The best online games. PvP game mode in Warface

  • 23.07.2019

For many, the phrase “free online shooter” evokes associations with second-rate games - graphically outdated, with a ruthless donation system. Warface is a bird of a different feather. Crytek has made a small revolution: for the first time we see a shareware game, which in terms of performance quality is very close to glossy boxed blockbusters. However, it is important to remember two things. First of all, Crytek never intended to turn the genre on its head. Their goal was to make a good online shooter on free-to-play rails, which the Kievans successfully accomplished. Secondly, Warface is at the stage open beta testing, which means that the developers can still improve something before release. New modes and maps are a big deal. However, the game is doing very well even without this - at any time of the day the lobby is full of people.

Call of Battlefield

Warface has four player classes: attack aircraft, engineer, medic and sniper. Stormtroopers - main firepower detachment, they are the first to rush into battle and cover their comrades with their own breasts. In addition to their versatility (with proper selection of ammunition, this class is effective at close, medium and long distances), they also serve as a mobile ammunition box.

The engineers seem to have migrated from the series Battlefield, except that they don’t repair tanks - they didn’t bring mobile equipment into the game. Technicians specialize in planting mines and are skilled with submachine guns. Playing as this class requires you to think strategically, which is incredibly difficult given the frantic pace of matches. Engineers are not well suited for open combat; their task is to competently analyze the situation, determine the most popular enemy routes and install claymores there. Engineers often help attack aircraft: while the big guys take the blow, they bypass the enemy and plant several clips of lead into the enemy’s back.

It's pure hell going on on the Depot map. Not only does the level itself look like a labyrinth, but there are also enemies pressing in from all sides.

Medic, like everyone else team shooters, treats the wounded and with one discharge of a defibrillator can raise even a barely alive soldier to his feet. Med graduates are also excellent with a shotgun, but in remote firefights, especially against several opponents, they are practically useless. While in PvP you can somehow get by without representatives of this class, then in PvE they are irreplaceable: starting a mission even at an average difficulty level without a doctor on your team is very risky. If you die, there will be no one to raise you. This is especially critical in battles with Juggernaut - a strong man clad in armor. Someone needs to distract the big guy while others shoot at his weak spot - his back. Only a medic can hit Juggernaut from any side: metal, as you know, transmits electricity well, and a defibrillator is a multifunctional thing.

Snipers are the most controversial class in Warface. On many maps they simply cannot turn around: there are no convenient positions for shooting, there is nowhere to hide, and at close ranges, for obvious reasons, they are of little use.

No misses

The game has six types of online battles, most of which are designed for teamwork. In “Storm”, one side needs to capture three enemy strongholds, and the other, accordingly, needs to prevent them. In Demolition, the attackers are required to take three key enemy points in turn, while the defenders are required to fight back. "Team Deathmatch" and "Capture" are classic Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag accordingly (only instead of a flag, here you need to steal missile launch codes and deliver them to your own base). In Obliteration, you must hold a control point to trigger an airstrike on the enemy. Make three such strikes and you can open the festive champagne. And finally - “Meat Grinder”, battles on the principle of “every man for himself”. No team interaction, just you and a dozen enemies eager for your death.

The artificial intelligence in PvE missions is quite inventive - it is very difficult to take on an opponent by force.

Much more interesting missions with co-op playthrough. There are fights with bosses, convoying equipment, and even some semblance of a survival mode from Left 4 Dead with crowds of mercenaries instead of zombies. When going through a co-op, it is important to remember that interaction with your teammates is extremely important here. It is unlikely that you will be able to break away from the group and act solo. There are many enemies, they kill often, and if, for example, no one chooses a doctor, then there is little chance of getting past the first checkpoint.

IN Warface co-op reveals itself from a completely different side: the game slows down the pace a little (even at high level complexity, you don’t die so often), but team interaction gains even more higher value. The computer opponents here are unexpectedly smart - they don’t mark time, they suddenly jump out from around corners and hit you painfully on the head with their batons. You have to crawl along the ground to hide from snipers, lure enemies into nooks where they are warmly greeted by their comrades with bread and salt, and help friends in difficult times. The absence of at least one representative of each class significantly reduces the chances of winning. At such moments, Warface is reminiscent of Syndicate multiplayer - a smart, beautiful and, most importantly, hardcore shooter.

Talking about cooperative game, we can’t help but say one more important thing. Still, the co-op missions here cannot be compared with full-fledged single-player missions in regular shooters. There are no particularly complex plots, beautiful videos or staged scenes. But as a complement to multiplayer, the local PvE looks quite fresh, and it’s interesting to play.

Most locations in Warface are multi-level.

But what we can’t help but find fault with is the cramped locations – both in PvP and PvE. There is less space on the levels here than even in Call of Duty. Opponents are literally stepping on your heels - this is how the respawn points are located. They don’t live here for long; after just a minute or a minute and a half (unless you’re a sniper, of course), you’ll have to desperately call a medic for help. The maps resemble real labyrinths with dozens of passages. Opponents kill you every now and then at the most unexpected (and, as usual, inopportune) moment, jumping out of an inconspicuous hole in the fence. Sometimes there is no rest even at your own base: before you have time to be reborn, you have already been killed again. At such moments, curses come out of the mouth by themselves.

Only tackles, one of the main innovations of Warface, save you from heavy fire. If you press a special button while running, the fighter will fall on his butt and ride on it for several meters. This simple technique perfectly confuses enemies and makes them miss. By the time they come to their senses, you will have time to fill them with lead.

As your character progresses, a new product. It is advisable to update your equipment more often - some items have very beneficial properties: For example, Kevlar gloves speed up reloading, and reinforced body armor provides more reliable protection.

» created to order Russian corporation Group, since Counter-Strike 1.6, which was extremely popular in the Russian segment, is already very outdated, both technically and morally. This niche could be filled, and enterprising “soap-makers” decided to stake out their place in the sun. Since the campaign does not have its own staff of developers of technically complex online games, they did the same as they always did - they handed over the order to people who were able to provide Group with the most attractive format for a future hit among Russian players.

Arsenalchik, I must admit, is at his best

Warface hunting season has begun.

As a result, the developer was assigned to the CryTek campaign, which created the shooter “Crysis” that went down in history. The developers previously had only relative experience in creating multiplayer games, but included complex multiplayer in their creation. They decided to work with their native CryEngine engine in the same way. In celebration of the creation of an exceptionally multiplayer action game, the engine was heavily tweaked, modernized and refined so that the servers could withstand heavy loads, but at the same time users could enjoy stunning images.

Warface is a chic and beautiful action movie, but it has nothing to do with e-sports. If you are specifically interested in an eSports game, then pay attention to.

Today "Warface" is one of the best online fighters in Russia. What is this creation of the gloomy German genius? Russian players received a product that looks beautiful, is easy to digest and quickly addictive. According to the plot of the game, there is an ongoing confrontation between two large transnational corporations in the world. One, as always, is bad, and the second is the real peacemaker. They constantly squabble over certain resources, sending crowds of mercenaries of varying degrees of preparedness to slaughter. The game has two modes. IN PvP battle occurs between players of approximately the same level, where everyone randomly takes one of the sides.

Beautiful special effects, environments, models. In short, the most beautiful shooter.

Game modes and classes.

In PvE, a squad of players, sometimes even of varying degrees of development (the complexity of the mission determines it), is thrown into a certain map, where they must complete a number of tasks and survive, since they are opposed superior forces enemy controlled artificial intelligence. Both types of battles reward experience and money. For them, the player unlocks and acquires both new weapons and armor, as well as upgrades for weapons - sights, stabilizers, and so on.
There are 4 classes in the game, the tactics of playing for each of which are completely unique:

  1. The Stormtrooper is the main attacking force, armed with an assault rifle or machine gun, and also resupplies allied soldiers.
  2. The Medic is armed with a shotgun that is deadly in close combat, capable of healing the wounded and resurrecting recently dead soldiers.
  3. The engineer goes on the attack with a submachine gun, which at short distances is capable of destroying even an armored enemy. This class is capable of restoring armor to allies, as well as laying anti-personnel mines.
  4. The sniper is armed with a deadly and long-range, but not very fast-firing rifle, ideal for shooting enemy infantry from cover.

Many battle modes, both PVP and PVE, will not leave even the most ardent connoisseurs of the genre indifferent.

Orgy of war.

As a result, an incredible meat grinder takes place on the battlefield, in which each class is quietly destroyed by the other. Obviously there are no weak or strong ones. For example, a stormtrooper can easily destroy anyone with skillful handling of a powerful and fast-firing rifle, but in close combat he will not be able to resist a charge of shot from a medic, and in long-range combat he will not be able to show the same deadly accuracy as an enemy sniper. PvP has several game modes - from the popular and simple Deathmatch to Capture the Base.

Warface video.

Everyone agrees that the shooter is great, but among the school population of the country there is an agromyth about crazy donation. There is donation in the game, but within normal limits.

Name Online Games: Warface, Warface Genre: Online shooter, MMOFPS, Action, Shooter
Developers: Crytek: Kiev, Seoul, Frankfurt. Release date: 12.04.2012
Publisher: Mail.Ru Group Mode: multiplayer
Video review: watching the video Official site:
Type: client, shareware - free. But it is necessary download Warface client And register at the office website, which will significantly improve and activate the game, and will also reduce Internet traffic if you do not have unlimited Internet.

Warface, Warface is a client-based, multiplayer, shareware, online first-person shooter from companies Crytek. This company is already known to shooter fans for this popular game, whose name Crysis. To the game Warface a new one was developed game engine CryEngine 3, which had a positive effect on the quality of graphics and technical support games. WITH . The game amazes and delights with its depiction of the terrain, graphics and huge selection kart. For all this, the developers received two awards. The first, in 2012 better graphics in the game, and the second in 2013, as best game world in the genre online shooter ov.

Warface game review

All game events Warface develop into 2023 between two warring super powers. One of the powers wants to gain control over the entire planet by sending its terrorists to different corners peace. A detachment was created to counter terrorism elite troops warface, you will control this squad on missions. Be prepared to find yourself anywhere, be it the snow-covered taiga or the impenetrable jungles of Africa. Complete various missions on land, on water and in the air.

In Game Warface will be available to you 4 classes characters are medic, sniper, stormtrooper, engineer. Each character is equipped with its own combat setup and weapons. You will learn more about each class.

Gameplay of the game Warface consists of two modes PvP And PvE. You may ask why there are so few modes, but that’s the beauty of it, each mode is stuffed with many missions and now we’ll look at them.

PvP mode:

IN PvP mode you will fight with others online players. To do this, there are seven modes in the Warface game, with big amount area maps. In this mode you earn experience, game currency (warbucks) And support points. Experience is needed to advance in rank. Using in-game currency you will buy new weapons, equipment, and you will need support points in case of unforeseen situations.

PvP mode name Description of PvP mode Cards
1. Domination Capturing and defending control points.Mines.
2. Destruction Control of a point for a certain amount of time. When a given point is captured, 1 explosion sounds, cutting off part of the enemy territory and tactical approaches to it. 3 explosions on enemy territory brings victory.Lighthouse, Towers.
3. Meat grinder Classical "Death Match". You appear in a random location.Suburb, Depot, Overpass, Forest.
4. Storm Control of territories with specific features:
1. – the map is divided into three parts, the game takes place on one of the parts of the map, one of the attacking sides must capture the territory and only then is it possible to move to the next part of the map.
2. - you need to hold not the entire territory, but a certain point.
Hills, Invasion, Black Gold, Shipyard.
5. Capture Tactical mode - one side defends, the other attacks. This is the feature this mode. Each player is given one life per round.Construction, Convoy, Deposit, Fortress, Shelter.
6. Detonation Mode Counter Strike, one team plants a bomb on one of two points, and the other must prevent this or defuse the bomb if the enemy team managed to plant it.Outskirts, Overpass, Object D17, Palace, Destination, Factory, Bridges, Lanes.
7. Team fight Classical "Team Death Match" with a command place for players to appear.Oil depot, Terminal, Square, Farm, Village, Farm (sunset), Hangar, Crossing, Dock.

PvE mode:

PvE mode divide by 3 difficulty levels: weak, medium (difficult), difficult (pro). If, with good skill in weak level you can complete the missions alone, then if average and difficult level you will have to recruit a team. In each mission you will encounter different bots - simple: snipers, soldiers with a machine gun and police shields, machine gunners. AND difficult, up to bosses: KA-50 helicopters, machine gunners covered from head to toe with armor (they are also called Juggernauts), and robots in the game Warface, I call them "Grom" combat vehicles. For completing missions you will be given experience and warbucks much more than in PvP mode. Best player from the team will be awarded a special in-game currency “crown”.

This mode is divided into 5 types of missions:

Names of missions in PvE mode Purpose of missions
1. Liquidation Kill one of the leaders terrorist organizations, perched on a 20-story skyscraper.
2. Convoy It is necessary to accompany equipment and various cargoes to a safe place.
3. Arena Maintain the defense of 1 point from enemy invasion.
4. Safari Get to the assembly point in a vehicle when you are under fire from each side.
5. Boss Kill Destroy the main boss, the KA-50 helicopter or the Grom combat vehicle.
Notes: All cards in PvE mode are divided into 2 stages: Stage 1– kill the mini boss; Stage 2– completing the mission task.

Official trailer and pictures for Warface

This concludes my review of the game. If you liked the game then register on the official website of the Warface game, from where you can download completely free Warface client, and enjoy the game.

So, Warface is an online shooter that can be downloaded completely free of charge. You can also play for free, although there is a game store. Checked personally.

In Warface you will have access to: PvE mode(player versus computer bots), and PvP mode(player versus player). The game is a team game, so regardless of the game mode, all interaction takes place in the Warface or Blackwood team (except for the Meat Grinder mode).

You can play Warface as one of 4 characters. This is an attack aircraft, medic, engineer or sniper. Each has its pros and cons. We'll talk about this a little below.

Registering in the game is quite simple. You need to have Mailbox on (who doesn’t), go to the official website of the game and click the “download game” link. Next, you will be asked to install a program from, which will download and subsequently install the entire game client on your computer.

Game classes (characters), their features in the Warface game

So, registration is completed. Next, the game window opens and we are given a choice - click on the PvE button or the PvP button. Regardless of your choice, 4 playable classes will be available for your character: attack aircraft, medic, engineer and sniper. All classes have basic set weapons and armor, which will not go away from you and which does not require maintenance or repair.

  • Stormtrooper- This is a fighter for assault, has some versatility. Convenient in both medium, short and long range combat, which is why we are extremely loved by all warface newcomers. Armed with an automatic rifle, he also has a pistol and a knife (however, all game classes have a pistol with a knife, and there is also a grenade). His specialty is that he can replenish ammunition for both himself and his team members. Replenishment is not unlimited, keep in mind!
  • Medic- it's simple fighting machine in the hands of skilled players, “Doctor Death” for the enemy and a walking resuscitator from the other world for his team. Ideal in close combat and completely unsuitable for ranged combat. Armed with a shotgun. He also uses a knife and a defibrillator for close combat (simply a terrible thing, it knocks down even juggernauts). As you already understood, its feature is the healing and resurrection of the team.
  • Engineer– a fighter for close and medium distance. Armed with a short-barreled, rapid-fire machine gun. He is useful to the team for his ability to restore armor. Another feature is that it can lay an anti-personnel mine, which successfully blows up enemies. This can be especially true on PvP maps, where the engineer is very popular. In PvE missions, his popularity is quite average.
  • Sniper- a fighter for long-range combat, although some gourmets also use it at short distances, armed with a knife and a semi-automatic rifle. The usefulness of a sniper lies in his ability to shoot and identify the most dangerous enemies (special forces soldier, sniper, grenade launcher). It doesn’t have any other features, but what it has is quite enough to conduct an effective battle.
Types of weapons from suppliers Sniper menu

Weapons in Warface

Absolutely all weapons in the warface game are divided into rare, rare and the most common. Initially, ordinary weapons will be available to you; as you progress through missions, you will gain access to more and more interesting “toys”.

Also, all weapons are divided into weapons, equipment and equipment. As you complete missions, you can only unlock one of your choice. After gaining access, you will need to game store Use in-game money (Warbucks) to buy the weapons you need. Purchases for Warbucks have an unlimited validity period.

Also in the game, in addition to Warbucks, there are credits and crowns. Crowns are given to you for achievements, and credits for contributions real money. Purchasing weapons with loans and crowns is temporary.

If you are pumping weapon– you will have access to various rifles, shotguns and machine guns. Equipment includes boots, gloves, helmets and armor. A equipment– these are various sights, bipods, bayonets and other modules.

Battle with the juggernaut War machine Grom (battle)

Bosses in the game Warface

On this moment I currently know 3 bosses in Warface. These are the juggernaut, the Grom combat vehicle and the KA 50 helicopter. Each of these bosses has its own weak spots and its own characteristics of murder. Later I will definitely write a guide on the bosses. And now briefly about each.

  • Juggernaut – a fighter in super armor, completely invulnerable from the front. At the back there is a certain power unit, which you need to shoot at. But the subtlety is that the juggernaut really doesn’t like to turn his back to you, so it’s very advisable to kill the jugger by spreading out across the area. By the way, the medic does not have to target this power unit. With the help of his defibrillator, he can hit the juggernaut anywhere.
  • War machine thunder - a very large robot. Shoots at you with rockets and machine guns. He needs to get into the cabin and first we demolish his armor, and when Thunder falls, we need to additionally hit him in the cabin so that lives are taken away. It has its own nuances of destruction, which largely depend on the map you are playing on.
  • Helicopter KA-50 – also has a machine gun and rockets, is constantly on the move, which makes it difficult to hit. And you have to hit the helicopter with a grenade launcher, usually while being under heavy fire. Therefore, having a medic when fighting such a boss is simply vital.

PvE game mode in Warface

But you still have to get to the bosses, and to get there you have to start somewhere. So, the warface game in PvE mode offers you 3 missions according to their difficulty - easy, difficult and pro.

There is also a training mission available for beginners - you should not neglect it. In addition, you will be given a lot of Warbucks for completing the training map. After completing the training mission, many people have a dilemma - where to press next.

If you have just started playing, I strongly advise against trying complex maps, you will die there anyway due to lack of experience and good equipment. Start with an easy card. And I strongly advise beginners not to immediately use the data given to you when registering 5 return signs. Take a closer look at the game first.

Next, you find yourself in a room with players, where your squad is formed. When 4-5 people are ready to play, you can begin playing through the map. Maps change every day at 4 am, so you won’t get tired of the game soon. In addition, a different plot, colorful graphics, and many types of enemy create good dynamics games.

I would also like to note that in PvE mode, missions can be divided according to their type into 4 types:

  • A convoy mission involves escorting some equipment to a point. At the same time, the enemies are putting pressure on your equipment in every possible way. And you too.
  • The safari mission speaks for itself. You will either be in a truck or on a boat moving to the point, while actively being fired upon by the enemy.
  • An arena mission is when you sit in one place, and you are attacked from all sides and you have to hold out for a certain period of time.
  • The boss kill mission involves fighting one of three bosses at the very end.
Demolition mode in Warface (PvP game)
Training ground

PvP game mode in Warface

This mode in the warface game is very interesting, if only because it has big choice maps for fighting, and also has 6 game modes. This is a team fight, assault, explosion, meat grinder, capture, destruction. Let's take a closer look at these modes.

  1. Team fight – one of my favorite modes. Present in almost any shooter. Here you need to kill as many opponents as possible within a certain time. Or kill a certain number of enemies.
  2. Storm– in Warface this is the capture of command points. You need to sequentially capture 3 such points within a certain period of time.
  3. Detonation– the attacking side must place a bomb at one of two points, the second team must do its best to prevent this. The team that plants or defuses the bomb wins. Or it will completely destroy the enemy.
  4. Meat grinder- every man for himself. The point of the game is to die as few times as possible and kill as many enemies as possible.
  5. Capture– you need to capture the missile launch codes and deliver them to a certain point. The other team should prevent this from happening.
  6. Destruction – you need to kill 120 enemy carcasses or, as an option, call an airstrike. For an airstrike you need to hold a certain point for a given period of time.


Well, I wanted to talk about Warface in a few words - but it turned out great. In short, who has made a lot of bookoffs - the point of the review is this: Warface is worth playing. If you like the shooter genre, you will 100% like this game too.

The graphics are up to par, there are a lot of weapons, a decent interface, and so far an unobtrusive and optional donation - all this speaks in favor of this game. Respect to the developers, I hope they won’t spoil it over time.

Video for the game Warface

Warface system requirements


CPU: Intel/AMD dual-core 2.0 GHz

RAM: 1GB (1.5GB for Vista/7)

Video: GeForce8600 GT 256MB /
ATI(AMD)Radeon X1950 256MB

Internet access via ADSL 56 Kbps

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

CPU: Intel Core2Duo™ E6-series / Athlon64 X2 6400+


Video: GeForce9600GT 512MB /
AMD Radeon HD 4830 512MB

Hard drive: 6 GB free space

Internet access via ADSL 56 Kbps or higher speed channel. Equipment for online negotiations in Teamspeak mode (headphones, microphone).

SettingFirst Person Shooter
release dateApril 12, 2012
PublisherMail.Ru Group
System requirements:
CPUIntel Core 2 Duo
Video cardNVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / AMD Radeon X1950
Disk space6GB or more
PlatformsWindows 7/8/10

The online game Warface is an MMOFPS shooter, the brainchild of Crytek, or more precisely, its Kyiv branch in Ukraine. The developers vying with each other shouted that Warface would make a revolution, outwitting such venerable giants of online shooters as Battlefield, Call of Duty or Counter-Strike. Was it a success? We will try to figure this out.

Game process

In Warface, there are four specializations for your character: attack aircraft, engineer, sniper and medic. As we can see, the classes were successfully slammed by competing shooters.

Engineer in the online game Warface plays the role of a miner. He is also well versed in melee weapons such as submachine guns or pistols. In fact, this specialization is quite useless, since in the meat grinder of combat there may not be enough time to plant mines.

But still the most useless classes are doctors And snipers. Snipers simply have nowhere to turn on very narrow maps. In addition, there are very few profitable positions for them. As for the medic, his presence on the battlefield in PvP mode solves absolutely nothing, but in PvE mode without him it will be extremely difficult. IN right moment he will pick up a wounded comrade and shock the invulnerable Juggernaut to weaken him.

PvE mode implemented quite well in the game. Even despite the high degree of stupidity of the AI, shooting mercenaries in batches is still interesting. Escorting vehicles, killing clumsy bosses, etc. will be able to entertain you well for a couple of hours. The main thing is to choose your teammates correctly and go to the barricades!

Unfortunately, PvP mode implemented not so interestingly. Even the variety of types of fights does not save the situation. There are six of them in total: assault, demolition, capture, team battle, destruction and meat grinder. One way or another, any type of battle turns into a real bloody mess in which the concepts of “tactics” or “ team game" fade into the background. The dynamics of the battle are quite monotonous and sluggish, so for fans of colorful and exciting battles, playing the online game Warface will not be interesting, to put it mildly.

As for donations, there is no way to play without them. The developers do not force you, but they gently push you to buy some kind of gun for a tidy sum. Otherwise, you will not survive in the game, because over time you will run out of money, there will be no money to repair weapons and you will have to kill enemies with the power of your thoughts! If someone tells you that you can survive in Warface without donating, you can safely spit in this person’s face! He is blatantly deceiving you!


There was a lot of pretentious hype around the online game Warface. Experts and developers shouted at all corners that the game would tear all its competitors to shreds. In fact, what came out was a very mediocre online shooter, which brazenly took a little bit of everything away from its competitors. But be that as it may, the game clearly does not live up to its rivals. Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, Arma 2 look like a ray of light in a dark kingdom against the background of Warface!

Even the good (at first glance) graphics cannot save the game. Very goofy textures, poor rendering, lack of destructibility, all this speaks for itself. Battles in PvP mode are boring and monotonous. The classification of the character does not make the slightest sense or logic at all. And the last nail in the coffin of the game is the donation, without which the game is impossible.

In general, we can say that the game is worthy... worthy of being erased after half an hour of play. Don't litter your HDD all sorts of rubbish. Play good games!