I dreamed that a friend came from far away. What does it mean to see a friend in a dream? Why do you dream about friendship?

  • 24.08.2019

Nowadays, selfless relationships between people, based on respect, sympathy for each other, are very valuable. common interests and attachments. Such a connection touches the most spiritual facets of human existence. We’ll find out why old friends dream about it in proven dream books.

Old friends personify something close, similar to you, related and necessarily having a connection with past life. Such dreams reveal various aspects the dreamer's relationship. They can carry both positive and negative symbolism.

Often those who yearn for their former youth, who lack the old emotions, experiences, drive and dynamics of life, dream of their former circle of friends. Most likely such a person this moment undergoes changes for which he was not prepared. This does not mean that subsequent changes will somehow worsen your life, it’s just that it’s difficult for you to get used to them, they cause discomfort and anxiety. It is during this period that you lack the support of those who were close and dear to you and always came to the rescue in difficult times.

If you dreamed of leaving the friends of your youth, who were quite naughty, it means in reality trying to change your lifestyle, getting rid of bad habits, bad inclinations. Leaving with a specific destination in mind means in reality deciding on your purpose in life, growing up and realizing responsibility for yourself. You have clearly outlined the prospects for the future and you have a specific plan to implement your plans.

Waving your hand to an old friend is a sign that you are letting go of a situation that still requires your close control and attention. Do not rely on chance, trust only those people who have been tested by actions and time. Otherwise, you will have to resolutely protect your interests in order to avoid financial losses and instability.

Why else do you dream about old friends?

  • meeting a friend who doesn’t recognize you means that throughout your life you have strived to appear to be what others expect you to be. You have forgotten about your real dreams and aspirations, creating the image of a respectable and accomplished person. But now you understand that the life you lived was not yours, but completely alien;
  • for a young girl to see an old acquaintance - in reality she will find love and happiness with someone whom you had not previously considered as a spouse;
  • dreamed of being in friendly relations with someone you hate - find yourself in a situation that foreshadows public reproach and humiliation.

Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

Happy and successful friends in a dream foretell dynamically developing events in your life. If before this you experienced difficulties and difficulties in finding a source of funds, now you are destined to enjoy the flow of cash receipts. Your career during this period will become interesting and promising for you.

Sad comrades sympathizing with you in a dream reflect the bad state of your affairs. Somewhere a glitch occurred and you left the race, disrupting the rhythm of movement. You were unable to control your character, restrain yourself somewhere in time or give up your principles, you gave free rein to your feelings and emotions. This all affected you social status, attitude of management and others. You have lost their support, and now you can only rely on yourself.

A bright and provocative image of people with whom you were friends is a dream of unnecessary troubles and excessive activity. You will be drawn into events that will take up all of your main time, without giving a minute for your personal life and favorite hobby.

If you dreamed of a friend standing on a pedestal, in reality you will have a clear goal and strong motivation to achieve it. You are fearless, self-confident, obsessed with the desire to succeed and be the first in everything. The reason for this may be love or the desire to prove to others that you are the best.

Leaving old friends means wanting new experiences, being in search of new feelings. It may also predict a change in activity or a move to another city. You are not afraid of uprooting yourself, losing stability and comfortable conditions for the sake of testing your will, character, and abilities.


Seeing an old friend in a dream means experiencing pleasant feelings in the future. This good sign, if the comrades were not sick, disappointed or unhappy in some way. Kissing with friends means breaking up with a loved one due to a stupid quarrel.

I dreamed about a deceased friend - the dream warns of troubles and worries. If this person told you something and you remember the words, this is considered prophetic dream. It is worth listening to the advice of the deceased and adhering to his instructions.

Making new acquaintances in the company of old friends is a sign of adding to the family. For single people, such visions are a harbinger of romantic encounters that will lead to close relationships.

If you are in a quarrel with a friend who appeared in a dream, this indicates difficult situation, in which a friend from the past turned out to be. Despite disputes and disagreements, do not refuse support and help.

David Loff

A friend from the past in a dream is a sign of gossip and intrigue in real life. After such a vision, do not be surprised if you quarrel with your loved ones due to a difference of opinion. Celebrating someone's success with friends - a dream predicts the next worries and troubles that will affect you indirectly. You may have to solve someone else's problems, for which you will not be rewarded in any way. During this period, material expenses may follow, which you will have to reimburse yourself.

Evgeny Kuznetsov

If you dreamed of a dead man with whom you were once friends - to complex life circumstances. An unfavorable combination of events can affect family, work and circle of friends. You likely won't be able to prevent problems and control your costs. Time and support from those you count on in life will help you overcome negative situations.

Seeing a long-forgotten friend in your dreams means experiencing betrayal by a person you trusted. This could lead to external changes: the breakdown of a love affair, separation from relatives or rapid departure, and affect internal state causing aggression, depression or emotional exhaustion.

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In dreams, even those things that are familiar in reality take on a different, distorted meaning. Everything in the world of dreams is not as real as in everyday life, everything changes and takes on blurred features.

But what is more important is what visions and images in dreams mean, why and why they come to us at night, and what they portend. Anyone can interpret a dream - there is a dream book for this. Whatever a person sees in a dream, it is always a symbol, a sign that should be correctly interpreted. Because often simple things in dreams mean very important events in reality.

Do you have many friends? How often do you communicate with childhood friends, do you keep in touch with them? In reality, communication with friends and acquaintances is an integral part of every day, but why do you dream about them - real or fictitious, old or new, those you saw not so long ago or haven’t seen for many years, since childhood?

What these meetings in dreams promise, and what to expect from them - the dream book knows and will tell us. But first of all, it is worth remembering important details and taking them into account, because the details of the dream determine its direct meaning. The dream book describes the following options:

  • I am dreaming of a distant friend, an alarming dream.
  • An old friend has a cheerful, bright dream.
  • I dreamed of a loved one who was far away.
  • The dreaming man is crying.
  • A friend died in his sleep.
  • I dream about friends and acquaintances.
  • Hug them.
  • Dead friends dream of being alive.
  • I saw friends from my childhood.
  • Old acquaintances in dreams.
  • I dream of strangers as friends.
  • I saw a quarrel with a loved one.

An interpreter will help you find out what friends mean in dreams and what to expect in reality. Don't miss out on the details and try to listen to your intuition in order to interpret these symbols correctly.

Friendship is strong...

It is worth understanding that people, in principle, never appear in our dreams just like that, without a reason. And if someone comes to your dreams, it’s always important sign. What does the dream mean?

1. If you dream about your friend, and the dream is anxious, restless, and you wake up the next morning with a feeling of vague anxiety - be sure to call this person. The dream book warns that he may have some difficulties or problems, and perhaps this person really needs your help.

Or maybe you just forgot about your loved one, and in this way he, as it were, reminds you of himself so that you remember and contact him?

2. If an old, distant friend appeared to you in a dream, and he was happy, cheerful, you communicated pleasantly and in general the dream was positive, know that you will soon receive from him good news or a pleasant surprise.

3. The dream book says that if you dream about your loved one, close person who is far away, whom you have not seen for a long time - this is good sign. He remembers you and will do everything so that you meet soon. Surely you will have a quick date, and your meeting will end in very happy events for both of you.

4. A friend or acquaintance crying in a dream is a good sign, and there is nothing to worry about. In general, tears in dreams rarely speak of something bad and do not foreshadow tears in reality. Such a dream says that everything will be fine with a person, a new one awaits him. life stage, big changes.

Perhaps he will move or change his type of activity, or some other significant events will happen in his life. Ask yourself, it’s not for nothing that you dreamed of this!

5. Don’t worry if you dream about how your friend or acquaintance died. Nothing bad will happen to him in reality! On the contrary, the dream book says that this person will have a happy turn of fate, and perhaps you will become a witness or participant in some bright, happy events in his life. This is a reason to rejoice!

6. If you just dreamed about your friends, they remember you. The dream book says that a person always dreams because you don’t pay enough attention to him in reality, or you don’t notice something. Perhaps these people need your support, or you have offended, caused pain, and did not even notice it. Spend more time with your friends, especially if people are dear to you and treat you well.

7. If you dream about hugging friends, be more careful in reality, a quarrel is possible. The dream book says that you are not attentive enough to your surroundings and are focused only on your desires. You need to be able to listen, pay close attention to the feelings of others, otherwise a quarrel is inevitable. Moreover, not just a quarrel, but one that could lead to irreparable consequences.

8. If people you knew and who died suddenly appeared alive in your dream, this is a very important sign, even a message from above. If this person told you something in a dream, be sure to remember what it was, think it over, listen carefully to this information.

Such dreams often represent a warning, advice or an important warning. You can’t lose sight of them, it’s worth remembering and listening to.

9. If you dreamed of old friends you and early years not seen, this indicates a lack of support and warmth. You return to your bygone, carefree childhood in your dreams, because in real everyday life you feel lonely.

Maybe you spend too much time in business and do not build personal relationships with people? You should be more open, try to be friends with kind people and be able to make friends.

10. You always dream of acquaintances whom you have not met or communicated with for a long time as a sign of some news and new meetings. Open up to new acquaintances and do not distance yourself from people, and you will make many interesting and pleasant acquaintances!

11. If you dream strangers in the form of friends, this is a good sign. He tells you about support from above. You are not alone, even if sometimes you feel sad and feel useless. Such dreams often come to show you that you should not give up and that higher power support and protect you.

12. A quarrel with a friend or girlfriend in a dream is a good sign, and don’t be afraid, it won’t come true in reality. On the contrary, such dreams always promise happiness, shared pleasant experiences, adventures and all the best things that you will experience together. Your bond will be strong and your friendship will not break.

Often people appear to us in our dreams to remind us of ourselves. Always pay attention to whether you pay enough attention to your loved ones, whether you are fair with them and whether you know how to be friends. Value friendship and take care of those with whom you communicate and who trust you! Author: Vasilina Serova

Your friend whom you see in a dream may be a reason to think about the meaning of the dream. A friend personifies yours too social status, and your family structure, therefore, by analyzing the dream, you can recognize the signals that your subconscious gives you, warning about upcoming changes in your life or in the life of your friend. Your psychological condition during sleep and immediately after sleep. If you perceive a dream as happy event, then you shouldn’t be afraid, but if you woke up in severe state of mind, remember that you saw your friend, but cannot remember the whole dream, then this dream should be classified as a harbinger of future troubles in your life. Why do you dream of a friend, for anxiety or a meeting, for family problems or for climbing career ladder?

If you dreamed about yours, you can expect a pleasant surprise soon or hope for a long-awaited meeting. This statement from dream books will come true if your friend was in a dream good mood and healthy. If you saw a sick friend in a dream, then you need to inquire about his health in reality; it may well turn out that your friend has problems.

Do new acquaintances and new friends in a dream foretell the birth of a friend who has been absent from your real life for a long time? This may be a harbinger of imminent separation from your relatives. Seeing a dying friend means your well-being. If your friend died in a dream, then everything may be very good in his life. If you see your friend sad and upset, then you should be careful, as you may get sick or be subjected to serious emotional suffering.

Angry friends dream of upcoming disputes among friends in which you will need to act as a mediator. Your role in this case should be played great importance in the reconciliation of the parties, this is how the death of a friend, murder or execution is interpreted, can predict that you need to make daring decisions in life that will help solve an intractable problem.

Traveling in a dream with a group of close friends means that you will be able to create a family where all your loved ones will live in joy and harmony. Losing a friend in a dream foreshadows problems, mental suffering and struggle with the environment that for you is considered a source of well-being and joy.

A dream where you are visiting your friend is considered favorable; come to visit him if you saw your friend in a dream tired and dressed in white or black clothes. Bright clothes with flashy colors give you the opportunity to be wary; you receive a warning that you may soon be subject to the claims of strangers.

If your friend stands on a high pedestal or on a dais in a dream, then this means that you need to accomplish many of the things you have planned, and at the same time you will act fairly. Why do you dream of a friend if in the dream he is far below and you need to go downhill or into a hole to get to him? This dream warns you that you may forget all your principles while trying to achieve career heights.

Gossip and slander that your friends spread about you in a dream mean additional hectic days that you will spend on your colleagues and your children. It is worth reflecting on such a dream, because it can warn you against troubles in a team or with children.

Why do you dream about a friend with whom you are breaking up forever? This dream means your dissatisfaction inner world, it signals you that you can go in search of new adventures. Why do you dream old friend the one you see rich in your dream? This dream may foretell misfortunes awaiting your friend.

How to solve dreams about a friend

You need to know some features that are important when talking with the subconscious. So, when you start to think about why your friend is dreaming, keep in mind that this person is apparently playing big role in your life. After all, this is what we call only someone whose opinion we are accustomed to listening to, with whom we share our worries and doubts, and so on. This person occupies a certain place in your Everyday life. Therefore, its appearance in a dream may be a sign of the speed of its fulfillment. You see, sometimes a friend talks not about an event, but about a time. For example, if you dreamed of a friend leading a horse, then you can talk about quick success. This rule only applies to people you interact with on a daily basis. It should not be used when you are figuring out what you are dreaming about. ex-friend. Sometimes visions about comrades are a sign of their direct fulfillment. That is, what we saw at night in the astral plane will happen tomorrow in real life.

Meeting, conversation with a friend

When you wonder why your friend is dreaming, remember in detail what happened. Any little thing can change the interpretation. For example, just meeting him means really communicating with someone you care about. Not necessarily with the person you dreamed about. But the meeting itself will bring pleasant emotions if in the night vision you were happy and cheerful. If contact in a dream caused bewilderment or negative emotions, then something similar will happen in soon. You will be upset by a conversation with someone who seemed faithful comrade. A person can simply be rude or offend in some other way. This information is not very encouraging; treat it as a warning. Perhaps your friend will be immersed in his own problems, and this will cause him to neglect his usual attentiveness.

If in a dream a friend shouted at you, insulting you last words, know there is a certain issue that requires urgent attention that you are not noticing right now. A hitch in its decision can cause trouble. This vision should be taken as advice to be more attentive to matters. Dream about a cheerful conversation with a friend have a good rest, pleasant company. If a friend has just appeared in the night wandering along the astral plane, without saying or doing anything, he will come to you for help. He lacks the determination to resolve his case, try to understand and how you can contribute.

Why do you dream about your ex-friend?

A vision that includes people with whom we spent a lot of time during our childhood is considered good. This long-forgotten friend comes as a symbol of the fulfillment of an old dream. The energy and enthusiasm of youth will return to you, bringing “fresh breath” into your established life. The world will again become interesting, mysterious, unique. You will want to explore and get to know it again.

When figuring out why you dream about your childhood best friend, be sure to remember how long ago you met him (called him on the phone). If the image of this person has long been lost in the distant corners of memory, then the vision speaks of the arrival of the described mood. When you see a friend with whom you have never refused to communicate, and now, as in childhood, you spend several hours a day together, then expect some kind of pleasant surprise. Perhaps you will get what you dreamed of in your youth (a house or a career). In general, old friends dream of nostalgia. You will be immersed in memories, suffering from lost happy days.

Best friend in a dream

Our nearest and dearest accompanies us in the astral plane for a reason. Such a vision cannot turn out to be prophetic. This inventive subconscious is trying to push you to the right thought like this in an unusual way. When figuring out why your best friend is dreaming, be sure to remember the words you heard from him (if there were any). The fact is that the subconscious can choose this particular person for direct transmission of information. If your best friend tells you something, take his words as direct instructions. When he was angry and swore, then think about your principles. Most often, such a vision suggests that you are offending someone with excessive devotion to your beliefs. Understand that people are different. Some people love meat, others love the sea. Everyone has the right to their own views, even ones that are very different from yours. Why criticize?

Gift from best friend in a dream promises a most pleasant event in reality. However, only if you liked it. If a person presents you with “what the hell” in the astral plane, then you will find yourself in an unenviable position. People around you simply won’t understand you. It will take a long time to prove that you “didn’t mean it that way” and so on. That is, to defend the correctness of views and intentions.

Why do you dream about the death of a friend?

People often don't know that dead people mean a change in the weather. Therefore, they definitely try to find out why they dream about the death of a friend. Not every time this vision contains important information. This could be a sign of impending rain. Another story like this will tell you that your friend will live a long time. If in fact he is sick, then the dream speaks of speedy recovery. In general, such a vision does not bode well for you or other people. Except, perhaps, the plot in which you kill him with your own hands. This terrible fantasy speaks of an imminent quarrel with a loved one. You will be the initiator. Even when you are confident in your rights to a scandal and the correct understanding of the situation, try to behave tactfully and respectfully. It’s easy to lose a friend, but how will you continue to live without his kind and faithful support?

Late comrade

If there was a tragedy in your life that took away a loved one, then visions about him are a sign from above. Therefore, there is no point in brushing them aside. I dream of a dead friend, I know the time has come for testing. The comrade is trying from the world where his soul has now found shelter, to warn, to push him to greater seriousness and composure. Be sure to analyze the plot, it is important. If your friend was the same as in life, then it is you who will become the cause of the trials that will soon fall on your head. When a friend looks and behaves unnaturally, then look for the true culprits among your current “friends.” Not every one of them can boast of the decency and devotion of someone who has already left for other worlds.

Kissing a friend

This plot should not cause suspicion or concern. Its interpretation is very optimistic, one of the most pleasant of those that you have to read when you figure out what a friend is dreaming about. If you dreamed of kisses, then everything will be fine. This does not mean treason or betrayal. Life will simply flow like a light, warm river, freely bypassing possible obstacles. For some time after such a dream you will not have any problems. And there is no need to remember them. If you dream of an old friend hugging you with joy, this means that you will soon have a very pleasant meeting with like-minded people. New acquaintances with people with whom you will later be very close are possible.

Friend's illness

This plot is unfavorable. Seeing a healthy person with obvious signs of illness (several) is a sign of trouble that can happen to him. Such a dream speaks of the need to take care of someone whose suffering has excited you in the astral plane. When this person turns to you with a request in night vision, try to remember it. Words come for a reason. They must direct you to where your decisive intervention is now needed. Otherwise Dear people may get hurt.

Why do you dream about a friend according to the dream book -
"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of big troubles. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. Seeing a friend in a dream means gossip, discord and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. Seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time in a dream means that he remembers you. Finding out in a dream that your friend has died means receiving news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream means receiving good news and have a nice day. Seeing him sad means a bad day and unpleasant news. To be in the company of friends and enemies together in a dream is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a different guise in a dream means expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a breakup. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in your dreams. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then see what clothes mean in a dream. Looking up at a friend means the fulfillment of bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has achieved; looking down is a harbinger that you may lose friends due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.