“Who's who in the Saratov region. Leonid Pisnoy: a charismatic corrupt official? Repair, one of several evils

  • 10.12.2021

When this person takes the floor at any event, even shameless journalists become silent. Because they know that everything he says will be interesting and to the point.

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It seems that there is not a person in the region to whom he cannot say directly to his face everything he thinks. What else do we know about him? Frank, sometimes to the point, a strong politician and leader, undoubtedly a bright personality. As a matter of fact, for most of us, this is where our understanding of his personality ends. Because for all his publicity and frankness, he doesn’t really like to talk about himself personally.

But today, in connection with the fiftieth anniversary, we tried to understand precisely this side of him, the purely human one, as far as possible without politics and business. So, meet Leonid Pisnoy.

- Leonid Aleksandrovich, what kind of child were you? Was it difficult for your parents to be with you?

Completely normal. I think my parents didn’t have much trouble with me. In general, I spent little time with my parents. It was, one might say, a sign of that time: they are constantly at work, on vacation - they go on trips. I believe that I was raised from beginning to end by my grandparents. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away when I was twelve years old.

- Are there any friends from that time with whom you still communicate?

Mostly school children - we actually communicate with them quite often.

-Who is the most important teacher in your life?

We had a very strong class teacher - Valentina Nikolaevna. By the way, she is still alive, she is already well over eighty. She was probably the most important thing. And others... In principle, I can say that I was very lucky with the teachers at the institute.

- Have you been interested in cars since childhood?

What kind of cars are you! I grew up on Barnaulskaya in the aircraft plant microdistrict in an ordinary five-story building. There was one Volga car per house with five entrances, and that one belonged to an honored test pilot who worked at an aircraft factory. So we could only see cars in newspapers and magazines. It was already in the seventies that the first “Cossacks” appeared among people, and even then statistics from the late seventies indicate that there was one such car per thousand families.

Then everyone had slightly different hobbies - they were engaged in photography, they designed radios. I was also fascinated by this then, and quite seriously. True, I didn’t go to clubs, I learned everything on my own, from books and magazines. In any case, I knew radio engineering very well for that time, I could easily assemble a receiver of any complexity, repair a TV - the one with a tube. I took good photographs.

- Why did you choose construction in the end? Just let’s not talk about the continuation of the dynasty now - after all, there are thousands of examples when children did not choose their parents’ profession.

No, there were, of course, assumptions that I would further develop in the direction of physics. But I’m probably still more of a down-to-earth person. As our faction, I am closer to concrete cases, the results of which can be seen.

- It has already become an axiom that Leonid Pisnoy never rests. But if given such an opportunity, what type of vacation would you choose, at least theoretically?

Well, if purely theoretically... I always say this: I don’t care where - in the office, on the banks of the Volga, on the seashore. If only there was no one nearby. Can you imagine how many people pass through my office every day, how many people I meet - as a deputy and along the line “ Saratovoblzhilstroy»?!

- By the way, which of these areas of activity is closer to your liking?

They have been so mixed up for a very long time that it is impossible to separate one from the other... Well, first of all, let’s explain what is meant by the word “deputy”. This is a fairly comprehensive concept. As a deputy, I was seriously involved and, I believe, made a significant contribution to resolving such issues as resuscitating the housing and communal services economy. And everyone in the Duma saw it. Just like everyone saw what was going on with our budget - I spent three years of my life on it. This is also my job as a deputy, although to a greater extent it can be called the work of an official.

If we take legislative activity... At one time I surprised myself in some ways, because until the age of 30 I had nothing to do with jurisprudence. And the first laws that I read, if we do not take into account the Constitution of the USSR, which we all studied in school, are everything that concerns the privatization of enterprises and joint-stock companies. That’s when I first began to delve into it, and even then shallowly, more, as they say, diagonally.

Perhaps the fact that I so actively and immediately entered into the rhythm of the work of the legislative assembly was due to the fact that at one time Dmitry Ayatskov was preparing a personnel reserve and sent me to improve my qualifications at the PAPS. Probably, the foundation for my future participation in legislative activities was laid there.

In any case, I know more than fifty percent of legislative acts - such as the Housing Code, Land Code, and Town Planning Code like the back of my hand. And I not only know, but I make every effort to improve them. Both at the regional and federal levels. And even though one amendment was adopted from me personally, the rest, about fifty, were ultimately introduced by deputies of the State Duma, by and large, it’s not very important to me - the result is important.

The same goes for any job. Recently, the head of the city and the head of the administration visited school No. 73 and saw what happened there in the end. And once upon a time, individual leaders of the city and region came there with a crowd of journalists and television crews: “Oh!”, “Oh!”... But the matter did not move forward, no one needed anything. Why could I come on my day off, on my own, remembering construction mechanics, calculate the loads, and make an engineering decision. And then they started working on the reserve fund, etc. But the deputy’s help was based on an engineering solution... If I hadn’t been an engineer, I probably wouldn’t have been able to help the school so effectively.

That’s why I say that everything is intertwined and can no longer be separated. Are houses burning, are people coming with any housing issues? I have not distinguished between these two areas of my work for a long time. I am both a director and a deputy at the same time.

- During all the time of such “part-time work”, did the thought of leaving any of these two directions ever occur to you?

I honestly admit: I’m a little tired of being a deputy. But how can you do this if you were born here, live and work here? Already as a Kirov resident you become fused with the life of the region.

Let's look objectively. Today everyone is preparing for the elections, where are Oleg Grishchenko and others going? Zavodskoy, Leninsky, Volzhsky districts. Has anyone ever been to Kirovsky? No. Because everyone is sure: there is a district deputy who solves problems. Once you realize all this, it is impossible to simply walk away and leave all these problems unresolved. Moreover, there is a board of directors of the Kirov district, of which I am a member as the head of the district.

And then I want to say: the whole interest of the situation lies in the fact that there are no former deputies, like security officers. For example, I have not been deputy chairman for three years, and yet I am often invited to the PDS. Because there is a wealth of knowledge that will always be in demand.

But I cannot refuse - I am such a person by nature. Therefore, I understand perfectly well: tomorrow I will hand over my mandate and will solve the same problems, only through the board of directors. Well, maybe there will be a little fewer questions.

- Both areas of your activity are related to people. And you are one of the few who really helps solve a wide variety of issues. Can you say that you love people?

I understand people. And so, we all love people. It is believed that only a mentally abnormal person can dislike society.

In general, the trouble with our society is that, as it is rightly said, “We all left the people, how can we return to them?” This continues to this day. Somewhere I broke away a little from real life - that’s all.

I will repeat once again: I understand people. Maybe I can’t help everyone, due to certain circumstances. But the fact that I will give any advice is unambiguous. On almost any issue. And sometimes, to resolve an issue, just a letter from a deputy is enough - and everything goes completely differently, because for now they are still afraid to go against it.

- Was there any difficult problem in your practice that you helped solve in any of your capacities, which gives you a special reason to be proud of yourself?

There are thousands of them. By and large, simple questions are not addressed. Some are more complex, some less. We solve more than half of housing problems. Everyone knows that I was one of the developers of the Law on Orphans, today they all come to me, and in this matter the resolution reaches one hundred percent. But here the law is on their side, they just need to be able to use it correctly.

As for housing and communal services, I am sure that all issues will never be resolved. And yet, in the Kirov region the situation is much better than in the rest. In many respects: both in terms of housing maintenance and landscaping.

- At least you can spend weekends with your family?

- “Saratovoblzhilstroy” operates in continuous mode. There are several holidays a year when I still stop the flow: New Year, in honor of my beloved women, May 1, Independence Day and Builder's Day. All. Sometimes, however, we have a day off in November. It turns out that we rest for 10-11 days a year. All other 355 days are working days. This means that I work all this time, no matter where I am. I never turn off my phone, and I know perfectly well that they won’t call me at night or on a day off without a good reason.

But in any case, the awareness that a call can ring at any moment does not allow you to relax on a purely psychological level.

And then, a lot of “waste paper” passes through me - our century still remains paper. Like it or not, it takes me and my assistant a lot of time to sort through the deputy’s folder. So it adds up hour by hour: invoices, technical literature, design documentation for new facilities... All these issues have to be resolved during the so-called creative time; I cannot afford to do this during working hours.

- So, there’s no time left for your favorite retro cars?

Practically. I can afford to do a lap or two on Saturday.

- What modern cars do you prefer?

Due to the fact that I am a professional driver, until a certain time I gave preference to the domestic automobile industry. Only because I understood what was inside. Now, of course, the Russian auto industry has reached such a level that it probably doesn’t even understand what’s inside. Therefore, I began to gradually abandon it. But in general, to say that I give preference to a particular brand of car... I always have several of them. One quality is important to me: that it matches the moment when you ride it. If it is winter, there must be an all-wheel drive car, if it is a highway, there must be, first of all, a comfortable car; in the summer on Saturday it is more convenient to drive around the city in a Volga.

- Why were you waiting so long for your new Opel?

I decided to understand what a non-production car is, I became interested. There are seven such Opel Insignias in the city today. And then, when I ride it, everyone looks and is also interested. It’s good that they don’t see what’s inside - me (laughs), otherwise they would be even more interested.

- Fellow journalists recently called you a sentimental person. Do you agree with this?

In some ways, yes. I respect the past - both mine and our country's, and I cannot understand how entire periods in history can be painted with one paint - white or black.

- Is there any country other than Russia where you could and would like to live?

Not yet. I didn't travel much, though. But where I was - in Germany and Israel - I would not want to live. I'm Russian. So far, despite all our disadvantages, I see more positive things for myself here.


- Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I love both equally, and we have always had both cats and dogs in our house. But he’s probably more of a cat person: it’s calmer with cats.

- What are you reading?

Detectives and historical literature.

- What is your favorite drink?

Cognac. The simplest, three stars.

- What type of women do you like?

No specific type. But intellectual features have always interested me. There was never anything stupid.


Ruslan ANDIBOR: I am happy that we bring good to people.

It just so happened that literally a few days after the anniversary of the general director of OJSC Saratovoblzhilstroy, another celebration is coming up. September 1 marks the 70th anniversary of Ruslan Andibor, who headed the 6th trust “ Saratovzhilstroy"since 1983 for 17 years.

Ruslan Mikhailovich, even while leading the 6th trust, has built 34 kindergartens, 28 extensions and schools, and Ruslan Mikhailovich himself does not know how many square meters of housing have been commissioned in 17 years. I lost count before the first million.

Today Ruslan Andibor is the deputy general director of Saratovoblzhilstroy OJSC, the right hand of Leonid Pisny. Ruslan Mikhailovich’s area of ​​responsibility includes: the human resources department, labor protection and safety, general work on electrical supply, equipment equipment and the actual commissioning of objects.

Ruslan Mikhailovich remembers very well the time when Leonid Pisnoy came to work at Saratovoblzhilstroy: it was then that there were serious troubles with the leadership of the most unfavorable division of the SMU-2 trust: before Leonid Alexandrovich, four bosses were replaced in 2-2.5 years.

The issue of personnel was very acute at that time,” says Ruslan Mikhailovich, “we needed a person who could pull this burden and straighten out the situation of SMU-2. And I will tell you without exaggeration, from the moment Leonid Pisnoy became the head of the department, the situation began to improve, the department began to grow rapidly.

They have been working together for about twenty years, and today Ruslan Andibor is very grateful to his student for the fact that he has been given the opportunity to fully realize the rich potential and experience accumulated over the years of work in construction, to realize his need.

“I am proud that after the division of the trust,” Ruslan Andibor said in parting, “when each of its divisions became independent and our employees headed them, not one of these enterprises not only did not give up, but even further strengthened their positions. And this suggests that we selected the personnel very correctly at the time. And Leonid Pisnoy is a clear confirmation of this.

The owner of a large construction business, Leonid Pisnoy, who began his career in the industry as a simple foreman and became a billionaire in the construction of Saratov, is today one of the central figures in regional politics. Being the chief engineer of the state construction trust, he was able to privatize it and promote it under the name of ZAO Saratovoblzhilstroy, which, according to our information, is heavily hooked on budget contracts. At the same time, Pisnoy is the charismatic face of the Saratov construction cartel, which is partially entrenched in the regional Duma. However, people have been talking about the fact that this politician is dishonest for a very long time.

Thus, in May 2015, residents of a cottage village in Zonalny complained to the press about Leonid Pisny. Firms are illegally building 29 six-story houses nearby, on land intended only for individual construction, without taking care of the infrastructure, including sewerage. In addition, it turned out that Companies associated with Pisny transferred this plot to each other a dozen times for only 20 thousand rubles, which smacks of some kind of fraud.

Experts assure that this behavior is the style of Saratovoblzhilstroy. At the intersection of Moskovskaya and Stepan Razin streets, he built a large house with a variable height from 9 to 14 floors, commissioned back in 2009. These 23,000 square meters of housing stood uninhabited for years, and it turned out that Pisny’s ​​company built them with money from the Ministry of Defense - part of the apartments was supposed to go to the military. The house was delivered without elevators, gas, water and heating, despite the fact that the developer undertook to provide complete infrastructure.

Initially, Pisny was supposed to receive 58% of the apartments, but already at the beginning of construction in 2005 the developer arbitrarily sold 70% of the housing to shareholders. For some reason, law enforcement agencies were not interested in this information. The reasons for this are best known to Leonid Pisnoy himself, who in comments to the media once admitted that the city administration applies a ten percent kickback rule when conducting competitive permitting work.

Pisnoy also revealed the reasons for not connecting the house to communications; it turns out that he was not satisfied with the terms of the already concluded contract with the state:

“The price at which the Ministry of Defense purchases housing in the region on the primary market is 21.5 thousand rubles. per sq. m. It is lower than the cost, which today averages 23-24 thousand rubles. per sq. m."

Construction companies can sell housing to the military at this price, the deputy believes, only if the costs of connecting to utility networks are fundamentally reduced, he explained.

But these details pale in comparison to the scam of the century, in which Leonid Pisnoy was directly involved at the end of 2009 – beginning of 2010. At the end of the first term of the then head of the region, Pisnoy tried, with the help of a bribe of 20 million euros, to include his candidacy in the list for further appointment as governor of the Saratov region. The advance payment left by his assistant in the safe deposit box of a capital bank, in his own words, disappeared, after which the deputy turned to the Investigative Committee, saying that he had become a victim of crooks posing as high-ranking officials.

In court, Leonid Pisnoy spoke with naive sincerity about his plans to gain power over the region through corruption. In parallel, in the fall of 2013, an unprecedented trial took place behind the scenes in the Volzhsky Court of Saratov, in which Pisny’s ​​assistant sued the capital’s Sudostroitelny Bank for a multimillion-dollar advance missing from a safe. The main evidence was only the oral testimony of Pisny, which he gave in the Moscow case. By the way, at the Saratov trial the “victims” were modest that the money was intended to buy land in the Moscow region. Fortunately, such details were not studied as part of this civil lawsuit.

As a result, last year in Moscow several businessmen belonging to the group of so-called “fixers” were convicted. People who were quite sophisticated in politics and business gave multimillion-dollar advances to the “fixers” for future positions. The purchase of the position was discussed by Pisny in one of the Saratov restaurants along with another regional Deputy developer Sergei Kurikhin And Director of Saratovstroystekla Mikhail Lanin, who acted as an intermediary with the Moscow “fixers”. After the deal fell through, Lanin was shot dead by assassins in Nice, France, in March 2011.

A little later, in June, an unsuccessful attempt was made on the life of deputy Sergei Kurikhin. In such a nervous halt, Pisnoy expected that he would be the next target. "Saratovoblzhilstroy" appointed an award in 3 million rubles for information about Kurikhin's attackers.

Nerves almost brought Pisny to prison. On August 17, 2011, while driving his personal car in the city center, he saw a car blocking the road. According to some reports, believing that this was an ambush of killers, The deputy exited the vehicle and fired several shots into the windshield of the suspect vehicle., after which he sat back and gave the gas. It turned out that he shot at police officers while on duty– a special operation was carried out at this place to detain the criminals. The Investigative Committee has begun an investigation to determine whether the parliamentarian’s actions constitute a criminal offense. Despite the fact that for any mere mortal such an act would end in prison, Leonid Pisnoy escaped punishment.

Unlike law enforcement agencies, the claims of ordinary citizens against the deputy-businessman are growing like a snowball. However, not all of this ends up on the pages of the media. So, some time ago, one of the Saratov blogs posted information about the chairman of the Mikrob-1 housing cooperative, Olga Bogoyavlenskaya. She claims that uncovered a scheme of mass theft by businessmen close to the government of budget money allocated under the federal capital repair program. In her opinion, the owner of a well-known construction company, deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, Leonid Pisnoy, is directly involved in them.

Bogoyavlenskaya was elected chairman of the Microbe-1 housing cooperative in her house at st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, house 96A in July 2013. Having decided to check the documentation of the cooperative, she noticed inconsistencies in the contract for major repairs carried out in 2009. Then the house became a participant in the program of the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, receiving from it 2 million 100 thousand rubles, more 100 thousand rubles collected by apartment owners. Bogoyavlenskaya claims that in the future her her predecessor as chairman of the board, Nina Buzinova, held a fictitious meeting, forging residents’ signatures on the decision to carry out repair work.

In May 2009, the company "Povolzhskapremstroy" owned by the son of a deputy Andrey Pisny received a contract for roof and sewer repairs. Technical supervision was carried out by Pisny Sr.’s enterprise, ZAO Saratovoblzhilstroy. However, it turned out that the contractor did not repair the existing sewer system, but simply built a new one next to it, which Vodokanal could not even register for further use. Accordingly, we inflated the estimate by an order of magnitude and received 2.2 million rubles from the housing cooperative. Bogoyavlenskaya believes that such abuses are actually widespread and appealed to the Prosecutor General’s Office, whose reaction is not reported.

Maxim Perepelov

Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation for the Kirov single-mandate electoral district No. 4, member of the committee on housing, construction and communal policies, member of the committee on culture, public relations and information policy, member of the United Russia faction.

Legislative initiatives

Leonid Aleksandrovich is one of those deputies whose activities do not fit into the template framework of regional parliamentarians. And it doesn’t fit in a good way. During his four years of work in the regional Duma, Leonid Pisnoy proposed 29 bills for consideration, most of which were completely independent, and not amendments that brought regional legislation into line with federal legislation. It should be noted that not all bills of high social significance, authored by Pisnoy, found support among deputies of the regional parliament.

Not long ago, Leonid Pisnoy proposed for consideration a draft law of the Saratov region “On the protection of the right to housing of participants in the construction of apartment buildings in the Saratov region.” The document is aimed at establishing measures to protect the right to housing of construction participants, in other words, equity holders. Most often, next to this word, the definition appears - deceived. This bill provides for two measures to support shareholders: a social payment for the acquisition (construction) of residential premises and a social payment for partial reimbursement of the costs of paying interest on a loan to complete the construction of residential premises. If this law is adopted, seven million rubles will be required from the regional budget. To date, this bill has passed its first reading.

Together with the then deputy of the regional parliament Pavel Bolshedanov Leonid Pisnoy proposed amending article four of the Law of the Saratov Region “On providing subsidies to the budgets of urban districts and settlements in the region in 2012 for major repairs and renovation of public roads in populated areas.” The bill was developed with the aim of using more correct data on the length of public roads in populated areas in the region to calculate the amount of subsidies to the budgets of urban districts and settlements in the region for major repairs and repairs of public roads in populated areas. The law was adopted and signed by the regional governor.

In addition, Leonid Pisnoy proposed amending the Law of the Saratov Region “On establishing the amount, conditions and procedure for monthly cash payments to pay for housing and utilities for teaching staff of educational institutions living and working in rural areas, workers’ settlements (urban-type settlements)” . These changes would help reduce regional budget expenditures while maintaining housing benefits for people in need of these benefits. The fact is that in 2009, 62,621 people received benefits in payment for housing in kind, of which only 22,660 were benefit recipients, and the remaining 39,961 were persons living with them, to whom the benefit also applied. As of April 1, 2010, the number of benefit recipients decreased by 1.7%, while the number of people living with them increased to 46,575. This exceeded planned expenses. And since, in accordance with the current law, the monthly cash payment (MCP) for payment of housing and utilities is calculated as a percentage of the established standard for the cost of housing and communal services for each citizen living together, an increase in the number of people living in the beneficiary’s family leads to the accrual of inflated amounts of MCP compared to the actual costs of paying for housing and communal services. In this regard, the deputy proposed measures of social support for the payment of housing and utilities for the above category of citizens in the form of EDV for payment of housing and utilities, not exceeding the actual costs of paying for housing and utilities, which would not deprive benefit holders, but at the same time would help save regional budget funds. Unfortunately, the bill was never passed.

In addition to these three bills, Deputy Pisny has written many more interesting initiatives, which the allotted space does not allow us to consider.

Working with voters

The number of voter requests that Leonid Pisny receives in writing, by telephone or during personal meetings is the envy of any deputy. Sometimes more than two thousand people turn to Leonid Alexandrovich in one quarter. In total, during the period from 2008 to 2012, the deputy of Pisny received 21,053 appeals, of which 18,649 were resolved positively.

Over four years, the deputy spent about 12 million rubles on charitable and patronage assistance. This money was used to provide material assistance to kindergartens, schools and other social institutions, to purchase building materials for fire victims, and to improve courtyard areas.

In addition to what is considered the main activity of deputies - work in specialized committees of the regional Duma, in meetings devoted to consideration of tariff issues, in ceremonial events dedicated to certain “red” dates, Leonid Pisnoy travels to the district weekly to communicate with residents. The issues of the meetings are varied, but there are several main ones - these are problems of the housing and communal services sector, major repairs of houses, landscaping of territories, provision of fire victims with building materials, assistance to the district waste management services. Also, every month the deputy informs the chairmen of housing cooperatives, homeowners' associations, and management organizations about newly adopted regulatory legal acts and legal practice on housing and communal services issues. In addition, Pisnoy regularly provides legal assistance to citizens in solving their problems.

Elena MIKIRTICHEVA, deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper “Newspaper of the Week in Saratov”:

Leonid Pisnoy, in my opinion, is one of the best deputies in all four convocations of the Saratov Legislative Assembly. Since 2002, Leonid Aleksandrovich has graced the regional Duma. Moreover, we are talking not only about an amazing sense of humor and incredible charisma, which Pisny has in abundance. Leonid Aleksandrovich actively and intensively works in the legislative field, initiates, develops, and brings to fruition numerous bills not only at the regional, but also at the federal level. Pisnoy also works with voters. And not from campaign to campaign, but constantly, throughout the years of the two Duma convocations. And for this, the residents of his district adore the deputy, and envy them from other districts.

Ramil BAKHTEEV, correspondent of the Vzglyad-Info news agency:

Leonid Aleksandrovich is, of course, one of the major professionals in the current composition of the regional Duma. His professionalism is confirmed by numerous legislative initiatives that come from the parliamentarian. And some even form the basis of federal regulations. At the same time, Pisnoy manages to explain in a short, succinct, strong expression all the intricacies of housing and communal legislation. Less capable parliamentarians respect, fear and quietly hate him. The current acting chairman of the housing and communal services committee looks to Leonid Aleksandrovich like a first-grader trying to pass the exam for an eminent doctor of science.

Dmitry MITROSHIN, editor-in-chief of the weekly “Reporter”:

As children, we divided ourselves into two teams in the yard: first, we chose two queens, and not necessarily those who played well. And they took turns recruiting their teams, first pulling out those who play well, then those who are worse. This is how the Duma should choose. Moreover, Pisnoy is a player who will be torn away by any elector. And since there is no way they will give him a portfolio in a committee dealing with issues in which no one understands better than Leonid Aleksandrovich, it becomes clear that the Duma is not the place where the most talented players who can come up with something useful are gathered. For example, regulations that will really make life easier for Saratov residents. Our Duma has completely different goals and objectives, that’s why Zaigralov- Nightingale, that is, a candidate for the same committee portfolio and even gets more votes than Pisnoy! Well, it's a laugh.

As for Pisny, we can talk about it for a long time. Clever, jokester, witty. Even his mat is akin to building materials, something like new tiles. It will cover anyone, and then you look at the person covered - beautiful, damn it!

And Leonid Aleksandrovich, unlike many of his colleagues, knows the laws and builds houses. That is, he is engaged in real affairs, which the party calls to believe. Well, what an election for him! Pisnoy should be promoted to the Duma automatically, as an excellent student in non-combatant service. And you have to choose between Lindigreen And Losina. This is where the conflict is, God forgive me.

Sergei SHCHUKIN, columnist for the online newspaper “Fourth Power”:

Leonid Aleksandrovich Pisnoy is definitely fulfilling his deputy mandate. Those who attend meetings of the Duma working groups know that he likes legislative activity, that he is passionate about it, Pisny’s ​​bass can be heard, probably, in all corners of the regional parliament building. He is active, unlike many other deputies who compete in wit and idle talk at meetings. It is characteristic that such people as State Duma deputy communist also speak about his high professionalism Olga Alimova and former Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Lyubov Sliska. If the first lady can still be suspected of trying to sow discord in the ranks of the local United Russia members, then the second lady doesn’t really care about all this local fuss. Sliska, by the way, said that there is no professional of Pisnoy’s level in the regional Duma. At one time, the “Fourth Estate” conducted an analysis of how parliamentarians spend money from their parliamentary funds and from their own pockets. Leonid Pisnoy was among the three most generous. Critics accuse the deputy of “pulling the blanket on himself” and lobbying for laws for himself. But, firstly, deputies must represent a certain group of interests, this scheme works all over the world, for Leonid Aleksandrovich it is the housing and communal services and the construction industry. Probably, in this way he helps his business, so what’s wrong with that? In general, in my opinion, he looks like a real American or European politician - a person with serious financial support and an active life position.

Higher education: in 1982 he graduated from the Saratov Polytechnic Institute with the qualification “Civil Engineer”. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

He began his career while studying at the institute, where from 1977 to 1981 he worked as a laboratory assistant.

From 1982 to 1987 he worked in Novosibirsk in the construction department No. 953 of the Novosibirskdorstroy trust as a mechanic, foreman, senior foreman, and chief engineer of the department.
Later Pisnoy L.A. lives and works in Saratov

From 1987 to 1995 he worked in construction and installation department No. 2 of trust No. 6 “Saratovzhilstroy”, first as chief engineer, then as head of department; since 1995 - director, general director of SMU No. 2 Saratovzhilstroy LLC, and then general director of Saratovoblzhilstroy CJSC.

From December 2000 to September 2002, he was a deputy of the Saratov City Duma of the second convocation.

In September 2002, Pisnoy L.A. was elected deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation. From September 2002 to April 2003 he worked in the Regional Duma on a professional permanent basis. In December 2003, he was elected Chairman of the Committee on Industrial, Construction and Communal Policy, and in April 2005 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma, Chairman of the Committee on Industrial, Construction and Communal Policy.

In December 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation in the Kirov single-mandate electoral district No. 4.

Member of the Committee on Culture, Public Relations and Information Policy, member of the UNITED RUSSIA faction.

He has the honorary title “Honorary Builder of Russia” and the honorary badge of the Governor of the Saratov Region “For mercy and charity.”

Married. Three children.

Helpful information

This year a significant event took place for ZAO Saratovoblzhilstroy

Leonid Pisnoy - about construction records of the past six months

On financial incentives for regions relocating emergency housing ahead of schedule

The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia has prepared a mechanism for financial incentives for regions that are currently successfully implementing a program for resettling emergency funds and plan to do this ahead of schedule.

Repair, one of several evils

Owners of apartments in apartment buildings have only a month and a half left to decide on a method for accumulating funds for major repairs. However, to date, out of 13,369 houses that were included in the overhaul program in the Saratov region, no more than 120 houses have chosen the form of accumulation.

List of questions for the general meeting of owners when choosing a special account

To be included in the agenda of the general meeting of owners of premises in apartment buildings, if it is planned to make a decision on the accumulation of funds for major repairs of the common property of apartment buildings in a special account

List of questions for the general meeting of owners when choosing a regional operator

To be included in the agenda of the general meeting of owners of premises in apartment buildings, if it is planned to make a decision on the accumulation of funds for major repairs of the common property of apartment buildings on the account of a regional operator

Overhaul at your own expense

When many residents of our country receive a utility bill in the fall, they may be surprised. In addition to fees for “antenna”, “garbage removal”, “sewage” and other usual services, a new expense item will appear there - “major repairs”. The fact is that from this year, the residents themselves will also pay for the repairs of residential buildings. We found out how this will happen and how much the rent will increase.

Deputies protected the population from exorbitant charges for housing and communal services

The first of June is listed on the calendar as Children's Day. June 1, 2013 will probably go down in history as a day to protect responsible consumers and utility providers.

Information on established standards for the consumption of utilities for cold and hot water supply for general house needs in the Saratov region

On June 1, 2013, changes to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution).


In 1982 he graduated from the Saratov Polytechnic Institute with the qualification “Civil Engineer”. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

From 1977 to 1981 In parallel with his studies, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Saratov Polytechnic Institute.

From 1982 to 1987 worked in Novosibirsk in the construction department No. 953 of the Novosibirskdorstroy trust as a mechanic, foreman, senior foreman, and chief engineer of the department.

From 1987 to 1995 worked in the construction and installation department No. 2 of trust No. 6 “Saratovzhilstroy” as chief engineer, head of department.

Since 1995 - director, general director of SMU No. 2 Saratovzhilstroy LLC.

Currently he is the General Director of JSC Saratovoblzhilstroy.

From December 2000 to September 2002, he was a deputy of the Saratov City Duma of the second convocation.

In September 2002, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation.

In December 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation.

In October 2012, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocation.

In September 2017, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the sixth convocation. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Regional Duma.

In the regional parliament he constantly represents the interests of voters in the Kirov region.

Chairman of the control and audit commission of the regional branch of United Russia.

Member of the regional association of employers “Union of Producers and Employers of the Saratov Region”. Recognized with the honorary badge of the governor of the Saratov region “For mercy and charity.”

He has the title “Honorary Builder of Russia”.

Married, three children.

Blitz interview (2013)

As a child I dreamed... follow in his father's footsteps and work in construction.

I earned my first money... still at school. At that time, it was common practice for children to work in the summer. Now it seems funny, but then we went to the Berezina River, picked apples and received 1 ruble for our work (at that time it was good money). Then he worked wherever possible: both in the construction team and as a laboratory assistant at the institute.

The idea of ​​creating my own business came to me... I never had the idea of ​​starting my own business. And “Saratoovoblzhilstroy” is a consequence of the transformation of the economic model on a national scale. First there was rent, then corporatization, everything was like everyone else. But I didn’t create this company, I just saved it.

For many years I have followed the rule... There is only one rule in business: measure twice, cut once. That is, if you want to earn or sell products worth 1 ruble, then you do not have the right to spend more than 99 kopecks on its creation. Therefore, you calculate 7 times, make a decision once and implement it, controlling the pricing policy. Without this golden rule, no business is possible. As Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev said: “The economy must be economical.” This is a basic rule, although this axiom was pronounced during the heyday of developed socialism.

I consider my teacher... first of all, Karl Marx, as the founder of that economic theory that is being modernized and developed to this day, that is, the theory of surplus value. In general, there were quite a few people in my life who taught me something important, and I’m unlikely to be able to name them all.

I would advise a new entrepreneur... control the common human habit of consuming. When personal consumption exceeds the ability to obtain funds for its implementation, the entrepreneur becomes bankrupt. And I know many such examples: someone is wanted or in places not so remote, someone was subjected to physical pressure and simply parted with business, someone caused damage to other organizations, individuals (I, first of all, have in the sight of his colleagues - failed developers). Therefore, my advice is this: when receiving income from an enterprise, do not allow the enterprise’s expenses to exceed its income as a whole. Then everything will be fine.

Work for me is... if not a vital necessity, then a significant component of life. Since my family and company employees stand behind me, responsibility for them does not give me the opportunity to relax. By the way, this is also a characteristic feature of a leader: to understand that he works not for himself, but for the team and is obliged, I emphasize, obliged to provide everyone with work for a normal existence.

Whenever I have a free moment, I... I’m a fairly versatile person: I can have a glass, I can work on my car, surf the Internet, read a book, watch a movie, in general, I can do things that give me the opportunity to get away from work a little.

I could never... disappear somewhere without paying off debts, which, unfortunately, can be seen quite often lately. For me, fulfilling my obligations, including financial ones, is the basis of everything, and I could never allow their non-fulfillment.

To develop entrepreneurship it is necessary... first: psychological development, that is, awareness by everyone who wants to engage in entrepreneurship of their capabilities. This requires psychologists, manager-consultants and other specialists. There is a good Georgian toast: so that our desires coincide with our capabilities. When our desires do not coincide with our intellectual capabilities, nothing good will come of it. I don’t want to offend anyone, but if, for example, an excellent scientist, an excellent teacher, wants to be a manager, then nothing will work out for him, he is not psychologically ready for this. To develop entrepreneurship, it is necessary to first select those who really can, and not just want, to engage in entrepreneurship.

I live in Saratov because... I was born here, grew up here, everything is native to me here. I just love Saratov, and I get very worried when everything is not in order in the city. I am a native Saratovite, and all my departures end in nostalgia: without Saratov, at least for now, I would not be able to live.