Browser game is the main caliber. Main Caliber - Marine MMO Action

  • 05.08.2019

Main Caliber – ship shooter with realistic physics and historically accurate models of military ships, aimed at fans of brutal pieces of iron, which not only somehow miraculously stay afloat, but at the same time manage to spit thousand-kilogram shells at each other. In general, welcome to the world of thundering gun turrets, torpedoes and floating mines from the First and Second World Wars.

Battles on ships of the first half of the 20th century are a phenomenon in game world quite rare. Of the worthy projects, I can only remember a series that was stuck on the stocks. In “Main Caliber” we view the battlefield from a third person, controlling one ship, but you can also switch to a top-down view, as in the Korean Navy Field.

The emphasis on controlling a single ship has its strengths and weak sides. On the one hand, it is much easier to control one ship, on the other hand, in massive battles a critical factor is team game. Even if you take into battle something extremely heavy, for example, the battleship Yamato, then without the help of light ships you will only be able to do one thing - feed the sharks the bodies of 2,500 sailors. Of course, the 460-mm caliber is an extremely convincing thing, but try to hit a nimble torpedo bomber with such guns and you will regret that you invited only lovers of “something heavier” to the squadron.

However, we still have to live to see Yamato. As in any good MMO, Main Caliber has a leveling system that step by step unlocks the products of the naval industrial complex chosen power. On this moment the game offers only one side - but according to the laws of the genre and, judging by the efforts of the developers, local shipyards will soon be stocked with all sorts of Bismarcks, Hoods and Missouris.

The authors’ bold decision to implement random generation of locations deserves special attention. In other games, cards are something definite and unchanging, while in Main Caliber each battle carries an element of surprise, regardless of the battle format: 1 on 1 or 5 on 5. And although at this stage of its existence the game looks like a fledgling chick, she has the makings of be healthy.

February 25, 2015

Main Caliber (eng. Main Guns) - driving and dynamicin the increasingly popular naval theme.

The game is based on fast and intense artillery duels, where any mistake can cost you victory. Basic mode For now it’s a team deathmatch with capturing points, but the developers promise to soon expand the list of modes. In general, diversity is largely at the forefront here. You won't be able to memorize maps - the generation system creates a unique battlefield for each battle. Soon we will implement dynamic weather. The fleet of ships, already quite large, continues to actively expand, and each enemy requires an individual approach.

The development system in the game is made according to the classical scheme, but with its own “tricks”. You have national experience and international silver, intended for research and purchase of the ships you like. Each ship has a hold where you can place 1-8 very expensive bonuses - for example, +10% to survivability or +15% to the armor-piercing power of guns. What to choose is up to you. Thanks to this system, familiar ships will sparkle with new colors more than once, and you will be able to surprise the enemy with extra damage or thicker armor. There was a place in the game for the crew, which was also quite extraordinary. The main feature is dynamic development. Those crew characteristics that you use most often increase. For example, only those players who can shoot accurately will have truly experienced artillerymen.

Main Caliber is a game in the current genre, offering a fresh look at seemingly familiar things and captivating with fast and dynamic gameplay.

Votes 26

Review of the game Main Caliber

Main Caliber- a naval shooter that invites you to try on captain's shoulder straps, feel like a real commander, admire the bright explosions and have a good sniff of gunpowder. And although the game does not yet know how to convey smells, there is more than enough of the rest here.

Before the battle begins, you have to choose a nation and a ship. Currently, only the USA and Japan are available in the Main Caliber game, but the developers have plans for other nations. In the port, the old “Yubari” and “Omaha” are waiting for you, ships of the early 20th century with inexperienced, completely “green” crews. Whether you can become the owner of the crushing Japanese Yamato or the proud American battleship Iowa depends only on you.

The battles in the game “Main Caliber” are a classic 5x5 team deathmatch, but with its own nuances. There are points on the map, the capture of which will lead to victory, so you won’t be able to sit in an ambush here. A map generator has been implemented - each battle should begin with thinking through a plan of action, otherwise there is a high risk of getting a torpedo in the stern. As soon as the enemy is detected (and special reconnaissance aircraft will help you with this), the dance of death begins. The ships exchange volleys of guns and skillfully dodge enemy fire (those who do not dodge skillfully immediately go to the bottom). Compared to other games, you will have to learn how to shoot again - in order to accurately place a salvo in some “Mogami”, you need to calculate the correct lead and try to predict the enemy’s maneuver.

With crews, things are not so simple here either. Units of artillerymen, engineers and engine mechanics upgrade 9 main characteristics. No “skill points” - leveling up depends only on your behavior in battle. If you shoot accurately, the accuracy of the artillerymen increases. Don't forget about repairs - engineers learn their work.

Exciting naval battles in Main Caliber will undoubtedly appeal to everyone who misses hot and dynamic battles.

Main Caliber, 6.5 out of 10 based on 26 ratings

I decided to write short review based on the game Main Caliber. The game is not new, it was released in May 2015, it was and remains the only browser game in which the player can control a real warship, from a destroyer to a battleship. In mid-2016, the game was released in a client version.


The genre of the game is an arcade simulator with a third-person view, very similar in essence to World of Warships And Steel Ocean from the Chinese, but differs significantly from them in terms of gameplay dynamics. If in World of Warships, playing on a battleship, you can go drink tea while you wait for the towers to turn towards the enemy, then in the Main Caliber during this time they can kill you ten times, or significantly reduce your combat effectiveness. A minute or even a second, an accurate volley or, conversely, a timely maneuver that allowed you to dodge the volley, can decide the outcome of the battle. If you are a fan of the BKR (cheerful ship's chopper), then you will like it. In general, at first glance, a simple toy... swim and shoot.

Where to begin

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At the beginning, you find yourself in a port and choose the first nation with which to start the game. As of spring 2017, there are four of them - Russia, Germany, USA and Japan. Germany, by the way, came out recently, and so far they only have a branch battlecruisers. Battleships are promised soon, and everything else will follow.

The branches of ships are slowly but surely growing. There are already more than 100 different ships in the game. Recently they added another top of Japan - A140. By the summer they say they will add a second branch of US battleships with the battleship Montana in the final.

The nation has been chosen, you can press the button for battle. Let's go give it to everyone left and right. Stop not everyone. The game, in general, is a team game, and everyone who is on your team is for you, for you! There is no need to shoot at them!

It's fun to sail on the initial ships - the cannons fire close by and there are few torpedoes. Well, unless you come across an armadillo, it’s difficult to sink it... a tenacious iron! It is heavily armored and shoots very painfully. But if you push together, you can drown him even on the initial ships. What's the main thing? The main thing is not to rush and watch what others are doing, and then it depends on the situation.

Graphic arts

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The graphics, to be honest, are not cake. Let's just say it's a weak graphic by today's standards. The developers are improving something all the time, but frankly speaking, everything is moving slowly for them in this regard. At first the game was browser-based, we had to save resources, but now everything has been transferred to the client, but the graphics and effects have not yet reached the required level. In general, of course, it’s not for everybody. The ships look like Lego, bright and colorful, and their detailing is certainly not like World of Warships with their super realism. If you want graphonia, then of course this is there. In the Main Caliber, everything is modest with the graphic... yes.


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For all its simplicity of the “shoot and swim” formula, the game has many implicit tricks that it would be good to know in order to swim and shoot, and not swim and sink. By the way, the ship is sinking, listing and flooding! A hit from torpedoes is caused by deferment, and if you catch a couple of torpedoes with your bow, you can stand so that the propellers come out of the water, and the bow of the ship, on the contrary, goes under the water. You can even catch an overkill - they will turn over. But this is a rare thing.

Let's go further - the ship has armor. The armor can be pierced, partially pierced, or not pierced at all. The armor may be damaged or knocked down completely, and then your ship will be much less able to withstand the attack. Penetrating armor depends on many factors, but most often one main rule works - if you shoot from the maximum distance, you will almost always penetrate. You come to half the distance - you can’t break through anyone, no matter how hard you try.

There is a lot more there - the crew, modules in the hold of several types, tactics and strategy, etc. I won’t write about everything... it will take a long time.

So actually I wanted to write about the gameplay. The game is dynamic, sometimes even very dynamic. The battle can be decided in a couple of minutes, the flagship is sunk and that’s it, hello... one against three is no longer possible, or almost impossible. There is almost no dependence on capturing zones in the game. Basically everyone plays until everyone is drowned. A global map has recently appeared. But the truth is only for experienced players and fleets. They say that everything is very tough there. Double damage, and the firing range is higher than in normal mode. They say that they will soon make it so that the fleets can fight for dominance on global map. In general, they are still doing it.

Well, what else, the boats, of course, spin and turn completely unrealistically. Destroyers are generally very nimble; when turning, the ships noticeably roll from side to side and sway.


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Compared to World of Warships, the dynamics are so wild. They just have lazy cockroaches there, not ships. In general, if you want a cheerful ship's rubilovo, welcome to Main caliber.

I need to say a few words about the people, of whom there are not very many in the game. Frankly speaking, not many people play, but the people are friendly and everyone knows each other. If anything, you can join the navy - they will teach you everything and show you how to become a real sea wolf.

This is a game about boats. For those who love naval battles and, by the way, don’t want to worry about downloading 7-8 GB updates, the Main Caliber is definitely suitable. I launched it in the browser, and I don’t want to play.

Review Main Caliber - video