Secrets of css. Book "CSS Secrets"

  • 31.07.2019

Hello, Khabro residents! We have added a new product to our O"Reilly series:

Flexible, lightweight code that meets standards - it can be obtained if you approach the problem analytically. Lea Verou will introduce you to undocumented techniques for finding elegant solutions to a wide range of web design challenges. The book is based on the author's presentations at sixty international web developer conferences, so it touches on the most current topics - from user experience to typography and visual effects. Many books available on the market today document the power of CSS from A to Z. For better or worse, CSS Secrets is not one of them. Its purpose is to fill knowledge gaps left after you've already read the reference material, open your mind to new ways to use functionality you already know, and introduce you to useful CSS features that aren't as trendy or popular, but deserve no less love. the main task This book is to teach you how to solve problems using CSS.

Who is this book for?

The main target audience of this book is intermediate to advanced CSS developers. By eliminating entry-level information, we can spend more time exploring complex use cases modern capabilities CSS and their various combinations. This does mean, however, that I did a few assumptions regarding your level of preparation, my dear reader:

I suppose that You know CSS 2.1 by heart and you have several years of development behind you. You are not tormented by the question of how positioning works. You use the generated content to decorate your design without the need for unnecessary markup or images. And you don't hang !important throughout the code because you really understand specificities, inheritance, and cascading. You know the components of the block model and you cannot be upset by the collapse of fields. You are familiar with the different units of change in length, and you know in which situation which one is best to use;

Are you quite familiar with the most popular CSS3 features- either from articles published on the Internet or from books - and tried to apply them, even if limited to their personal projects. Even if you haven't explored them in detail, you know how to create rounded corners, add a box-shadow, or define a linear gradient. You've already played with basic 2D transformations and spent a lot of time learning basic transitions and animation;

Do you have an idea of ​​the format? SVG, and you know what it is used for, even if you do not create files in this format yourself;

Have you heard about CSS preprocessors and you know what they are capable of, even if you decide not to use them in your work;

You don't swim in math level high school : square roots, Pythagorean theorem, sines, cosines and logarithms.

However, so that readers who do not meet the above requirements can also enjoy the book, I have added a sidebar at the beginning of some of the secrets "Prerequisites", which briefly lists aspects of CSS or previous secrets that you need to become familiar with in order to understand and learn how to use the current secret. (This does not include CSS 2.1 features, of course, because that would make the sidebar very long.) It looks like this:


Knowledge of the box-shadow property, basic knowledge of CSS gradients, the secret of “Flexible Ellipses”

This way, even if some things are unknown to you, you can read about them and then come back to the secret again As long as the prerequisites are met, the secrets can be read in any order, although it still makes sense to stick to the order in which they are presented in the book, since it is not random and I spent enough time thinking about the sequence.

Please note that I mentioned "CSS developers" and that "design skills" are not listed among the assumptions presented above. It's important to remember that this is not a design book. While it inevitably touches on certain design principles and describes some user experience improvements, CSS Secrets is first and foremost a book about solving problems with code. CSS code produces some visual output, but it is still code, just like SVG code, WebGL/OpenGL code, or the JavaScript Canvas API, not a design. Writing good responsive CSS requires the same analytical thinking, as for programming. Today, with most people using preprocessors for their CSS code, with all their variables, math, conditionals and loops, writing CSS code is almost indistinguishable from programming!

That doesn't mean I don't encourage designers to read this book. Anyone with enough CSS programming experience can learn something useful from it, and many talented designers are also capable of writing excellent CSS code. However, it should be noted that I Not The goal of this book was to teach you how to improve the visual design or usability of a website, even if it actually happened.

Formatting and Conventions

This book consists of 47 "secrets", thematically grouped into seven chapters. All of these secrets are more or less independent and - provided that all prerequisites are met - they can be learned in any order. The demos in each of the secrets are not ready-made websites or even parts of them. I deliberately made them as small and simple as possible in order to make them easier to study. I'm assuming that you already have an idea of ​​what you intend to implement. The purpose of this book is not to provide design ideas, but solutions for their implementation.

Each secret is divided into two or more sections. The first section, entitled "Problem", describes a common problem that we will solve using CSS. Sometimes in such an introduction I also describe popular ones, but not enough good solutions given problem (for example, solutions that require extensive markup, hard-coded values, etc.) and most often end it with one of the variations of the question: is there The best way implement the same?

The description of the problem is followed by one or more solutions. This book was inspired by CSS workshops I gave at various conferences, so I tried to keep the interactive presentation format as much as possible in the book. Each solution is accompanied by several illustrations demonstrating the visual result of each solution step if it leads to any visible changes. Because illustrations are not always accompanied by text describing what is happening in them, all illustrations are numbered and I refer to them by number.

The line code is highlighted in a monospace font, and the names and color codes are often supplemented by a small color label (for example, #f06). Block code snippets look like this:

Background: url("http://adamcatlace.jpg");
or like this:


Sir Adam Catlace

As you'll notice, when the language in a code snippet is other than CSS, it's indicated in the listing header. Additionally, if the example involves only one element, without any pseudo-classes or pseudo-elements, then I usually omit selectors and curly braces (()) in the code for brevity.

All JavaScript examples in this book are at the simplest level and do not require any infrastructure or libraries. There is only one helper function, $$(), needed to make it easier to iterate over multiple elements that match a specific CSS selector. Here is the definition of this function:

JS function $$(selector, context) ( context = context || document; var elements = context.querySelectorAll(selector); return; )

Interesting page
Sidebar with interesting information

Sidebars entitled "Fun Page" are interesting notes related to the topic being discussed, such as historical or technical background on a CSS feature being discussed. They are not required to be read to understand or begin to use the basic material, but may still be useful to the curious reader.

Each secret comes with one or more interactive examples, accessed using short, easy-to-remember URLs at Links to them look like this:

Future Solutions

The "Future" boxes describe techniques for which draft specifications have been prepared, but which have not yet been implemented at the time of this writing. The reader should always check whether these techniques are supported, as it is quite possible that they were implemented after the publication of the book. In cases where a feature is so obscure that it may not even be mentioned on browser support websites, this sidebar includes a link to a test that the reader can download by following a short, easy-to-remember URL such as the one shown below in the example “Test it!” The design of such tests typically includes shades of green when the feature is supported, and shades of red otherwise. The exact instructions are given in the code in the form of comments.

At the end of almost all secrets you will find a list of related specs that looks like this:

Related Specifications

- CSS Backgrounds & Borders
- Selectors
- Scalable Vector Graphics

This includes links to all specifications whose features were mentioned in secret. However, like the Prerequisites sidebar, the Related Specifications sidebar does not include the functionality CSS 2.1(, otherwise the same capabilities would have to be listed after each secret. This means that the few secrets in which we discuss only features from CSS 2.1 are not supplemented by the Related Specifications sidebar.

Browser support and fallback solutions

Probably the most unusual feature of this book is complete absence browser compatibility tables. This is a deliberate decision, since with today's browser release cycles, such information inevitably becomes outdated before the book even reaches store shelves. I believe that inaccurate information about browser support is misleading to the developer, which is even worse than having no such information.

However, most of the secrets presented here are either fairly well supported by browsers or there are good fallback solutions for them. If browser support for a particular technique is too low, you'll see a "Limited Support" warning icon next to the title of that solution, like this next to this paragraph. This should be enough for you to understand that you should not use this solution without checking the level of browser support, as well as without taking care of high-quality backup solutions.

Sometimes you'll find that a certain feature is supported, but the implementation varies slightly between browsers. For example, she may require browser prefix or her syntax may be slightly different. In the examples in this book, I use only the unprefixed syntax as defined in the standards. However, in almost any situation you can simultaneously use different variants syntax, and then the desired one will be selected automatically in accordance with the cascading rules. For this reason standard version should always be listed last. For example, to get a vertical linear gradient from yellow to red in the book, I will always use only the standard version:

Background: linear-gradient(90deg, yellow, red);
However, if you want to support very old browsers, your code might end up looking something like this:

Background: -moz-linear-gradient(0deg, yellow, red); background: -o-linear-gradient(0deg, yellow, red); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(0deg, yellow, red); background: linear-gradient(90deg, yellow, red);
Because the landscape of these differences is as fluid as browser support, I expect that in your work checking for these things will be part of the required research before implementing any CSS feature, so I do not discuss them in the solutions presented in this book. Likewise, it's good practice to provide fallback solutions to ensure your websites don't break on older browsers, even at the cost of simpler appearance. When workarounds are obvious, I don't focus on them because I assume you're familiar with cascading principles. For example, when defining a gradient, say like the one shown above, you could add a solid color at the very beginning.

Background: rgb(255, 128, 0); background: -moz-linear-gradient(0deg, yellow, red); background: -o-linear-gradient(0deg, yellow, red); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(0deg, yellow, red); background: linear-gradient(90deg, yellow, red);
However, sometimes cascading does not provide a reliable backup solution. Then, as a last resort, you can turn to tools like Modernizr, which add classes like textshadow or no-textshadow to the root element() so that you can only use them to access elements when the functionality you want is actually supported (or are not supported), for example:

H1 ( color: gray; ) .textshadow h1 ( color: transparent; text-shadow: 0 0 .3em gray; )
If the feature you're trying to back up for is fairly new, you can use a rule native to Modernizr. For example, the previous piece of code would turn into this:

H1 ( color: gray; ) @supports (text-shadow: 0 0 .3em gray) ( h1 ( color: transparent; text-shadow: 0 0 .3em gray; ) )
However, use should be approached with great caution. By applying it here, we limited the described effect not just to browsers that support text shadows, but also to browsers that additionally support the rule, and this is a much more limited set.

Finally, there is always the option to add a few lines of JavaScript code self made, which will determine if the feature is supported and add classes to the root element just like Modernizr does. The main way to check if a property is supported is to see if it exists by using the object of any element:

JS var root = document.documentElement; // if ("textShadow" in ( root.classList.add("textshadow"); ) else ( root.classList.add("no-textshadow"); )
If we need to check multiple properties, it's easy to turn the previous check into a function:

JS function testProperty(property) ( var root = document.documentElement; if (property in ( root.classList.add(property.toLowerCase()); return true; ) root.classList.add("no-" + property.toLowerCase()); return false;
To test a value, you need to assign it to a property and see if the browser will save it. Since we're modifying styles here rather than just checking for their existence, it makes sense to use a stub element in the test:

JS var dummy = document.createElement("p"); = "linear-gradient(red,tan)"; if ( ( root.classList.add("lineargradients"); ) else ( root.classList.add("no-lineargradients"); )
This can also easily be converted to a function:

JS function testValue(id, value, property) ( var dummy = document.createElement("p"); = value; if ( ( root.classList.add(id); return true; ) root .classList.add("no-" + id); return false;
Testing selectors is a little more complicated, but follows the same principle: when it comes to CSS, browsers discard anything they don't understand, so to test whether a feature was recognized, you can dynamically apply it and see if the browser keeps it . You must always remember, however, that even if the browser is able to parse the syntax CSS capabilities are does not guarantee that such a feature is implemented correctly and that it is generally implemented in principle.

More details about the book can be found on the publisher's website
Table of contents

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Cascading style sheets have enormous functionality and hide a lot interesting features, and sometimes pitfalls. Over the course of my work, I have accumulated (and continue to accumulate) a library of CSS-related tricks and secrets. Something is forgotten, something seems unnecessary today, but may be useful in the future. Therefore, the most correct thing is to write it down and share it, so it’s easier to find it yourself and it may be useful for someone else.

Many examples of custom elements do not correspond to the problems of reality at all. Let's start with how a custom checkbox is made in principle and where the need comes from. Of necessity, everything is simple - few people like the native design of chaboxes and does not look very good on almost any website. Now how to actually change it - the native component cannot be changed the way it was born,

An excellent article with visual examples of how collapsing the margins of elements works - What’s the Deal with Margin Collapse?. Somehow it turned out that not all front-end developers know about this behavior of margins. When collapse occurs at two adjacent elements. At the child element. If the height of the element is zero, then collapse

Sometimes you need to figure out where each element is located. This is usually needed to find a bug in css. For example, to catch how a scrollbar suddenly appeared or why an extra overflow appeared. The simplest solution for this is to highlight all the elements by adding a frame to them. However, you should not use the border style because the layout will change, since

Report by Vitaly Friedman on how to make the web better and faster for everyone. Vitaly is digging so deep into browser technology that he will soon find oil. This is the beauty of his reports. I always recommend it. I will list the main points of the video, the entire presentation is below. Compressing images In addition to gzip, there are at least 2 more technologies

Every time I talk about the need to optimize CSS selectors and not use cascades, I hear the answer: “it works fast anyway, especially on a small number of elements.” And here it’s hard to disagree - it’s really fast if there are few elements, moreover, you most likely haven’t really encountered problems with slowness due to curves

Some news from the world of updates in chrome. Other browsers are also catching up, of course, but for now they are only playing catch-up. New grid markup Last September, I wrote that they were going to introduce new CSS markup into browsers. So she’s already in chrome! You can take it and use it. By the way, it is supported by everyone modern browsers. Website with

Different selectors are handled differently by the browser (captain obvious). As a result, some work faster than others. It makes sense to carefully approach working with selectors from the very beginning, because when you already need to solve the problem with performance, so much code has been written that mom won’t cry. Different selectors for operating speed. The lower, the worse. ID, for example Class, for example

A very nice collection of examples of visual web solutions - animation, scripts. There are already more than 300 pieces collected from everywhere on the network. The author certainly did a great job, of course most of These examples will remain on the shelves of front-end developers, but it’s still worth a look for inspiration 😉 Links

Even layout designers with quite a lot of experience can’t get used to the fact that only with the help of CSS can you do almost anything - from column layout to buttons and pop-ups. Cascading Style Sheets technology allows you to specify almost any design element - from font size to the color of individual blocks. But what not everyone knows is that CSS can do a lot more.
CSS Syntax

There are three ways to apply styles in an HTML document.

1. Embedding (inline). Style descriptions can be embedded in various HTML descriptors (tags) for which style makes sense, such as declaring paragraphs, headings, horizontal bars, anchors, and table cells. The following example demonstrates a paragraph declaration handle and adding the STYLE attribute to it to achieve the desired effect.

Red text

2. Embed, which provides control over the HTML page. Using a handle

red text

3. Linked styles, also called external styles, are a development of embedded styles. This uses the same STYLE descriptor as before, but all descriptions are stored in a separate file (usually with a .css extension). The file itself must either be located in the root directory of the node, or you must correctly define the link to it in HTML documents.

red text

style.css should contain:


These are descriptor elements specified at the beginning of the style sheet definition; these elements tell the browser where to apply the style. The style definition that follows the selector is enclosed in curly braces. Here's an example where the selector is BODY:

body (color: blue)

Multiple selectors can be grouped together by separating them with commas:

h1, p, h2(font-size: 12px)

Instead of selectors, you can use a mask *. In this example, a style with a specific font size is applied to all handles on the page:

* (font-size: 14pt)

Another mask symbol is the > sign. This instructs the browser to look for child selectors within a specific parent. In this example, the style is applied only to LI elements of OL lists:

ol > li (list-style-type: decimal)

Using class selectors, you can apply different styles to the same descriptor. The general selector is followed by a period and the class name, and the style is applied to the descriptor whose CLASS attribute matches that name. The following example applies the style to all H2 tags that have a CLASS attribute of "myBlue":

h2.mybule (background-color: bule)

this header has a blue background

Selectors can also be specified using the id attribute, using the # symbol. In the following example, the style matches any handle whose id attribute value is "ducie"

#ducie (border-color: yellow)

The A selector matches any element A that has a specific attribute set, regardless of its value (does not work in IE).

table( border:1px solid red;)

The A selector matches any A element whose specific attribute has the given value (does not work in IE).


The A selector matches any element of A that has the given value as one of the values ​​of the lang attribute (does not work in IE).



Pseudo-classes are a special group that allows you to combine several styles for an object. For example, you can set properties for the first letter of a paragraph. To do this, you assign the pseudo-class P to the handle: first-letter, in which you set various styles:

p:first-letter ( float: right; font-size: 2em; color: red;)

CSS2 defines the following pseudo-classes:

:first-child -the first child of another element;

:hover - the element over which the cursor is currently located;

:active - active in this moment element;

:focus - element that has input focus;

:lang - this pseudo-class defines the current language;

:first-line — the first formed line of the paragraph;

:first-letter - the first letter of the paragraph;

:before - defines the content before the element;
:after - specifies the content after the element.

Good bad

If you call yourself an experienced player, it means that you have known these secrets for a long time, and they are of no use to you. Just, perhaps, repeat the materiel. Although we still advise you to have a quick glance, maybe you find something interesting.

And if you are not yet the most experienced player, then these tips will help you move up a couple of levels. After all, it’s like in any other skill - when masters reveal their secrets, good students listen to them and apply them, while bad students ignore them and remain at their level.

So, let's start with the most banal. Dear counter-terrorists. If your opponents had the imprudence to lock themselves in one room, and have been sitting there for a long time, not allowing you to even look there, then your faithful friends- machine gun and grenades. Well, three partners with the same “friends”. Believe me, four machine gunners shooting at one closed room with smoke pouring out of it is a hellish sight.

But here is a secret for terrorists who do not yet know it. If you realize that you are losing, and you really need points for the game, then just shoot all the hostages and hide. Maybe they won't find it. You will lose, of course, but the points will be added.

To reload your machine gun, run to a secluded corner, in places where they cannot reach, find and kill you. But if suddenly such an incident happened, and you were noticed, then it’s time to remember what a desert eagle is, that a pistol is also a weapon, and that a knife, by the way, is also suitable for washing away your shame with the blood of an enemy - you’ve been spotted!

A cunning and rather sophisticated plan - the grenade can also be used as... a pebble. Such a weighty pebble. Throw at the enemy's head if he has less than 15% health. Believe me, he will remember this death for a very long time.

Choose css bhop servers According to reviews on the forums, it really helps to navigate the situation on the server, which means you will get more pleasure from the game.

Doors are dangerous things. Don't break into them. Some of them, by the way, open if there is an explosion nearby fragmentation grenade. But this is a rather brutal way of opening doors. If you are alone and there is no one nearby, open the door and quickly move away. And if there are two of you, then one way opens the door, and the other one shoots. You can, of course, shoot straight at the door, but in this case you can say goodbye to conspiracy. If you’re really curious about whether there’s anyone at the door, you can stand nearby and listen.

And in general, don’t be afraid to shoot through walls and doors if you don’t really need to hide. A good half of the weapons penetrate right through the walls. And the Colt M1 can actually kill 5 corpses with one bullet.

It's been a long time since computer clubs, and therefore young players will no longer learn to play the way we learned. And we learned by listening to the screams of the defeated and not so defeated in the clubs, how they shouted at each other and at themselves, how they played “wall to wall.” It was a funny time. Now you can play using voice communication, which means you can still listen to who is where. But remember that dead players can sometimes tell their teammates who is passing nearby. It's mean, but it's ubiquitous.

Have you decided to go for a run? Change weapons. Have you decided to go for a run? Turn off the sight. Have you decided to go for a run? Grab your knife and run. Stop talking, just run. Don't shoot while running, just run.

Snipers. Gentlemen snipers, do you even know that only very smart players are hired for this role? Don't jump with your scope on. This time. Change your location. Find two or three on each card good places and run in short bursts between them. You should not be visible from any of these places, and all approaches to it should be under fire. It would also be nice to have a small nook where you can retreat and recharge. If you see a grenade, hide your face. A blind sniper is a dead sniper.