New fence craft. How to make a fence from hell brick

  • 11.08.2019

How With craft a fence in Minecraft? Oddly enough, this question is quite popular among players of this online game. Perhaps this is due to the growing number of griefers on the servers? But the fence will not save you from them, only from hostile creatures. It would seem that what could be simpler than a fence? However, gamers again and again ask themselves to find a solution to the problem of creating protective structures around their homes. Today we will try to consider everything possible types fences available for creation in the game.

The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying

The first thing you will need to craft a fence in Minecraft is wood. Any fence is made of boards and sticks. Essentially, it doesn’t matter what type of wood the fence is made from. Only the color of the finished product will depend on the type of wood.

So, first of all, we go to the forest. Our task is to chop as much wood as possible. A little later we will calculate how many materials we will need, but for now we are committing genocide to local trees - you will need wood in any case, because the house is most likely quite large, the garden plot needs to be fenced in a fairly large volume.

After you have obtained a lot of wood, go to the workbench. Your task is to recraft the material on it into boards. One block of wood produces four units of boards. Four sticks can be crafted from two boards, but how is a fence made in Minecraft? Made from 4 boards and two sticks. Thus, in order to completely clear your inventory and enter “waste-free” production, you need 12 boards, or 3 blocks of wood, from which you can get 6 fence blocks.


Now let's figure out how to craft a fence in Minecraft. Ours will help us here true friend Workbench. We open the crafting panel and see nine cells in front of us. To make it easier to navigate them, look at your laptop or computer keyboard, to the right end. There you can see additional buttons with numbers, which are located in exactly the same square. Imagine that this is our workbench.

Now, place the boards in the cells corresponding to the numbers 1, 4, 6, 3 on the keyboard. And at 2 and 5 you need to put sticks. That's all, as you can see, as a result you get 3 fence units. As already mentioned, its color will depend on what kind of tree you cut down. Experiment to find the color scheme you need.

It is also worth noting that in the Minecraft pocket edition there is only one type of fence - oak. It is crafted exclusively from sticks, which are located on the workbench in the same six cells.


So we figured out how to craft a fence in Minecraft from wood. But there are a couple more ways to fence off your territory.

  1. Hell's fence. To create it you will need a hellish brick.
  2. Cobblestone fence.

How to make a fence in Minecraft from hell brick? The first thing you need to do is go to hell. Next you must choose a path. You can find a hellish fortress and break out treasured bricks from the wall through vandalism, or find deposits. By melting it in a furnace, you will receive several items - hellish bricks. But this is just 1 item, and we need a whole block. Of the four such items you must craft a block hellish brick and use it to make a fence. The crafting recipe is no different from a regular fence made of sticks.

How to make a fence in Minecraft from cobblestones? Of course, in the game it is called a wall, but let's not get caught up in words. The function remains the same. We go to the fortress, temple, village and break out the required amount of cobblestones from the walls and roads. Or we look for a natural deposit of this item. And if you want to experiment, you can create your own cobblestone by mixing lava and water flows in the nether world. Crafting a wall of cobblestones is the same as crafting a hellish fence. Nothing complicated.


Having sorted out the fence and created it around your home, remember that it does not provide absolute protection. Other players can get over it with the help of a jumping potion, and spiders are still able to climb on them. However, the presence of a fence on the territory will not allow many others to come close dangerous creatures, just don’t forget to light up the yard so that mobs don’t spawn right in front of the doors of your house. We hope this article helped you understand how to craft a fence in Minecraft, and you won’t have any more similar questions. After all, this recipe is one of the most basic and simplest, so you may have problems with further development of the Minecraft world.

Probably, many will be interested in how to make a fence in the game Minecraft, because sometimes it is necessary to fence off mobs or make a pen for animals. In this article you will learn how to make a regular fence, as well as a more beautiful and completely unusual one.

How to make a fence in Minecraft

You will need:

  1. 4 blocks of wood;
  2. 2 sticks.

How to craft:

First, place 2 units of wooden sticks in the middle, facing down. Next, place 2 boards on each side. Leave the last row empty. Ready! You now have three fence units.

The advantage of such a fence is that you cannot jump over it, and only spiders can climb over it.

How to make a gate

So that you can go through the fence, and not dig a tunnel or put blocks up, good decision there will be crafting of gates. Mobs will not be able to open it, in addition, it protects the passage from uninvited guests.

To create a gate we take:

  • 4 sticks;
  • 2 units of boards.

This craft is no different from crafting a fence. Simply place two planks down the middle and four sticks on the sides. Done, now you have one gate.

How to make a fence from hell brick

To do this you will need 6 blocks of netherite brick.

Place 6 hellbrick blocks at the top of the workbench. The result will be 6 pieces of netherite brick fence.

How to craft a stone fence in Minecraft 1.8.9 – 1.12

To craft a cobblestone fence you need 6 cobblestones.

Crafting recipe:

Place three cobblestone blocks in two rows on top of the workbench. In total you will receive 6 stone fences.

How to make a beautiful fence

To do beautiful fence need to:

  1. Brick blocks;
  2. Brick slabs.

Additional material:

  1. Spruce fence (or any other);
  2. Redstone lanterns;
  3. Daylight sensors;
  4. Gravel.

How to do:

  1. First, place brick columns, two blocks high. Do them two blocks apart. Then place one brick slab at the top of each column.

In the screenshot I have three blocks of space for the entrance; yours can be of any size. But keep in mind that you will need to leave such a gap at the back, at the same distance from the edge to the edge

  1. Connect all the columns (except the entrance) with brick slabs in the same way as in the screenshot.

Minecraft is a game that has won the hearts of many players. You can stand, create, explore and destroy in it. This is what attracts new users. The game has a huge number of different kinds of crafting recipes. They help to combine game resources and receive new items for the game. Quite often, Minecraft players are interested in how a fence is crafted. This fence is needed both for certain tasks and just to please the eye. What will be required to create it? What information should every user be familiar with?

Types of fences

First you will have to collect a certain amount of resources from which the fence will be created. Minecraft has several types of different fences. Of course, each will have to collect its own components.

How is a fence crafted? You can choose one of the options:

  • wood;
  • hellish;
  • gate (appeared in version 1.8);
  • stone fence.

Accordingly, depending on what kind of fence we're talking about, one or another algorithm of actions will depend.

Made of wood

The very first fence that can be made in Minecraft is a wooden fence. It is commonly used as animal pens. Making such an item is not difficult.

How to craft a wooden fence? From sticks. The player requires:

  1. Get several blocks of wood. It is important that they are all of the same type. Before version 1.8, the type of tree was not taken into account.
  2. Process wood in your inventory, turning it into planks.
  3. Convert the received items into sticks.
  4. Open the workbench and place 6 sticks of the same type in 2 horizontal lines.

You can pick up the finished fence! Now it’s clear how to craft a fence in Minecraft. This is only the first recipe that is available in the game. There are other options for the development of events. Which ones exactly?

Stone wall

For example, you can make a stone fence. This is a good type of fence that can serve as protection for the player. Created without much difficulty. However, sometimes you have to work hard to bring your idea to life.

How to craft a fence in Minecraft? A stone fence will be created if you use the following instructions:

  1. The player must mine stone blocks. They are usually found in the mountains. It is advisable to use a pickaxe for mining. It speeds up the process of mining blocks of the corresponding type.
  2. Process cobblestones on a workbench. To do this, 6 blocks are placed in 2 identical lines: one in the center, the other at the top or bottom. All lines must be horizontal.

You can create a fence from ordinary cobblestones or mossy stones. The functionality of the item does not change; the type of resource used affects only the appearance of the fence. Mossy cobblestone is obtained by combining regular stone (1 pc.) and vine (1 pc.).

Hell's fence

How is a fence called “hellish” crafted? This version of the fence does not appear very often in the game. The fact is that it requires 6 hellish blocks. They can only be obtained by transforming hell bricks. For the fence you will have to find 24 bricks.

In any case, you need:

  1. Find the hell brick. As already mentioned, 24 units of resource will be required.
  2. Combine bricks into 6 blocks.
  3. Open the workbench and place the received resources one below the other in 2 horizontal lines. Exactly the same as in all previous cases.

Ready! You can take away the hellish fence! From now on it is clear how a fence is crafted in the game Minecraft.


The last scenario is the creation of a wicket. The recipe appeared in the game only with the release of version 1.8. If the player is using older builds, there is no need to even try to implement this.

How to craft a fence in Minecraft 1.8, called a gate? To do this you will need:

  1. Get it as much as possible more wood of the same type.
  2. Convert wood into planks in inventory.
  3. Create 2 sticks from boards. It is important that after this operation the player has 4 boards left.
  4. Combine all resources on the workbench according to the system: 2 sticks are located in the central cell and the bottom one, with boards on the sides. In other words, the top strip is empty, the central and bottom: board, stick, board.

We talked about how a fence is crafted in Minecraft? From now on it is clear how this fence can be obtained. All fences in the game, with the exception of the hellish one, are created without much difficulty. Suitable resources are found in Minecraft at almost every turn. Therefore, there will be no problems with the creation of gates, fences and fences!

Of course, such a thing is necessary in every household, and even in open areas game world and even more so. Therefore, it will be useful for every player to learn how to craft a fence in Minecraft and what it is made of. By the way, without it, your farm will be trampled by zombies, livestock will scatter, and evil griefers - players with a penchant for self-harm - will plunder the settlement and smash all their acquired property to smithereens. Of course, it is difficult to protect yourself from the latter with a simple fence, but this does not mean that it cannot be secured; moreover, the information will not cease to be quite useful for you.

The fence itself does not seem to be a complex structure, but players are constantly looking for ways to solve the problem of the open area of ​​their buildings and, in the end, for lack of the necessary skills, they come to the search for how to build fencing structures right next to their home. In this article, we will try to answer the question that worries many people, how to build a fence, we will analyze all its various types and construction algorithms available in the game today.

Set of materials

Of course, with an eye on the usual, well-known construction of fences, the first thing you need is a set of materials. So, in order to craft a fence in Minecraft, first of all we go into the forest for necessary materials. To do this, it is not necessary to look for a specific type of wood, thinking that its strength or other characteristics will depend on this. The type of tree you cut down for your needs will only determine the color of the finished product.

By the way, in fairness, we note that you can get a fence at your disposal in other ways. For example, find it in the ruins of a former village and take it with you. This method, of course, requires a certain amount of luck, but it cannot be dismissed as absolutely impossible.

After a lot of wood has been chopped, we move to the workbench, and the stage called crafting begins. There is one block of wood - 4 boards. Two boards - 4 sticks. Using this arsenal, you can make a workbench from just one block of wood, and you can build a full-fledged fence from 4 boards and 2 sticks. Therefore, when going into the forest to collect wood, plan so that unnecessary components do not subsequently take up space in your inventory.

Typically, the player's crafting menu takes up 4 slots. In our case, the missing 5 are provided by the workbench, which we built so well in advance at the previous stage. So, having opened the crafting menu, we see 9 cells in front of us. It is most convenient to make transitions between them using an additional panel on the keyboard of a computer or laptop, which contains exactly 9 numbers.

Now we will put boards in the cells that correspond to numbers 1, 4, 6 and 3, and sticks in cells numbered 2 and 5. After completing the crafting, as you can see, we will have three fence units. By experimenting with types of wood, you can get yourself a light or dark colored fence. True, if you have an incomplete edition of the game, then you can’t expect such variety - you only have access to an oak fence, which is crafted from sticks, in the amount of 6 pieces.


However, what is the point of a barrier if the owner of the estate in Minecraft himself cannot get to his property? That is why when building a fence you should not forget about the gate. It will not become a loophole in the user's security system, but, depending on its status (the gate is open or closed), it can be passed through if necessary. And in order not to make a hole in the protection yourself, you should simply close it after use.


A wooden fence in Minecraft is only one side of the coin. If you want to fence your territory in a more original way, you can choose one of the following methods for protecting the territory:

When erecting a fence on your property, it is important to remember that it does not provide one hundred percent protection from vandalism or attacks by creatures. Other players can easily climb over it using a special potion, and spiders move across its surface without any hesitation. But for standard mobs and inexperienced players, it will, of course, become a tangible obstacle.

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Minecraft game has become so popular that players create many useful and interesting features in it. Back in the days of the vanilla version of the game, it was popular to craft a fence and use it to protect tamed mobs or use it for other purposes.

Fence in Minecraft- this is a special type of block that allows you to fence off a certain area. Jumping over it is very simple and both the player and the mob can cope with it. What is it for? To make the gameplay even brighter and more exciting. Besides, getting a fence in Minecraft is not that difficult.

There are two proven methods:

  • Find
  • Craft

The first case is quite common and players can easily find a fence in villages, fortresses and even abandoned mines. Look on the roof of buildings, in the middle of lamp posts, in a well where a fence is used as additional reinforcement, and in many other places.

Exists two types of fences in Minecraftwooden and hellish. However, these are the most popular, and players have learned to craft many others.
Crafting a wooden fence in Minecraft will not take up a lot of your time and money. To do this you will need any 4 boards and two sticks.
Craft hellish fence will require you to find as many as 6 hellish bricks. But if you don't want to waste your time on it. You can go another way - go to explore new biomes and find abandoned hellish fortresses there. Windows, special fencing or unusual arches - this is what you need hell fence.

Crafting a fence in Minecraft 1.8 slightly different from the above recipes. To create a fence you will need to find only 6 sticks. There is no need to look for boards, some will find this much easier, others prefer to build a fence in the usual way.
Crafting a fence in Minecraft 1.8.9 will also require the same 6 sticks from you. We are not reinventing the wheel, but using the proposed screenshots to simplify crafting.

In addition to the types of fence presented above, miners create others. For example crafting a stone fence in minecraft is currently very popular because it allows you to create strong and durable structures. Destroying them is not so easy. And what makes me most happy is craft stone fence in minecraft maybe even a beginner. You just need to find 6 cobblestones. That is why such a fence is often called cobblestone. But no matter what the fence, it is still important to be able to get through it. Not to jump over, but to walk culturally and beautifully. To do this you need to create a gate.

Crafting fences and gates in Minecraft:

To get started, make sure you have the following resources - 2 boards and 4 sticks. Then we place it on the central part of the board, and on the sides - sticks. And voila - the gate is ready. Thanks to it, any fence you create turns into a beautiful and well-kept fence. Through which you can also walk beautifully. Using the gate in Minecraft is very convenient. If you found this information useful, please leave your feedback and comments.