Vera Lyon who will win in France. What will happen in the European Union

  • 07.08.2019

Political strife, local wars, economic collapses and natural disasters heating up the situation in the world. Experts are no longer able to give advice that would help us meet the future with dignity. All more people looks for answers in prophecies, studying them verbatim and finding parallels with what is happening. From this perspective, the predictions of Vera Lyon deserve special attention. Kazakh Vanga I have already managed to look into 2019 and see what awaits Russia and the United States. It was revealed to her what the fate of Ukraine would be and what the solution to the conflict in Donbass would be.

Who is Vera Lyon?

This woman has more predictions that have come true than the woman herself. The fortuneteller has an official website, which states that she was born in 1976 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Now Vera Visich (Lyon is a pseudonym) lives in Kazakhstan. About herself she says that:

  • is interested in psychology, poetry and photography;
  • practices white magic and witchcraft;
  • has strong psychic abilities

Also in early childhood Strange visions began to appear to Vera. Since then, she has been trying to capture every “picture” and convey it verbatim. A difficult life taught Vera to be attentive and persevering. Every day starts with a check Email and answers to letters from people who are worried about the fate of the world and are looking for support from the unusual chosen one of fate. But this is now, but before everything was different.

At the age of five, Vera Lyon had a dream in which her father ended up in terrible accident. Waking up, the frightened girl recorded the vision and showed it to her parents, begging them not to leave the house. They didn’t believe the child. Dad went to work, and a few hours later there was an accident. He was saved only by a miracle. Despite the incident, no one even thought about looking into what had happened. The girl withdrew into herself, trying to survive her nightmares alone. At the age of 14, her “third eye” opened. It was as if a bright screen appeared in front of my face, broadcasting often terrible events. This phenomenon also had to be kept secret, for fear of being branded crazy.

Clairvoyance: Gift or Curse

It is difficult to imagine how a person feels who knows in advance what will happen in a minute, hour, day or year. How does he see the world, his own destiny, the fate of his loved ones, and how does it feel to know that a war is about to begin in a neighboring state? Vera says that it’s easier for her now, but in adolescence dreams caused serious illness. Even in her youth, the seer learned everything about her own destiny: from her profession to her husband’s surname and the color of her children’s eyes, but she was getting worse.

Saved by Vera Lyon fateful meeting. One day a strange stranger approached her and inquired about her health. The girl had the feeling that she was not doing it of her own free will. It was as if someone was controlling the woman, but it was she who called on the clairvoyant to curb the energy tearing apart her brain, relying on intuition. “Just start studying,” the messenger said verbatim. From this moment the formation of the Kazakh Vanga began. She studied literature, which helped her learn:

  • predict the future;
  • treat people too;
  • find missing people

The illness gradually subsided. An extraordinary personality has emerged, capable of not only looking into the future, but also communicating with incorporeal entities from other dimensions. The psychic dubbed them plasmoids and tries to capture them on film, but the equipment fails or breaks down.

Current forecast for 2019

As usual, Vera Lyon records her visions. It is difficult to convey the “broadcast” word for word, but the “mediator” knows how to interpret shaky symbols. On her page she regularly publishes announcements about what awaits Russia and the world. Here are just a few accurate prophecies:

  • crisis in the USA;
  • snow storms in Germany;
  • volcanic eruption in Italy;
  • Maidan in Ukraine;
  • war in Donbass and Syria

All these predictions came true. Now New Year 2019 is on the agenda. He, the medium is sure, does not promise Russia any special surprises. For this country the most severe trials left behind. It remains to stay the course for transformation, reap the benefits and expand cooperation within the BRICS framework. The organization will include at least 15 states. America will have a hard time. The seer warns the people of the United States about an approaching disaster. Most likely, this will be an eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, and maybe bombing, because the planet has long been on the brink of World War III.

The fortuneteller also has a forecast for Ukraine. Unfortunately, it is disappointing. In 2019, only deterioration is still expected here. Having learned what awaits Russia and the United States, inquisitive citizens will definitely want to hear how the situation will change. The psychic answered unequivocally: “Peace will be restored in Novorossiya and the economy will gradually improve.”

Verbatim interpretation of some prophecies of Vera Lyon

World economy “She will continue to experience instability. And the dollar is its priority. And this will definitely be felt in countries of all regions of the world. In the end, the most affected countries will be the quite prosperous states, about which this is impossible to even think about now. In them, unemployment can take on catastrophic proportions, which will create chaos in people’s minds. There are many who will simply lose themselves in the urban jungle, where money rules the roost, material goods and nothing more"
Situation in Russia “I see a staircase that goes very high up. This means that the ruble will strengthen. At the same time, an improvement in the economic situation may provoke large influx those wishing to enter the country, which in turn will entail a tightening of Russia’s migration policy.”
Geopolitics “The situation in Syria will improve. It will begin the restoration of infrastructure, construction of housing for civilians. The Islamists, of course, will still try to take revenge. However, there will be a leak of some very important - resonant - information, which a large share probability will force global community look at circumstances in the Middle East differently. Perhaps the true culprits of all the problems of the last decade will even be named.”
Society “The humanity of people will increase in the most different countries Oh. Many people will begin to come to spirituality. By the way, this will become one of the significant reasons that the risk of a third world war will begin to decline. A massive turn towards real human values ​​will make people less susceptible to zombie aggression coming from the media.”
Ukraine “Complete disregard for Ukrainian affairs on the part of the US leadership will push Ukraine to the abyss, but Trump will remain adamant and will make a corresponding official statement, as well as a statement about the refusal of any financial investments in this state.”
Donbass “The attempt to send NATO troops into Donbass will fail. Novorossiya will win when it is led by a lion. This could be a name, zodiac sign, etc.”
Ecology “The planet will begin to actively respond to the “economic” activities of humanity. The consequence of many decades of thoughtless spending of its resources and causing harm will be a series of cataclysms from which the United States and Japan will suffer the most.”

Many people are interested in Vera Lyon’s predictions for 2019. From time immemorial, people have tried to find out the future of the country and their destiny. Some are trying to get a forecast based on the opinions of politicians and scientists about upcoming events. Others stick to centuries-old methods and go to fortune tellers.

Predictions for 2019

Vera Lyon's latest forecasts have general character. As the clairvoyant says, there are many different countries in the world and they have different fate. Her visions are specific, but the images can be interpreted in different ways. Many of them become clear after the foreseen comes true.

What awaits Russia

No major shocks are expected for our country in 2019. It's been a tough year V politically was 2017, in 2018 the situation became more stable, next year will be quite successful and will mark the beginning of the path to Russia’s success on the world political stage.

In Vera’s vision, a man and a woman are sitting by the fire, the man is reading a newspaper, and the woman is wrapped in a blanket and busy with needlework. It symbolizes peace and stability. Winter in 2019 will be harsh, with a lot of snow and storms expected. Another image foreseen by a psychic - a new military equipment, developed in our country, which shoots from underground. This can be interpreted both literally and generally – the state’s buildup of military power.

What awaits the world

Vera Lyon's predictions for 2019 for the world have also been published, although the clairvoyant says the future will become clearer as the new year approaches. The images of the future are turbulent, but she does not predict terrible catastrophes. Cataclysms, disasters and wars will still continue, but their number will be less than in 2017 and 2018.

The first vision concerns a boat, which symbolizes peace. At first it capsizes and sinks, but then it levels out. Then the boat capsizes over the waterfall, the people in it scream, and a bright light rises from below. The prophetess has not yet deciphered these images in detail, but they do not foretell tragedy - the world will have difficulties, but everything will work out. Another plot involves water rising above high-rise buildings and dragons flying in the sky. The flood recedes, the water goes into the split earth.

An old man in black clothes strikes lightning in the same place - perhaps this means a new military conflict - in Africa or the Middle East. In Syria, the situation will level out, and peaceful neighborhoods will begin to be restored. Refugees from other countries will migrate to Europe, Russia and even Syria.

The prophetess does not predict anything good for European countries. She claims that the policies of Trump, the US President, will be aggressive towards Europe, and its inhabitants will face the strongest economic crisis. Russia and the United States will establish relatively friendly relations, but China and America will have a conflict (not military, but political).

The global balance of religious forces, according to Vera, will change significantly in 2019-2020. Catholicism will be discredited, and loud revelations by church dignitaries are possible. The clairvoyant predicts the emergence of another religion, which will arise among the Jews and which will be followed by many nations.

Lyon also predicts a fall big plane— the crash will occur over the sea.

Predictions that came true

The clairvoyant has many predictions that have come true. Some of these events occurred in the last century. The most famous predictions are:

  • Gorbachev's resignation in 1991;
  • the collapse of the Soviet Union;
  • global economic crisis in 2007;
  • the war in Ukraine and Novorossiya and Yanukovych’s victory in the elections;
  • war in Syria;
  • many fires, volcanoes and disasters that have occurred in the last decade.

Who is Vera Lyon

Clairvoyant, fortune teller, healer, psychic - Vera Lyon gained fame in certain circles back in the 2000s. It is believed that her prophecies come true 95%. She is one of the few famous fortune tellers living today whose name is well known and trusted by the public. “Kazakh Vanga” is what fans of her mystical talent call Vera.

The path of the clairvoyant

Vera Vitalievna Visich was born in Sverdlovsk in 1962. She was an unusual girl- With early years heard voices, saw images and shadows that spoke to her. Her parents did not pay attention, and as she grew up, the girl herself stopped talking about the otherworldly, fearing that she would be recognized as crazy. Although her mother was good at fortune-telling and taught her daughter this, the seer’s talents were otherwise not used at that time. At the age of 14, the girl began to have constant visions that literally tormented her - as soon as she went to bed, frames flashed before her eyes, as if on a screen. After that, her health began to fail, the mother took her daughter to the hospital, but the doctors found nothing and soon everything went away. As Vera later realized, this was the opening of her third eye, and the diseases began because she did not develop her gift.

In her youth, Vera moved to Kazakhstan. She did not stop seeing what was coming, and visions about the fate of her loved ones and herself did not leave the girl: for example, she knew the appearance of her sons even before birth. Her life path was not easy - the husband she married in 1984 quickly disappeared from the horizon. She raised and supported two children on her own, worked for different jobs. At the age of 30, her health deteriorated again; doctors diagnosed the woman with asthma. Realizing that something was wrong, Vera turned to a psychic who was recommended by her friends - there weren’t many of them at that time. The psychic said that she is the owner of a great gift, and people have been working for years to achieve what was given to her by higher powers. The fortuneteller realized that she could no longer give up her own essence, and she began to realize her talents - she treated people, looked for the missing, and told fortunes. But extrasensory perception became her main job only at the age of 40.

The clairvoyant says that she became happy when she fully accepted herself and her gift. She compares her path up to the age of 40 with a biblical story: just as Moses led the Jews through the desert, so Vera wandered in the darkness and suffered many troubles and hardships until she emerged into the bright light. Since then she has been a fortuneteller, healer, and esotericist. Vera Lyon (that's how she took her pseudonym) is talented in other areas. She is a published poet, children's author, photographer and philosopher.

We all want to look into the future so that we know what to pay attention to now and where to invest our energy. But this is given only to a select few. People need Vera Lyon's predictions for 2019 (and any others). This seer is never wrong! You will argue in vain. Vera herself - the site is a guarantee of this - writes that the future can be changed. By the way, scientists do not argue with this truth. If information is disseminated, it begins to independently influence the course of events, regardless of the source that generated it.

But it also happens differently. No matter how much you shout about the fact that the United States is a hegemon, this does not cancel the processes taking place in the world. We will not go deeper into the analysis of the geopolitical situation. Completely different people write about this, having received special education. However, their reviews are of little use. Nothing is clear to ordinary people. But Vera Lyon’s predictions for 2019 for the USA and Europe will give you the answers yourself to an ordinary person. Should we believe her revelations? Everything is simple here. We will see for ourselves what will happen and evaluate the reliability of the forecasts.

What awaits America

The clairvoyant opens a new section for the next period at the end of summer. The first forecasts appeared on the official website in August. This is important because there are critics who are confident that the seer is faking information. Something happened, and then she writes about it on her pages. Don’t believe it, but rather take a look at her resource. The site is available to everyone, regardless of country of residence and ability to use the benefits search engines.

All previous years, the seer warned the Americans that they were playing too far. It’s too stupid to consider yourself stronger than the Higher Powers. And the time of reckoning is approaching. Unfortunately, for the twists ruling elite All residents of the country will have to pay. The soothsayer asks questions. Talent allows her to see the answer picture. Do not think that it is dictated by the political situation or decisions of the governments of certain countries.

When asked if the US would collapse, she was shown:

"Hand and raised middle finger- Fuck.”

A verbatim quote is provided. She interprets this sign in the worst sense for this power. Her best times have sunk into oblivion. You will have to endure humiliation, lose, and retreat to your “island”. Nothing good can happen there anymore.

1. Severe hurricane in Yellowstone.

2. Black clouds gather over the Statue of Liberty, lightning flashes, and it becomes dark. The statue covered its face with its hand. The ocean covers the city.

The USA, as the clairvoyant says, will suffer in physical sense words. She was shown a map of the country, divided into squares. By the way, this is what she looks like, look for yourself. Some “cells” will plunge into the abyss of water, others will survive. Many territories will be swallowed up by the ocean, leaving ugly cliffs, mangled cities, destroying production, fields and forests. Trump stands over the ruins of the country.

But that's not the whole story. We will continue to update you, dear reader, with further forecasts. Add the site to your bookmarks and check back sometimes, it will be interesting. By the way, you can find out whether the cataclysms will affect you personally here. Now let's move on.

What will happen in the European Union

The situation in this association of countries is not going very well. Act of terrorism will not stop in 2019-2020. The flow of emigrants will not weaken. Lovers of the sweet life will come from the Middle East and Africa to Europe. This is exactly what will happen additional factor destabilize the situation. Hardworking people will be drawn back to their countries. And only parasites will remain who want to eat sweets and do nothing.

But in Europe itself there will be more problems than is currently visible. New diseases will appear. Vera writes that the EU will not be empty, as Vanga warned. But those who live there will passionately want to be somewhere else. Many people will die from epidemics, hunger, suicide, and madness. Satanism will rule the roost in this territory. Like in the old days, werewolves will appear who will drink human blood. All this seems unrealistic in such a prosperous Europe today. But it was there that the famous Dracula was. Other nations could not give birth to such evil spirits.

Again, here is a direct quote posted on the Lyon portal:

"Europe will go crazy."

Satanic sects will appear here, which will first secretly and then openly perform sacrifices. Animals will attack ordinary people lingering on the street at night. The people will have to endure a lot of suffering for allowing the rulers to start wars.

Some migrants will leave for their homeland. And those who remain will continue to rob and create obscenities. And they will constantly demand money from the state. European countries will also have their own refugees. People will move from the coast inland. The predictions for the European Union do not stop there. Follow our reviews - there is still a lot of information from the future!

Video about England:

They are ranked by prophecy. And Ukraine is asking to join the US and the EU. But we will talk about this country separately. In the meantime, share the information with your friends (social media icons below). The prophetic knowledge of Kazakhstan Vanga will help them accept right decisions when the question arises about traveling or a business trip. As they say, those who are warned can overcome difficulties. Good luck!

One of the most famous fortunetellers of the present time is Vera Lyon. It is her in last years They are increasingly compared to the Bulgarian seer Vanga, who amazed the whole world with her prophecies. To find out which predictions of Vera concern the near future and what exactly they say, you should discuss them more specifically.

The story of a clairvoyant

For the first time, little 5-year-old Vera managed to see an omen of the future in a dream. Since then, almost every night Vera was haunted by terrible pictures that she did not understand. One day she dreamed of her father’s death, which she immediately told her family about. At first, the girl’s father did not attach much importance to the children’s notes, but after a few hours it became known that on the way to work the man had a terrible accident, where he miraculously survived. Despite her daughter’s warning, her family didn’t even try to believe that Vera had the gift of clairvoyance. It was then that the girl thought that if she didn’t tell anyone about her visions, sooner or later they would simply disappear.

According to Lyon, at the age of 14 her third eye opened. But the poor child didn’t even understand how important this event was, and what it actually meant, because she was in charge Soviet authority. At that time, it was not customary to talk about anything “abnormal.” What does it look like? It’s as if a bright screen appears before your eyes, where someone else’s fate is broadcast. At first, Vera was frightened by such visions, and tried not to tell anyone about them, so as not to be mistaken for a madwoman.

The girl tried to stop the unexpected pictures, trying not to close her eyes. True, if you restrain the gift of clairvoyance, health problems begin. Soon Lyon's condition began to rapidly deteriorate. Every night she fell into a strange state: she woke up abruptly and began to speak incoherent words, being in a kind of trance. Soon Vera’s dreams became clearer, and she was able to see in them her own husband, children and the rest of her life.

At that moment, the child practically did not walk, although in the visions Vera was completely healthy and quite happy woman. To somehow cheer up her daughter, her mother took her outside and sat her on a bench near the house. One day I approached a girl unknown woman, and started talking. Only now she was not addressing her, but as if to the one who controlled Vera’s life. “Start practicing, otherwise the energy bursting inside you will burn you from the inside. Do what comes first to your mind and don’t think that it’s all wrong.”

It was after this truly fateful conversation that the girl realized that she could find missing people and treat those whom doctors refused. Over time, the ailments began to subside. Subsequently, the clairvoyant realized that all information comes to her from parallel world where ghosts live.

Now Vera can often be seen with a camera. According to her, with the help modern technology the seer is trying to prove that some people are always surrounded by entities from another dimension. She calls them plasmoids. They are the ones who tell her information about the future. But it’s almost impossible to capture entities on film - the equipment immediately breaks down.

Outwardly, Vera is no different from other people. Her main task is to help people, and therefore every morning the woman checks her mail, where millions of letters accumulate from all over the world. People even called Lyon the Kazakh Vanga.

Vera Lyon's last prophecy for 2019

Every year, the famous soothsayer tries to carefully consider in her visions the fate of humanity in the future. soon. So what should we all expect in 2019? For Russia, difficult times are behind us, but there is no need to relax - echoes of various “misfortunes” will haunt the state for some time to come. But the United States is facing big changes. According to Lyon, America will soon experience a real shock due to the unexpected eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Experts have already recorded an increase in temperature on the Calder, and therefore the marked place could indeed cause a serious disaster. By the way, the eruption is quite capable of destroying 60% of the territory of the entire continent, forever changing the geography of the Earth.

According to Lyon, American volcano will make itself felt next year. In Visions, she sees something completely different - some kind of monster crawling out of the ground and killing everything in its path. It is enormous in height, much larger than the famous Western skyscrapers. When Vera first started receiving such pictures, she simply did not know about famous Vulcan, and now I’m completely sure what exactly they are talking about.

It should be noted that a similar prophecy was in the list of visions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. “Fire will appear from the ground, the soil will rise and begin to consume everything for many kilometers around it.” Immediately after such an outcome, the US government will have to endure the worst best time, after all, after the disappearance larger territory states, the international economy will change dramatically. The reason for this is the depreciation of the American currency. Due to the collapse of the dollar, the entire monetary system of the World will suffer.

Lyon insists that all the visions that appear to her almost every day, first of all, warn of possible dangers. But since every person can change his own destiny if he knows about possible development future, the seer tries to talk about what is hidden from most eyes, and believes that there is always a chance of salvation.

There is only one question left to answer: can a person really program own life that she will be happy? If yes, then you just need to believe in luck and no longer be afraid of various misfortunes. But what if not? It turns out that there is no point in trying - the outcome will still be the same. What do you think about this?

The interesting life of a man who knows how to look behind the veil. Agree, he is subject to the secrets of not only the world, but also the future results of more mundane palace intrigues, which have a gigantic influence on the fate of ordinary people. These, without a doubt, include the Kazakh Vanga. Vera Lyon began publishing predictions about Putin not very long ago. His fate worried the seer after the Crimean spring. It became clear to many then that this political leader holds in its hands the lives of billions of citizens of different states.

Lyon also connected prophecies about Putin with Donbass. The seer was very angry (and is now upset) by his slowness. This woman is a true patriot of the Russian world. You need to learn from her not only clairvoyance, but also love for the Motherland. She sincerely empathizes with the fate of ordinary people who find themselves among bullets and explosions. Unfortunately, peace will not come soon, as Kazakh Vanga claims.

About Putin

The seer wrote about the President of the Russian Federation from different angles. She also touched upon his fate in the recently released film. The fact is that unworthy people always get sucked into power. And it would be nice if they just rowed the money! It’s a pity, of course, but this doesn’t cause people to die untimely. But these “advisers” also poke their noses into state affairs, they try to get close to the “throne”, without even imagining how they will rule, how they will hold the country.

Intrigues around the leader are constantly woven. The seer says that only a quarter (at best) of those close to him can be called worthy and honest people. The President is often in danger. She described her vision very figuratively. Imagine a circle of Russian soldiers standing tightly with their backs to the center. This is the spiritual protection of the president. But he stands on the ground, which rises sharply from time to time. It is extremely difficult for him to maintain balance. Vera Lyon believes that some dark forces are influencing his personality, forcing him to make mistakes.

Three presidential terms

The seer intrigued people with a different vision. To her Higher power showed how people throw Vladimir Vladimirovich up three times. She made a very obvious conclusion about three presidential terms. Moreover, this is the future, not the past. But, according to the Basic Law, this is impossible. The President's integrity in legal matters is well known. That’s why people became interested in whether Vera knows who will come after Putin.

The answer to this question and the revelation of the intrigue were simultaneously published in the spring of 2016. So far the seer does not know who will come after Putin. But he still claims that he will have to rule for three terms, along with the current one. The Higher Powers do not specify how this will happen.

Perhaps they will hold a referendum to secure the people's consent to change the Constitution. Or in 2024 another candidate will be put forward, which the GDP will support. The person, naturally, is from his environment.

Latest forecasts

Website clairvoyant Lyon structured by year. There is a first forecast for 2020 - general characteristics. It mentions the leader of the Russian Federation. Let's quote the text verbatim:

1. Money Tree falls, a big fist hits him. Monetary system will be redone.
The earth is turning over - this is in the economy, it will be completely remade.
A cartoon duck is twirling at his temple, pointing to the side. Explanation: the government will do something wrong and stupid that will interfere with V. Putin’s new endeavors.

It follows from the quote that GDP is not going anywhere yet. Will work until the end of the term.

Who's after

GDP will go into retirement due to natural reasons. Afterwards he will rule Russia new person- woman! The seer called her name:

Video with a forecast about the successor:

Surely modern Vanga predictions will continue to be published. The whole world is now interested in the personality of our president, not only the residents of Russia. Share the clairvoyant's predictions with your friends (social media icons below). Let our friends and acquaintances be aware of what really affects our lives and destinies. Good luck and harmony!