What to do today according to the lunar calendar. The magic of numbers

  • 02.09.2019

The lunar calendar is the oldest of all existing calendars; the solar calendar appeared much later than the lunar calendar. The first lunar calendar was compiled in Ancient Egypt more than six thousand years ago. The modern Lunar calendar for 2019 is based on the knowledge of ancient civilizations, and also contains up-to-date information about cyclical movement The moon and the change of lunar phases.

The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days, passing through four days: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. Since ancient times, these phases of the moon have been celebrated in all lunar calendars. The first lunar day is counted from the moment of the new moon. And each time the new moon begins in a new zodiac sign. It is with this in mind that our

Different phases of the Moon have different effects on the surrounding nature and humans. New moon, full moon, days of the first and last quarter The moons are a time of intense interaction between the Sun and Moon. During these phases of the Moon, it is better not to plan important things and not to start anything new. Is not favorable days.

It is best to start new things on the waxing Moon, preferably soon after the new moon, and complete things on the waning Moon, but in such a way that you have time to complete them by the new moon. The most favorable lunar days days are considered when an aspect of 60 (sextile) or 120 (trine) degrees between the Sun and the Moon is formed in the sky.

will help you navigate the phases of the moon and manage your time more optimally. A full lunar cycle consists of 30 days, and such a month is considered perfect. In handicapped moon month , consisting of 29 days, unfavorable days

will be really difficult.

We bring to your attention a monthly calendar indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days. Lunar calendar 2019 will allow you to always be aware of what the Moon is now and what phase of the Moon it will be without the need for visual observation. The lunar calendar for 2019 will help you plan your affairs with the least loss of time and effort.


Cleaning the soul and conscience.

A good time for creative and intellectual work. Be careful with your emotions. Keep your feet warm. Modernization can begin. This is a good time to solve complex problems.

March 26, 2019


Cast aside all doubts and accept your transformation.

This is a day of revelations, discoveries, spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts. Internal transformation is possible. Be open to things that happen on this day. It is advisable to be in the company of like-minded people; their opinions can help open your eyes to many things. This is the day of liberation.

March 27, 2019


Day of justice, uniting people and moving forward.

This is a day of indomitable advancement. Active and creative. This is a day of conclusions, training, testing and testing of professionalism. This is an auspicious day for group activities. It's good to change jobs or start a journey.

Fun and activity. Well suited for concluding contracts and submitting any applications.

Don't overload yourself. Good day for a massage. Hand care procedures and manicures are recommended. Take a trip if possible.

March 28, 2019

A good moment to plan and launch important things.

March 30, 2019


Create something new by destroying the unnecessary.

This is a day of rebirth of energy. The forces of nature are most active, increasing physical strength. This is a very good day for contacts with the opposite sex.

This is a favorable day for construction, for launching new enterprises, for starting renovations.

Take care of your feet.

March 31, 2019


This is a day of rest. Period of hypersensitivity and concentration.

You must listen carefully to your inner voice. Take your time.

Increased interest in everything unknown and new. A good time for meetings and conferences. An undesirable moment to visit government agencies.

Then move on to internal meditation, which will help you clear your mind and feelings. Choose any practice that suits you.

About dreams

on the 19th lunar day

This is a difficult lunar day, and dreams can also be unpleasant. Therefore, if you have bad dream, read any prayer after sleep, or simply say “Where there is night there is sleep” and imagine how the dream disappears. On this day, do not try to interpret dreams yourself; it is better to turn to professionals. Today dreams are hidden psychological problems subconscious.

Gardening for today

Scorpio days are leaf days with descending energy.


  • collect and dry medicinal herbs.
  • mowing the grass.
  • grafting of trees and shrubs.
  • regenerative pruning of old trees.


  • tree trimming.

An ordinary lunar day lasts from the rising of the moon until its next rising. The lunar day is almost an hour longer than the solar one, and the moonrise the next day always occurs later than on the previous day. Lunar days for business and business can be either successful or completely unsuitable.

Lunar days for affairs and business

The first and thirtieth days of the lunar month can be of different lengths - from several minutes to almost a day. The shorter the first lunar day, the more energy and the more intense the processes occurring on this day.

The thirtieth lunar day (29th moonrise) does not happen every lunar month, just like the first lunar day, it can be of different durations. It lasts from moonrise on this day until the moment of the new moon.

If this day lasts several hours, this is a gift from heaven, which makes it possible to fully use the energies of this day for your benefit and adjust your life better side. A full lunar month includes 30 days, such a month is considered perfect.

In a defective lunar month containing 29 days, all satanic days will be truly satanic. This is the triumph of illusions and permissiveness. Our whole life is subordinate to the moon.

Every event, a random coincidence of circumstances, our relationship with this world, our inner freedom, our peace and our fears, our victories and defeats - everything obeys the lunar rhythms. The lunar calendar will help you with this.

The first lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Lamp.


But be careful - any “scenarios” for the development of events will definitely play out during the lunar month. But there is no need to start new things - limit yourself to plans and dreams for now.

Second lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Cornucopia.


On this day, a person, concretizing his desires and possibilities, creates his own Destiny. Therefore it is important to do right choice: what do you want to see in your destiny and what not. You should take documents, concluding contracts, making acquaintances, purchasing and proposals seriously. On this day, it is advisable to avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions.

Third lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Leopard.


This is a period of active struggle, pressure and aggression. Passivity is unacceptable. How you build your relationships, situation, affairs, etc. today, they will be like this for the entire lunar month.

And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then this should be done on this day. You should pay attention to any suggestions, since they can very often have a positive effect.

The fourth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Tree of knowledge.


This lunar day is the first among unfavorable ones. It carries a dual characteristic: it is positive and negative at the same time. You need to try not to make hasty decisions. Group work is contraindicated.

Auspicious day to appreciate own strength, analyze and plan the prospects of what you can accomplish in the future. On this day, you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all areas of life.

Fifth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Unicorn.


One of the most important days. If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is a day of objective assessment and improvement of activities of any kind, and of business qualities in a person. Everything works out! Set goals and achieve them, assertiveness is justified. But be faithful to principles and duty.

Sixth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Clouds, crane.


If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. You can see the real capabilities of partners, the professional competence of employees, and evaluate other opportunities. Good day for scientific research. Gathering information. It is useful to think: what is all this for? Don't take on something you are not competent at!

Seventh lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Rod, rooster, compass rose.


Provocative day. You may be provoked into excessive talkativeness and into uttering thoughtless words. And on this day you can’t chat in vain, and in general it’s better to talk less. All surrounding nature, the whole world responds very sensitively to every word, even accidentally dropped.

Be careful with your words: everything you say will come true. Whatever you wish out loud to someone or yourself, everything will come true. It is especially dangerous to lie on this day. This will become true very soon. But on this day all good wishes will come true.

One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are laid. You can evaluate the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to put in to implement your plan. A day of contemplation and physical peace. Less fuss! It's better to postpone big things. Do only what can be completed quickly. Don't lie.

Eighth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Phoenix, fire.


It’s good to start implementing any plans. The impetus that you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to spend your energy purposefully. Investments of effort and money on this day will give maximum effect. Trips, trips, business trips will be successful.

Ninth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bat.


Satan's day. Anxieties, fears, and dark thoughts are possible. You should be wary of deception and all kinds of temptations. On this day it is very easy to succumb to illusions and seductions. For example, increased self-esteem may appear - try to avoid this, otherwise you will be punished for your pride.

It is better to spend this day in calm, everyday work. It is better not to take on new business - there is a risk of making a mistake in assessing your capabilities and failing the business. It's better not to show emotions. Possible bad luck, receiving bad news. The day on which we receive signs that we need to pay attention to. Labor will increase experience and prudence. Continue things already started.

Tenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Water source, fountain.


A good day for developing partnerships, strengthening connections and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive. It’s good to start a new business, enter into an agreement, make deals, lay the first stone in the construction of anything. It is indicated to begin repairs and construction of a house.

Contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit. Day of expanding connections and strengthening authority! Strengthening relationships. On this day, karmic memory is activated and all events that occur must be considered from this point of view.

Eleventh lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Fire sword.


Victory Day. The most energetically powerful day. You need to be careful with this energy. IN human body wake up powerful forces, and if you don’t know how to handle them, you can inadvertently cause trouble. Everything you do on this day must be done consciously. You need to take action only if you understand the whole process to the end. Required condition- bring the work started to its logical result.

The day will show how natural and harmonious innovations and your endeavors turned out to be for you. The causes of discomfort should be analyzed and ways to eliminate them should be identified. A day of harmonious expansion of areas of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

Twelfth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bowl, heart.


The day will test how much you business qualities correspond to reality. Action day! Cherished dreams come true, and plans take on real shape. It is beneficial to overcome barriers of misunderstanding and find points of reconciliation. On this day it is necessary to show mercy and compassion.

The energy of the day is conducive to doing good to others. It is good to give gifts, give alms, do charity work, fulfill requests, show compassion to those who need it, and you can also make a request yourself. It is favorable to enter into a marriage that will be based on the highest love.

Thirteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Wheel, ring.


The day will test how well you and your activities correspond to your actual accumulated experience and knowledge and other potential. It’s good to combine opportunities and take active action. The moon on this day helps to align desires and possibilities. Watch how your karma manifests itself.

On this day it is good to receive new information- read books that allow us to better understand ourselves and the world. It’s good to start a new learning cycle. The period is good for contacts in the group, teaching. Old problems may appear - take this calmly, try not to be nervous, but somehow smooth them out, or, if possible, calmly resolve them. Having solved problems, you will receive fresh strength for a new life.

Fourteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Pipe.


The day will show how much the efforts you made were sufficient to implement your plans and were directed in the right direction. A good day to free yourself from connections, responsibilities and affairs that scatter your energy and resources, preventing you from focusing on the main thing. Luck accompanies every business. You need to work hard.

Don't miss this day: it is extremely successful for starting any important business. Everything started this day succeeds brilliantly. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance.

Fifteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Snake, jackal.


This is one of the critical days! The period of carnal temptations and astral battles. On this day, the inner serpent of every person is activated. It is good to make specific, but small investments of effort and money to maintain internal activities (home, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending energy and resources.

Sixteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Butterfly, dove.


One of clean days, bright, very calm. The main condition is to constantly be in a state of harmony and balance, even if someone has insulted or offended you. Forgive your colleagues or household members for their unceremonious behavior, but under no circumstances teach them how to live.

A day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions. Moderation, no need for zeal. Try not to show dissatisfaction. Echo of the 1st lunar day. Check if your plans are realistic.

Seventeenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bunch of grapes, bell.


Refrain from business activity. It's a good day for personnel changes. Trips and negotiations aimed at strengthening life both in the work team and at home will be productive. This day is very successful for marriages - such a union will be long, love will never fade away in it.

Eighteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Mirror.


The day will show how much the innovations you introduced and the initiatives you introduced into your reality had a harmonious impact. Harmonization Day internal structure and consolidation of established positions in external environment. A good day to evaluate your obligations.

Maintain justice. Provide help, support, care. Overall a day of good work!

These days surrounding reality will, like a mirror, demonstrate your true essence. Everything that they will say about you on this unpleasant day is true, so don’t be offended, but think about how to get rid of your shortcomings. If they say something nice, rejoice: this is also the pure truth.

Nineteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Spider.


Satan's day. A day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions. Beware of drunks and liars. We receive rewards for pride. The day of our delusions and mistakes.

Twentieth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Eagle vulture.

Motto: Extension".

The day will reward “what it deserves.” The space will balance the internal and external. It is necessary to show maximum humility, humbly accept comments and advice, and objectively evaluate yourself and your activities. Pride on this day is contraindicated.

Day of wisdom, acquisition of new knowledge. Any knowledge is easily absorbed. Educate yourself: read, study languages ​​or computers, do science or learn to embroider - whichever is closer to you.

On this day you can learn new things about yourself and the world. It may open up to you secret knowledge, new ideas and fresh ideas may come to mind original solutions old problems. Solve problems, achieve your goals with the help of the knowledge gained - the day is conducive to this.

Twenty-first lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Horse, herd, chariot.


We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, and get rid of objects that bring more expenses than benefits.

The day is favorable for trips and trips, business trips and moving, but only by land transport. The day is good for buying and selling, entrepreneurial activity on the verge of risk, for trade, procuring food for future use. It’s good to gather in groups and discuss common problems. Successful transition to new job.

Twenty-second lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Elephant.

Motto: Birth".

One of the critical days of the lunar month requires you to take a fresh look at yourself and your activities. On this day, treat any situations, actions, words, thoughts very carefully - you will be able to look into your future. The day when you can find happiness and open the path to achieving it. On this day you can get involved in an adventure. To prevent this from happening, a surge of energy must be directed towards peaceful purposes.

The day is good for finishing any business, any enterprise that will not only be productive, but will also bring with it honor and fame, popularity and prosperity. However, you cannot start any new business, they will be stupid and useless. If your goals are creative, then use the forces of this day for good; if your goals are doubtful, beware: an angry elephant may trample you.

Twenty-third lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Crocodile.


The day of learning your destiny. External energy costs are useless or ineffective. It is recommended to maintain a state of internal concentration. Avoid fuss. Activity on this day is a waste of energy. It is favorable to evaluate the results of your work and the period you have lived.

A day of insatiable appetites, fights, adventures. Anger and aggression. It is necessary to pacify yourself so as not to regret your actions and words later.

Twenty-fourth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bear.


And the internal space and connections should be streamlined. This will contribute to the inclusion of reserves and will allow for more productive activity. On this day it is good to lay the foundation for new big things. In Ancient Egypt, it was on this day that the foundation of the pyramids was laid.

It's good to start implementing global long-lasting projects. A good day to work with personnel - it is useful to thoroughly explain the responsibilities to subordinates.

Twenty-fifth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Turtle.


Day of passivity. It is advisable to spend it in peace and solitude, alone. There is no need to start anything new, but one should complete what has already been started. Do everything slowly, slowly, so that nervous breakdowns do not occur. Protect yourself from accidental contacts and surprises. It’s better to sit in silence, be silent, think about your life. As a result, you will gain new strength and good mood.

Twenty-sixth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Toad.


Dangerous day. People are tempted to argue. This should be avoided. On this day, do ordinary everyday things, some routine work that does not require a lot of thinking and making decisions.

On this day, you may have a desire to brag and exaggerate your achievements. Stop and shut up in time if you feel something like this. Limit contact on this day if possible. Communicate only when necessary and with the most reliable people. Avoid fuss, stupid shopping, and gossip. It is better to save money; there is a danger of wasting it or losing it.

It's very good to meet someone wise man, which will help you soberly assess reality and set you on the right path.

Twenty-seventh lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Trident.


Good luck everyone sea ​​travel, walks along the seashore, water procedures are very useful. This day is very connected with intuition. The day promises many unexpected discoveries. You may unexpectedly discover a way out of difficult situation, which has been haunting you for a long time. On this day it is good to travel, plant flowers, explore the world with unexpected sides. On this day it is advisable to pay off debts.

Think about something high.

Twenty-eighth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Lotus.


One of the most favorable days.

The energy of these lunar days is very harmonious. The main thing is not to disturb its harmony with your behavior. You need to keep your spirits up and try to keep your thoughts and intentions good.

You cannot carry out actions aimed at even the slightest destruction. You cannot dig the ground, pick flowers or kill insects. The day is not intended for vigorous activity - a time of contemplation. Don't make harsh decisions. If you succeed, you will be in these lunar day You can understand something completely new about life. It may even reveal the higher meaning of your existence.

Twenty-ninth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Octopus.


Satan's day, and the most dangerous and terrible of all Satan's days. On this day, you cannot even mentally make any plans, much less start anything new. You cannot trust any promises, rumors or forecasts for the future - there is nothing but deception all around.

One of the critical days! Nature systematizes objects according to the principle of “similarity of destinies” - emerging situations are a reflection inner world. I recommend showing determination and resilience in the face of external influences.

Thirtieth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Golden Swan.


This lunar day does not happen every month. This is a day of love, forgiveness, repentance. Day of transition to new circle development. The day is good for all sorts of things, just don’t start anything new. Summing up the month. Transition to a new stage of life. Don't make plans, wait for the 1st lunar day. It’s good to complete things, pay off debts, and give people joy.

Are you familiar with lunar cycles? Do you know how they affect our daily life? Be sure to look at the updated lunar calendar for 2019, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, what phase of the moon is today, the position of the moon in the zodiac signs, and also favorable lunar days.

You have the opportunity to be informed every day about what is happening in this moment Moon phase. The calendar for 2019 will help you today determine the unfavorable and favorable days of each month of 2019, and will guide you in planning things with the least loss of time and effort.

Find out what lunar day it is today and read what its effects and characteristics are. If you want to improve your life even a little, check this page more often.

Thematic lunar calendars

Scientists continue to argue when exactly the lunar calendar appeared, but so far one thing is clear - it is a useful everyday assistant. You may not immediately identify the phenomena in your life that are described in the 2019 recommendations, but this is normal. After all, all people on earth are different, and the influence of the Moon manifests itself differently on everyone. But observations show that the theme of the Zodiac sign, according to which this moment The Moon moves, very often manifests itself in our emotions, experiences, and real events. Try to take into account the tips of cosmic rhythms in your life, find out what lunar day it is today, what phase it is.

We have posted many different calendars, the main ones on the movement of the Moon. We invite you to briefly familiarize yourself with each of them.

Stylish haircuts and creative hairstyles work wonders and transform people beyond recognition. A responsible step helps you achieve success, make a career, and find a new companion. All this proves that it is better not to surrender to the hands of a stylist on any day, but taking into account the lunar calendar of haircuts for 2019. The power of space has a beneficial effect on hair. By observing the cycles of the moon, you can achieve life changes and improve hair health. The condition of men's and women's curls will noticeably change if the procedures are performed on the recommended lunar day.

Many centuries ago, the lunar calendar helped our ancestors in achieving their goals. Now it is compiled by astrologers for manicures, haircuts, appearance, hair, and body care procedures. The night star, being in certain signs of the Zodiac, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its condition. Advice from astrologers, a correctly selected lunar day means prolongation of youth and the acquisition of beauty. Lunar cycles are taken into account when carrying out procedures for each skin type, age, and gender of a person. You will learn on what day to urgently go to the salon, and when to stay at home and devote yourself to other matters.

Indoor plants, while creating coziness in apartments and offices with their delicate charm, are capricious and demanding of care. The information in the lunar calendar for 2019 is compiled for gardeners, taking into account the position of the celestial body. Knowing the phases of the lunar month, pruning and fertilizing, replanting and propagation of unpretentious flowers and ornamental trees are carried out. If a lunar day has a beneficial effect on a plant, its metabolic processes are activated and growth accelerates; with the opposite effect of celestial bodies, the processes are inhibited. It is better to leave pets alone, creating maximum comfort.

Using the tips of the lunar calendar 2019, experienced and novice gardeners will be able to get rich harvests. Taking into account the lunar cycle, seedlings are sowed in the garden, crops are planted on permanent place, care and weeding, watering ridges and harvesting. Not every lunar day will have a favorable effect on caring for plants, so astrologers’ advice is given by month, week, and even day.

When planning to start a family, it is worth studying the 2019 lunar calendar. A wedding is a special event. By choosing the right day of the moon, you will be able to gain support higher powers, beneficially influencing the fate of newlyweds. Not all phases of the moon are suitable for celebrations. Paying attention to the full moon and new moon will strengthen bonds and prolong happiness.

The Earth's satellite influences its atmosphere more than other celestial bodies. Lunar weather calendar for 2019 is most accurate prediction weather changes. All four phases of the moon and certain sign Zodiac signs make the weather stable or bring cyclones, warming, hurricanes, storms, rains. Meteorological observations have been collected for years. Each lunar day has its own color and can have a beneficial effect on the climate or present unpleasant surprises.

Choosing a day for surgical operation, putting yourself in the hands of doctors, read what is recommended by the lunar calendar 2019. Our fate is dictated by those invisible forces that exist in nature. To heal wounds and cuts, stop bleeding and get well soon celestial bodies influence. There are phases of the moon during which surgical intervention is not recommended. Let the astrologer's advice tell you when intervention is favorable and at what point you should refuse it.

A correctly compiled lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing is the key to the future harvest. It has been noticed that some vegetables and flowers grow, while others wither and dry out. All because knowledgeable people sowing work is carried out during the new moon, and in the second case, lunar cycles were not taken into account. By choosing the lunar phase, you will be able to get a lot of berries, get rid of weeds, have beautiful lawns and get a rich harvest of vegetable crops.

The lunar pregnancy calendar will help those who are planning the birth of an heir. Carrying a child is a pleasant moment, but it should be remembered that, even while in the mother’s womb, the fetus is influenced from the outside. Knowing the phases of the Moon that have a beneficial effect on conception and the formation of the embryo, it will be possible to protect the nascent life from difficulties. Let the 9 months pass in harmony with nature, and let the baby appear on the day when the Earth is ready to give him her care.

Massage is the best doctor for many diseases. The lunar calendar for 2019 recommends that the first sessions be carried out when the moon is waning, so that the illness goes away from the person. The phases of the moon are taken into account when carrying out different types massage for the whole body or individual areas: relaxation is achieved more quickly during the waning moon, the areas of the feet are also massaged during this period. A correctly calculated lunar period for the procedure has a beneficial effect on overall recovery.

If you don’t want to gain weight or urgently need to add a few kilograms, pay attention to the lunar calendar. There are phases of the moon that beneficially help fight gluttony. It is on such a lunar day that you should go on a diet that will transform your shape, improve your health, and relieve many ailments. By taking foods according to a strictly established schedule, relying not only on their own strength, but also on the help of nature, seriously ill patients overcame oncology and the craving for excess nutrition.

Night is the most pleasant time for the birth of love and new acquaintances. And all because the Moon has a beneficial effect on people striving for rapprochement. With the help of the lunar calendar you can increase the number of friends. Remember: when it grows, love intensifies. Follow the advice of astrologers, don’t miss your best lunar day, and loneliness will disappear forever.

On long years The lunar calendar helps maintain skin elasticity. By following his advice, choosing the phases of the moon for masks and facial cleansing, you will be able to prolong your youth. Timely caring procedures at home or in the salon also have a beneficial effect on our body. Having chosen a successful day according to the Moon, try to relax as much as possible and breathe in the strength sent to you from above by nature.

The lunar calendar for 2019 provides invaluable tips on nail care. The knowledge collected over centuries represents a layer of science that allows you to make your hands beautiful. Being in Capricorn, the night luminary has a beneficial effect on the nail plates. These lunar days are used for trimming nails, manicures, pedicures; ingrown nail plates should be dealt with on the waning Moon.

Plants help you win serious illnesses. This has been proven by centuries of practice. Medicinal roots and leaves are not collected at any time. The lunar calendar indicates the timing of collection. It defines the phases of the Moon, during which the plant gives its full power to a person, and it works beneficially for us and our health. On these lunar days, raw materials are being procured.

Not every night is ideal for conceiving a child, if you want to have a healthy, smart, happy heir. The 2019 lunar calendar helps determine the timing of intercourse. Interesting life good luck and great prospect promised to those whose life in the womb began in the 2nd half of the 1st lunar day. The 2nd day has a beneficial effect on the birth of girls, but on the third day you shouldn’t even try, because children are born with a hot temper. The attention of future parents is also drawn to the phases of the moon in order to avoid restrictions in the development of children.

This lunar calendar contains a warning about how a disease that comes to him suddenly will affect a person. The disease will last a long time if its onset coincides with the new moon. The forces of nature will beneficially help the patient if the illness occurs on the 7th, 12th, 15th, 27th, 19th lunar day. There are times when the disease will become fatal or dangerous, so you should seek emergency help immediately.

The bathhouse heals, heals, and tones the organs. With the help of the lunar calendar, you can select for steam room lovers those days when the effectiveness of steam and a broom will have the most beneficial effect on their well-being. No one is calling for canceling your visit to the bathhouse or sauna, but choosing the best lunar day and combining it with water treatments It will not only be pleasant, but also useful. Considering the phases of the moon, try treating your back, making face masks, drinking medicinal teas. Everything will work out and health will come.

It is a good idea to carry out therapeutic and health procedures prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the phases of the moon. You will find hints in the lunar calendar for 2019, where the influence of the planets on the body is described according to the signs of the Zodiac. Choose which cycle to cleanse your kidneys of toxins, and which cycle you can beneficially help yourself heal your genitals, stomach, and intestines. Even for taking herbal teas and performing masks, compresses, and inhalations, there is a specific time.

Delicious food allows the hostess to win the respect and favor of her family and guests. But sometimes your favorite pies and borscht don’t work out. It's not just like that. The lunar calendar for 2019 for preparing dishes tells you in which lunar cycle it is better to work with meat, and when to focus on preparing vegetables, which have a beneficial effect on any body. Don’t forget about the phases of the Moon in 2019: then the dough will be suitable, the porridge will not burn, and the sauce will turn out great.

A note about the Moon

The lunar calendar is a cyclic change of 4 phases of the night star. The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days based on the length of the 1st day, moreover, determined by the proximity of the earth’s satellite to the horizon at the time of the new moon. Lunar day(s) are not always equal in size.

This is because the true cycle of the Moon is approximately 29.5 solar days. The lunar day, like the solar one, consists of four parts: lunar morning, lunar day, lunar evening and lunar night.

  1. The lunar morning continues from the rising of the earth's satellite until its upper culmination, when the Moon passes through the MC. This period of the lunar day can coincide with the beginning of the solar day only in the first days of the lunar month, then it comes later and later, and in the fourth phase of the lunar month of the calendar, the lunar morning begins in the dead of night. This part of the lunar day is the most unstable; at this time a person is excitable, changeable, and finds it difficult to control his emotions. The lunar calendar for 2019 advises people born on a lunar morning to learn to manage their emotions.
  2. The lunar day lasts from the upper culmination to the sunset of the Moon. This period of the lunar day may coincide with a solar day. This lunar period brings high excitability, hidden negative emotions, the peak of emotionality falls on the lunar day, and due to excessive waste of energy, emotional breakdowns can occur. Lunar day is the most favorable time work on yourself. The lunar calendar recommends doing disease prevention and taking medications during this period. A person born in the light manifests lunar qualities more clearly.
  3. The lunar evening continues from the sunset of the night luminary until the moment of the lower culmination. This period brings emotional maturity; at this time it is easier to control your emotions. Lunar evening in the third phase of the lunar month often coincides with a sunny day. At this time, a person strives more for emotional harmony. The lunar calendar reports that a person born in the evening is somewhat inhibited and capable of immersing himself; It is easier for such a person than for other people to abstract himself from problems outside world.
  4. The lunar night lasts from the lower culmination of the Moon until its rising. During a moonlit night, a person becomes more withdrawn and strives for solitude, this is especially evident in people with strong moon. IN moonlit night It is recommended to limit contacts. According to lunar calendar, a person born on a moonlit night, seems to sum up the emotional cycle. The emotions of such a person are hidden deep inside, which can cause depression.

Even before our era, people knew that Moon has an impact on all living things on the planet, the processes of the plant and animal world are subject to its influence, and therefore man is also subject to this force.

Mid-third millennium BC Sumerians, who inhabited Mesopotamia, which was located in the middle and lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the first moon calendar. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the first of the calendars was the lunar one, and not the solar one, as most average people believe.

It is known that the lunar month lasts - 29.5 days, Thus, lunar year includes 354 full days . It is important to take into account that lunar days, as a rule, have different lengths, sometimes they can last only a few hours.

Lunar calendar for 2019 and its significance

For convenient use of knowledge about the influence of the Moon, they have all been grouped into lunar calendar for the year. This calendar includes all months of the year containing detailed descriptions influence of the Moon on each calendar day.

If you want to plan all the things that are important to you most effectively and implement your plans, achieving maximum results, we recommend that you use the full lunar calendar for 2019. It can be used in various fields from personal life to business and career.

Lunar calendar for months and seasons

To provide information about lunar days most succinctly, the lunar calendar for the year is divided into seasons and months. This division allows you to most conveniently find the necessary information several months in advance, and therefore more effectively predict the development of future events.

In addition, the calendar for each month includes information about the movement of the Moon in the zodiac circle, as well as exact time moonrise and moonset for every day.

What are lunar phases and why do they matter?

Why was the lunar calendar first? The answer is simple, the fact is that it is the state of the Moon that is easiest to visually evaluate and calculate the periodic pattern. Thus, the ancient Sumerians were able to identify six main stages that the Moon goes through during the month. These stages are usually called lunar phases.

It is important to note the fact that two of these stages are critical points of lunar activity, we're talking about O New Moon and Full Moon. These days the influence of the Moon becomes especially strong. While the other four phases reflect periods, each of which averages just over seven days. All of these four periods have their own energetic coloring, therefore, when using the lunar calendar, it is necessary to take into account the current phase of the Moon.

Days of the first phase of the moon

When the moon passes growth stage, circumstances are favorable for laying the foundation for future achievements. At this time it is better to hold off active actions, there will be a suitable time for them a little later. Remember that it is during this period that you can most effectively accumulate strength.

Days of the second phase of the moon

Second phase of the moon's growth can give you the strength to carry out your plans, you just have to decide in which direction to act. However, such energy of this period can play with you cruel joke, as situations leading to nervous breakdowns and stress in general are becoming more frequent.

Days of the third phase of the moon

With the beginning waning moon the situation is starting to change. The action period is over and it's time to take stock of everything decisions taken. During this lunar phase, you can give up everything that has become obsolete and enjoy. In general, during this period, your strength will decline, and you will take decisive steps less and less.

Days of the fourth phase of the moon

During this period, you will hardly be able to go to decisive action, because all your previous energy has already dried up and all you have left is to rest and enjoy the fruits of your past successes. However, nothing stops you on the waning moon complete everything you started before.

The influence of the Moon when it is in various zodiac signs

When assessing the advice that the lunar calendar gives for 2019, you should rely not only on the recommendations for the current day and phase, but also pay attention to what zodiac sign the Moon is in today.

During 27.3 days the planet completely passes through the zodiac circle. Of course, such a movement has a very different impact on all processes in nature and people’s lives. Therefore, if you decide to seriously follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, pay attention to what zodiac sign the Moon is in at the moment you are analyzing.

Which lunar calendar to choose?

IN different periods in life we ​​are interested in success in various areas, general recommendations in such situations there is no way around it. That is why the annual lunar calendar over time began to include, along with general recommendations, tips that can be applied in various areas of life, such as business, gardening and personal life. Over time, this approach resulted in the creation of separate thematic calendars, each of which had a narrower focus and was relevant for certain areas of life.

Below are the seven most popular thematic calendars.

How to use the lunar calendar correctly?

If you begin to listen to the advice that the lunar calendar for 2019 gives, you will very soon learn to use the powerful influence of the Moon exclusively for your own benefit. In particular, with the help of the advice of the lunar calendar, you will be able to achieve success in your work, since you will know when to show business activity, it is best to interact with partners, carry out modernization or launch new projects. In addition, in accordance with the lunar phases, you can more effectively take important life decisions, for example, about a change of place of residence, starting a family, the birth of a child or radical change type of activity so that all your changes are only for the better.