect on wealth, but black helps protect your cash flow, and red reduces the likelihood of quarrels over money.

Feng Shui is an ancient and rather complex practice, and you shouldn’t think that a toad bought for next to nothing will immediately improve matters. First of all, you need to pay attention to activating one or another sector of the house.

How to make the zone work:

  • clean up and maintain cleanliness and order, positive energy does not like garbage, dust;
  • throw out all the trash from the house - do not store broken or outdated things that are not used;
  • photographs of deceased people should not be stored in active zones;
  • It is recommended to place it in each sector.
For rituals that focus on the element of wood, you can use twigs and any wooden things (or even just blocks of wood). Also for money rituals candles will come in handy (they can be placed in the wealth sector); the element of earth in the wealth sector can be represented by any stone. For example, a figurine of a turtle from natural stone- Feng Shui recommends using jade products, considering it the most valuable stone for the home.

It is worth thinking about where to put the amulets - they should not fall, they should not gather dust, they should evoke joy and a smile.

It is better to choose the color of amulets in accordance with the instructions of Feng Shui.

I listened to these tips, chose a new color for my wallet, figured out where to put the talismans and filled my home with the energy of money - the house became much quieter and calmer, and I turned my favorite chest of drawers into a real money altar. There I have several talismans, among which there are Hottei and animals skillfully carved from stone.

And you know, it really works - I was paid the long-promised fee, my husband signed a lucrative contract that helps our business not only stay afloat, but also make a profit. Remember, happiness and well-being in your home depends only on you!

Many people ask the same questions: how to attract money using feng shui? How to get rich? Why do some people get everything so easily? Let's try to highlight this problem from the point of view of Feng Shui. Of course, the Chinese metaphysics of Feng Shui does not strive to become the final authority in attracting monetary energy - but it can give good advice, and look at this problem from a wider range.

According to Feng Shui, money is not just a piece of paper printed by a bank specific country, first of all, it is monetary energy. Have you ever noticed that some people have money in their literally fall from the sky, and they do nothing to attract them, and they haven’t even heard of Feng Shui. The fact is that according to Feng Shui, you and I are also a collection of certain types of energy - And that’s why some people simply love money.

If you do not consider yourself one of those lucky ones, then you will be interested in how you can attract money with the help of Feng Shui. The main problem of lack of money must first be looked for within ourselves, as it was said above that we are something other than a walking “Human QI”, and without realizing it we ourselves can block money energy or be in conflict with it. In order to understand this, we need to look deep inside ourselves and understand what the reason could be, and there can be many of them, right down to ancestral karma. In the latter case, we will not be able to significantly influence the situation, but with the help of Feng Shui we can soften this influence and attract material values ​​so that money can flow.

We have dealt with the first influence, now let’s move on to the next important one, which we can have a direct effect on, in fact this is the Feng Shui of the house and the surrounding space. With the help of which we will attract money, that is, monetary energy.

The influence of bad feng shui at home on money energy

The first step is to eliminate the negative factors of bad feng shui in the house that block the flow of monetary energy.

1. Pay attention to the front door of your house; if it squeaks, be sure to lubricate it. It should close and open freely. In Feng Shui, the creaking of a door can be compared as if you went fishing with a loud tape recorder on your shoulder, it is clear that you will not catch a fish.

2. There should be enough light in the hallway of your home. If there are burnt out light bulbs, do not hesitate, replace them as quickly as possible. Bright light in the hallway attracts qi energy, and with it monetary energy.

3. Check your pipes for leaks; they should be dry. After all, along with smudges, monetary energy can also flow away.

If you have at least one of the negative factors listed above in your home, it will be difficult to attract money using Feng Shui, so be sure to eliminate them.

Pay your attention to the South-Eastern sector, it is he who is responsible for wealth and prosperity in your home. If there are rubble there, clear them out and put everything in order; for this, read the article at the link.

Another strong factor influencing strong influence for all feng shui zones, and accordingly for the wealth sector - is the central sector of health in your home. This sector is located in the middle, see. There should be no blockages or other negative factors in the Central Sector.

So we answered the question: how to attract money Feng Shui. As you probably already understood, we can only influence monetary energy by changing the interior and surrounding space. But what about our internal feng shui? And here we can also influence, with the help of ours. But if you want to delve into the study of Feng Shui in more detail, then you should turn your attention to Ba Zi - this aerobatics in Chinese Metaphysics.