Beautiful chessboard. From the school's coaches you will learn about what positions we are talking about and how to determine the value of the pieces in them

  • 15.08.2019

These pieces fit on this classic chessboard.

There are six different pieces in chess - king, queen, rook, bishop, knight and pawn. There are two sets of pieces in chess that differ in color: black and white. Each set contains 16 pieces - one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. Each of these pieces moves on the chessboard in its own way.

Figures are divided into heavy and light. The light ones include the knight and the bishop, the heavy ones include the rook and the queen, pawns are not usually called pieces, and the king, due to its special role in the game, is neither heavy nor light.

To print the picture, click to enlarge. (Opens in a new window)

Arrangement of chess pieces

The first horizontal row is occupied by pieces, the second by pawns.
Starting from the leftmost cell, the figures are arranged as follows:
White pieces - Rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, rook.
Black pieces - Rook, knight, bishop, king, queen, bishop, knight, rook.
The difference is the location of the king and queen. To remember the arrangement, they usually say that the Queen loves her color, that is, the white queen stands on a white square, the black queen on a black square.

Comments: 12

  1. Andrey writes:

    Can I use the image data to create a chess game for my website?

  2. admin writes:

    Andrey, use it. If possible, please provide a link.

  3. Player writes:

    The king does not have the right to castling if he or the rook with which castling is being made has already made a move. You also cannot castling if the square through which the king jumps is located on the battlefield of an opponent’s piece.

  4. Vadim writes:

    (admin) Please tell me, dear site administrator, if I want to take a picture from the site and insert it in the place I need, is it necessary to indicate your site below?

  5. Elena writes:

    And I can use images of some chess pieces in your book?))

  6. AndryU writes:

    Great figures. Can I use them on my website?

  7. admin writes:

    I do not check who and where on the Internet uses my drawings of chess pieces. If you need them, use them for your health.

    Vadim, if you use a picture from the site directly, as you described, then you do not need to provide an additional link.

  8. Nikolai writes:

    Good afternoon, do you have any pictures of chess pieces in vector format?
    If possible, please send them to me by email.
    Thank you

  9. Irene writes:

    And I will use your information to create a note for my 6-year-old son :)) Thank you for the concise and important explanations!

  10. Roma writes:

    Wonderful figures, wow.

  11. I'm a god you're a sucker writes:

    cool figures

  12. Tatiana writes:

    My four-year-old grandson decided to play chess. And I last time played 40 years ago. I really, really forgot. I had to get out. I put the game aside for a while and, thanks to you, I recalled the main points in my memory. The game didn’t last long, but apparently I’ll have to stop by to see you more than once. We will learn to play at the same time.

In chess there are 6 various types pieces: king, queen, rooks, bishops, knights and pawns. Chess is played by two people: one with black pieces, the other with white pieces. Each player has 16 pieces (combat units): one king and queen, two rooks, two knights and a bishop, and 8 pawns. Each figure moves differently...

For example: grandmaster Atalik Suat could not learn how a knight moves for about a year!!!

In our school, you or your child will learn to walk with all their figures in 1-2 hours!

This is what it looks like. Below and to the left of the chessboard are letters and numbers. They are called CHESS NOTATION.

Our trainers will talk about the author's developments for quickly and effectively learning notation.

Thanks to the notation, each field has its own name, for example: a3, e5, c4, h6, etc. The notation is used to make it possible to record each move made. First, the piece that makes the move is recorded, then the field from which it moves, and at the end - the field it resembled. For example: Ng1-f3, e2-e4, d2-d4, etc.

Each figure has its own designation.

Russian designations of pieces: king (KR), queen (F), rook (L), bishop (S), knight (K), pawns are not designated in any way. When they move, only squares are indicated (this can be seen above: e2-e4, d2-d4, etc.).

English designations for pieces: king (K), queen (Q), rook (R), bishop (B), knight (N).

Also, figures can be indicated by small drawings.


Many incompetent chess players call the king the most powerful piece. This is wrong.

During lectures with our trainers you will learn that

The King is the most IMPORTANT and MAIN figure, without which you cannot play according to the rules. All chess pieces have their value, but not the king. According to the rules, you can't beat him - that's why it's impossible to say how much he costs.

The diagram shows the possible moves of the king and its schematic representation.

The king can move to any adjacent square next to him in any direction (horizontally, diagonally or vertically), but only if this field is not attacked by enemy pieces or occupied by his own. The king hits in the same way as he moves, that is, he can eat any enemy piece standing nearby (if it is not protected).

In chess, there is a situation where the king can move to more squares. This is called castling.

Castling is a joint move of the king and the rook: the king moves two squares towards one of the rooks while simultaneously moving the rook to the square traversed by the king. Castling on the kingside is called short castling (denoted 0-0), castling on the queenside is called long castling (denoted 0-0-0). Castling is impossible in cases where the king stands on a square attacked by an opponent or at a time when it is already attacked. Also, according to the rules, you cannot castle if the king crosses the square attacked by the opponent.

The chessboard is divided into two flanks: queen (lines a, b, c, d) and king (lines e, f, g, h). The flanks get their names from the position of the pieces (the queen initially stands on d1, the king on e1).


The queen is the strongest piece. She moves both as a bishop and as a rook (we will look at the moves of the bishop and rook later).

The queen can move along diagonals, verticals and horizontals to any number of squares. It hits the same way.

The diagram shows the possible moves of the queen and its schematic representation.

At the beginning of the game, each opponent has one queen. The white queen is initially located on the d1 square (up to the “a” line - this is the queen’s side; this was described above), the black queen is on d8.

Our experienced coaches will tell you about the inappropriateness of introducing the queen into the game early.

How formerly queen enters the game - the higher the danger that he will be attacked by weaker opponent pieces. Trading the queen for any piece other than the enemy queen is unprofitable (after all, the queen is the strongest).

Also, upon enrolling in our school, you will learn:

A chess game is divided into three stages: debut - the beginning of the game (stage 1), middlegame (from German mittel - middle, spire - game) - middle of the game (stage 2), endgame (from German end - end, spire - game) - end of the game (stage 3).

In the initial position, white and black have 20 possible moves(4 moves with knights and 16 moves with pawns). You can verify this yourself (when you find out how all the pieces move).

Conclusion: there are 400 ways to play just the first move on both sides. Further more...


The rook is the second most powerful piece after the queen. Two rooks are approximately equal in strength to the queen, but may be stronger than it.

The rook moves along the verticals and horizontals to any number of squares. It hits too.

At the beginning of the game, each player has two rooks. They are located in the corners of the board (fields a1, h1, a8, h8).

Many people who are far from chess call the rook a tour.

From our trainers you will learn that this piece is called a rook. This way and only this way!

The rook can also make moves differently than described above. This move is castling (long and short) - see the "king" figure.

From our coaches you will learn what a rook endgame is and why it is the most difficult and most common...


The bishop is noticeably weaker than the rook and significantly weaker than the queen, but is approximately equal in strength to the knight.

Our school coaches will talk about these situations

For example: it is possible to checkmate a lone king with two bishops, but not with two knights (with proper defense).

At the beginning of the game, each opponent has two bishops. They are located on squares c1, f1, c8, f8. Each side has a WHITE-SIDED and BLACK-SIDED bishop. It will be more clear after you learn how an elephant walks (see diagram).

The bishop moves along diagonals. Now it is clear that he can only control half of the board (32 out of 64 squares). One white bishop controls the white squares, the other controls the black squares. Black's bishops are no different.

The elephant beats in the same way as it walks. If an enemy piece comes across his way, he can take it away by standing on its square.

When you have two bishops, and your opponent has a bishop and a knight (or two knights), then it is generally accepted that there is approximate material balance on the board.

From our experienced trainers you will learn that having two bishops is almost always an advantage and learn how to use it

It is incorrect to call a bishop an OFFICER (just as a rook is a TOUR and a queen is a QUEEN).

An erudite, experienced and strong specialist will help you understand the correct names of chess pieces


The knight is considered one of the weakest pieces, although it also happens that it is better to have a knight than a bishop. In exceptional cases, the horse may even be stronger than the queen(!!), however, like any weaker figure can be better than a stronger one.

You will learn about such cases from our trainers (one of the more entertaining topics)

A chess knight is most similar to an ordinary knight (which cannot be said, for example, about a bishop and a rook).

At the beginning of the game, both sides have two knights. They are located on squares b1, g1, b8, g8. Learning to walk as a horse is difficult (this was mentioned at the beginning of the article), but...

Your child will be able to learn this in a short time and in an accessible, even playful form thanks to the experienced staff of the chess school

In the diagram the knight is on square e4. From here he can go to 8 different fields (and in eight directions).

Help: A knight, king and queen can move to eight from one square different directions. Bishop and rook - only in four.

Let's list where the knight can go from square e4: f2, d2, c3, c5, d6, f6, g5, g3.

The horse moves in a kind of zigzag - through an adjacent field (even an occupied one) vertically or horizontally, then moving away from its original position to one of the adjacent fields diagonally.

Simply put, the knight moves in the letter “G”: two fields vertically and one horizontally, or vice versa - two fields horizontally and one vertically.

The knight is very strong in closed positions (when the pawns of both sides are against each other), since it is the only piece that can jump over obstacles in its path.

The previous information about the horse is a drop in the bucket from what you need to know about him. You will learn about everything else by enrolling in our school.


The pawn is the weakest combat unit, which is not even considered a piece. A pawn is just a pawn.

At the beginning of the game, the sides have 8 pawns. White is located on squares a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2. Black is located on squares a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, f7, g7, h7.

The pawn moves only one square vertically forward. True, from the initial field, she can go two fields forward at once.

Since the pawn is the weakest, all other pieces are valued at pawn equivalent. So,

At our school you will learn that:

- a knight and a bishop are worth approximately three pawns each;

- rook - approximately 5 pawns;

- queen - approximately 9 pawns.

There is no 100% specificity, since a lot depends on the specific position on the board, and therefore it is impossible to say for sure.

From the school's coaches you will learn about what positions we are talking about and how to determine the value of the pieces in them

According to their location, pawns are divided into rook, knight, bishop, and central (queen and king). The name of a pawn is determined by the name of the piece behind it.

A pawn captures differently than it moves (unlike other pieces):

And she hits diagonally (one field diagonally). (See diagram).

Since the pawn is already the weakest, it is endowed with one more interesting ability: take on the pass.

The diagram shows the “jamming on the pass” in dynamics. The black pawn moves from d7 to d5 and crosses the d6 square, which the white pawn attacked. In this case, the white pawn has the right to take the black one and move to the square it originally attacked, that is, d6.

You will learn more about this possibility of pawns from the lectures of our school, under the supervision of professionals in 1-1.5 hours

One more unique ability pawn is promotion to any piece.

Let's imagine that in the position on the diagram, the white pawn stood on e7 (where the arrow begins) and moved to e8 (where the arrow ends). Consequently, the pawn was like the last rank (for White it is the eighth rank, for Black it is the first). In this case, the pawn has the right to transform into any piece (of course, except for the king - after all, he is the most important and each side can only have one). The diagram shows which pieces a pawn can choose for its promotion (queen, bishop, rook, knight). Almost always, a pawn is promoted to a queen, since the queen is the strongest piece (why promote to something weaker?)

Our school's trainers will tell you about situations when it is advantageous to promote a pawn to pieces other than the queen. This is illustrated with interesting and instructive examples.

Chess pieces are divided into light and heavy. Lungs - horses and elephants. Heavy - rooks and queen. The king is not a light or heavy figure (simply the most important). Pawns are not pieces at all.

Chess has been one of the most popular games in the world for centuries. You can play them: at home and in the office, after work and during lunch break, in an open space and under the canopy of a comfortable gazebo, in the park and on the beach, in a train, car, bus, passenger plane, on a yacht, in spaceship etc. The game requires 16 white and 16 black pieces, which can be factory-made or made independently, including from thick paper. So, how to draw a chessboard

Source material and tools

The board, which serves as a field for a chess battle, can also be independently drawn on a cardboard or plywood sheet, in the very simple version it can be painted on the asphalt. Depending on the current situation, to create a board you may need:

  • thick cardboard sheet, plywood or any other sheet material;
  • tape measure, ruler or other measuring instrument;
  • straight bar or cord;
  • automotive enamel or nitro paint of 2 contrasting colors;
  • pencil, felt-tip pen (black), chalk, etc.

Algorithm for making a board

  1. First of all, before drawing the chess board, you need to make markings. Using a measuring tool and a pencil (felt-tip pen, chalk), draw a square to fit the board. Now you need to divide the top, bottom and two side lines into 8 equal-sized parts.
  2. If this marking is accurate, the lines connecting the corresponding points at the bottom and at the top of the square will be parallel. In the same way, the lines with which you must connect the marking points on the two sides of the square will be parallel to each other.
  3. As a result of drawing connecting lines from top to bottom and from left to right, we obtain a grid that divides the initial large square into 64 small identical squares. Everything will turn out well and beautifully if you use a straight ruler when drawing lines.
  4. Each column of 8 cells must be designated by a letter of the Latin alphabet: from “a” to “h”. The designation is written below the first row of cells. The rows of cells are also designated, but not by letters, but by numbers: from “1” to “8”. The eighth row will be the top, the first will be the bottom. All this will allow us to accurately record the location of each cell and the location of the pieces during the game: a5; Nb7; e4 etc.
  5. Cell a1, which is the leftmost cell in the first bottom row, needs to be colored dark, usually black. After that, coloring in black is carried out in relation to all cells, alternating through one. That is, in the bottom row the cells a1 a3 a5 a7 will be black, in the second from the bottom: b2 b4 b6 b8, etc. Not black cells playing field will be white or light-colored.
  6. The same way Chess board is drawn on the asphalt, only using a tape measure and a rod of the appropriate length. If you plan to play with wooden pieces, the side size of a large square is usually chosen to be 2.4 m, in this case the playing field cell will have a side of 30 cm. When playing with live pieces, the size of the board can be 4-8 meters.
  7. It is advisable to choose a place for a chessboard drawn on the asphalt on a sports or yard playground, that is, where there are no cars driving and there are no pedestrians interfering with the game. Coloring cells with nitro paint must be done sequentially: paint all required cells black, let dry, then paint the remaining ones with a light colored helmet.

As you have already noticed, on our website you can find a huge number of beautiful pictures on a chess theme. Somewhere there is a picture of chess, somewhere there is a picture of chess pieces, somewhere there is a picture of children playing chess. They are all drawn famous artists especially for chess books and manuals by Kostrov Vsevolod, and now posted here on the chess website.

Chess pictures

You will find most pictures and drawings of chess on this page, but do not forget that no less interesting ones can be found on other pages of the site. Travel through the portal and you will see that more cool chess drawings You won't find anything better than ours.
In the already distant 90s, Vsevolod Kostrov wrote his first chess textbook, illustrations of chess lessons were made by the famous St. Petersburg artist Elizaveta Strelnikova. Lisa's amazing drawings added a unique touch of aesthetics to Vsevolod's magnificent chess books. It is difficult to read any textbook without illustrations, and even more so a chess textbook. With the pictures it turned out to be a feast for the eyes. You can now read funny illustrated chess stories on our website!

Chess pieces pictures

Surely, you have already noticed that on our website there are sections with descriptions of chess pieces: chess king, chess queen, chess rook, chess bishop, chess knight, and finally, chess pawn. Fabulous illustrated articles will not leave you indifferent, because each chess picture of the pieces carries its own and unique story. Also beautiful pictures You will find chess pieces below in the article.

Mathematicians have calculated that the number of possible positions of 32 figures on 64 cells is greater than the number of atoms in the Universe. The number of chess sets is, of course, smaller, but their diversity is amazing. The blog “About Chess” offers its own version of the “best of”, leaving the list far from complete...

Since we are on a sports site, we will start with this topic.

Football is represented by a set of American football, the "just" football ones that I found are inferior to this:

The most automobile:

The kit is made from the same materials as the Renault Formula 1 car: titanium, steel and aluminum. The figures are made in the form of bushings, pendants, a pilot's seat, and the board creates the illusion of a track. The clean, minimalist lines of the Renault Formula 1 kit symbolize the simplicity and austerity of modernity. Cost: $42,000.



Another question that interests many is the maximum price for a set.

The most expensive chess set in the world was sold in Britain by Jewel Royale. It is made of gold, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, black and white pearls. Each figurine is decorated in the middle with a spiral of precious stones. The largest chess piece - the king - costs 100 thousand dollars. Despite the fact that the figures look airy and light, they are quite heavy. So, the king weighs 165.2 grams. The total cost of the kit was $9.8 million.

The cost, perhaps, could rival Faberge chess,

It’s difficult to say the exact cost, but I was estimated at “from $5 million”

Let's continue the money topic.

Sometimes people come up with very strange ideas, and some even implement them. So, one eccentric, apparently a chess lover, decided to make himself a board and pieces out of money. He collected enough change and took out brand new bills from the bank. He began to assemble a chessboard from banknotes, bending the pieces of paper in a certain way, and from coins - chess pieces. The playing field was made up of 20-pound and 50-pound notes, and the rim was made up of 10-pound notes. To prevent the field from starting to unfold on its own, it was kept under pressure for some time.

The figures from the coins turned out to be recognizable. The pawns are 1 penny coins. The cost of the chess was 2402 pounds and 68 pence.

The largest chess set (or rather, one piece) was made by order of Rex Sinquefield in 2012 for the start of the first cup named after him.

The height of the king is almost 4.5 meters, the base is 1.8 meters. The figure is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

You can even watch how the record was prepared.

The smallest ones, apparently, were made by master Anatoly Konenko:

Miniature wooden chess pieces are turned under a microscope on a miniature lathe. The height of the chess pieces is 2.0 - 3.8 mm. Playing field 17.0 x 17.0 mm. Checkerboard squares from different types of trees. Birch bark ornament. The bumblebee is real.

The theme of alcohol is popular in chess, and there are many “drunk” sets. My choice fell on this one:

I understand that you don’t heed the advice, so I suggest using the most stable chess in the world:

This set was invented and developed by industrial engineer Adin Mumma, who back in 1970 was inspired by the roly-poly toys, or, simply put, tumblers, for this masterpiece. The result of the work was so successful that it was awarded the International Design Award.

A picky chess player will notice that the a1 square here is white, but we will not be so strict and note the beauty and originality of the idea. And after alcoholic chess, who will pay attention to such a trifle?!

Just in case, a video explanation is also included.

It’s impossible to ignore the topic of food, namely sweets, so I consider these the most delicious figures:

You can even make them yourself. The main thing is not to over-salt, then this will be the “spiciest” batch:

However, such games are not a problem for the tough Chelyabinsk chess players who are credited with this set:

Computer scientists also have their own style.

The board is made from the bottom motherboard, and 32 figures from chips of various types in two colors - green and black (if necessary, hand-painted). Stands in the form of bolts screwed into holes along the edges.

The capacitors that any computer is equipped with are used as pawns. Rooks are transformers. In more complex figures several items are used, such as inductors, elements hard drive, batteries, motor parts, etc.

In ten years I expect a set of old buttons mobile phones, as well as smartphones, tablets, readers... Or maybe someone has already seen it?

But we already have the most photographic chess:

Anyone who is not a photographer will not understand what the fundamental difference is between Canon and Nikon cameras. But photographers can argue about this for years on specialized forums and personal meetings. And now, thanks to the Lensrentals Chess set, they can arrange matches between Canon and Nikon on the chessboard.

All thirty-two pieces in the Lensrentals Chess set represent super-expensive camera lenses produced by competitors Nikon and Canon. So people, playing chess with this set, will simultaneously participate in the age-old dispute about whose photographic equipment is better! Whites play for Canon, blacks play for Nikon.

Of course, in the Lensrentals Chess set, the significance of the pieces depends on the size and cost of the corresponding photographic lenses. So, for example, Canon uses Canon lenses EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM (costs about $2,000), the queen is the Canon EF 500mm f/4.0 L IS USM ($7,000), and the king is the Canon EF 600mm f/4.0 L IS USM ( $9500). In total, this entire set costs over a hundred thousand dollars! But you can’t buy a Lensrentals Chess set (you can only make the same one, but hardly anyone will dare) - the Lensrentals company gives it for rent, demanding $9,221 for a week of using these unusual chess sets. And, what’s most amazing, she has a lot of clients!

Unless they're lying, of course.

And we smoothly move on to political chess.

The set is beautiful, and, most importantly, inexpensive - only 29,000 rubles. The board is mahogany. The figurines are made of high quality porcelain and hand painted. The height of the king is 13 cm. For some reason, the black king is wearing a white judo kimono. Either an oversight, or the political foresight of the manufacturer.

Where there is politics, there is war.

The cost of this kit is $800.


The creators of the original chess set offer to play on the board real war. Namely, the anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan. So the Terror Chess Set is dedicated to her, having two versions: American and British.

In the “American” Terror Chess Set, the President is the King, the Queen is the Statue of Liberty, and the Rooks (Towers) are the Twin Towers of the World Shopping Center, destroyed during the attack on September 11, 2001.

In the "British" version of Terror Chess Set, the King is Prime Minister David Cameron, the Queen is Queen Elizabeth II, and the Tower Rooks are Big Ben. Well, the “enemies” of the USA and Great Britain are always the same. The King is the now deceased Osama bin Laden, the Queen is a woman tightly wrapped in a burqa, the Elephant (in English, Bishop) is a Muslim mullah, the Horse (in English, Knight) is a terrorist with a grenade launcher. Moreover, the chessboard itself in the Terror Chess Set is stylized as a map of Afghanistan.


Designer Jim Arnold has created a chess set called the War of 1812 Chess Set, which recreates the famous battle between American ship USS Constitution and the British HMS Guerierre during the War of 1812, also known as the Second War of Independence.

I don’t know who invented these chess and when, but let’s close the topic of politics with an anti-racist set:

Politics sometimes leads to zugundera, and in prison there is a craving for chess. Here is a set made from bread crumbs for prisoners.

This set is kept in the Vorkuta Interdistrict Museum of Local Lore.

Chess players are people too (yes, yes!), and therefore our ranking includes a place for the sexiest chess set:

Children are offered such wonderful figures:

For the development of children, not only chess is useful, but also various construction sets, and here there are three in one: build chess from Lego, play with them, and also remind you of the heroes of “Star Wars:”

For adult fans of this film there is also a corresponding kit:

Dedicated to fans of “Aliens”:

It is impossible to ignore the theme of the animal world; after all, in the game itself there are horses and elephants. Therefore, the most “animal” chess is represented by the inhabitants mainly of the African continent.

As the owner of a cat with the name of the goddess of chess - Kaissa (in everyday life simply Kasya), the set of “cats” against “dogs” must be in our review.

The feathered world is represented only by parrots:

Let's talk a little about geography.

Slavic and northern motifs were used by the master in the manufacture of chess pieces. The chessboard with an openwork pattern has special drawers for storing chess pieces. The work is made from an authentic mammoth tusk found in Yakutia, which is more than 10,000 years old. Author: Klimenko Alexey. Board dimensions 36.3 x 36.3 cm, board height 8 cm, chess field dimensions - 29 x 29 cm, figures height - 5.5 - 8.2 cm Material: Mammoth tusk, oak; Weight: 5.70 kg

British designers have harnessed the iconic look of their capital, which boasts dozens of world-famous buildings, to create the Skyline Chess set.

Let’s finish our “travels” with “Roman” chess:

Do you still remember your school geometry course?

Would you say it’s difficult to play on these? Let's be optimistic!

And there are also three-dimensional, icy, acidic, transparent...

We admire these types of chess more, but prefer to play with regular ones.

Photos and descriptions were used from the sites (Vladimir Barsky), and others.