Frunze 10 conditions of privatization. Free privatization of an apartment

  • 16.11.2020


MOSCOW GOVERNMENT DECREE N 352-RP dated March 4, 2004 ON RECOGNIZING RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 10 ON TIMUR FRUNZE STREET AS EMERGENCY In accordance with the Moscow Government Decree dated August 26, 1997 N 643 “On the procedure for recognizing residential premises (houses) as unsafe in Moscow ", by the decision of the City Interdepartmental Commission on the Use of the Housing Stock of Moscow dated May 29, 2003 (Minutes No. 101): 1. To recognize residential building 10 on Timur Frunze Street as unsafe with further reconstruction for non-residential purposes. Please note that in building 10 on Timur Frunze Street there are no users or owners of non-residential premises who have property rights registered in the prescribed manner. 2. To the Prefect of the Central Administrative District of Moscow: 2.1. Within two months from the date of issuance of this order, prepare documents for the City Competition Commission for the selection of investors for the implementation of investment urban planning projects for non-residential facilities to select an investor on a competitive basis for the reconstruction of a house (clause 1). At the same time, in the conditions of the competition, provide for: - the acquisition by the investor, at his own expense, of living space necessary for the resettlement of residents; - allocation by the investor of funds for the transportation of residents from a dilapidated building (clause 1). 2.2. Together with the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow, resettlement of residents (18 families, 60 people) from the house (item 1) to living space allocated by the investor. 2.3. When relocating residents, be guided by the Housing Code, Moscow City Law dated September 9, 1998 N 21-73 “On guarantees of the city of Moscow to persons vacating residential premises”, Moscow Government Decree dated January 18, 2000 N 30 “On the procedure for relocating owners, tenants, tenants and other persons from the residential premises of houses subject to vacation, in which there is municipal and state property of the city of Moscow." 2.4. Ensure the implementation of security measures for residential premises until the complete evacuation of residents from the emergency building (clause 1). 3. The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow should not allow, from the moment this order is issued, changes in contracts for the rental, sale and privatization of residential premises, except in cases established by law. 4. MosgorBTI make appropriate changes to the technical documentation. 5. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the prefect of the Central Administrative District of Moscow S. Baidakov. L. Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

The right of Russians to register free ownership of an occupied apartment owned by the state is provided for in Federal Law No. 1541-1 of July 4, 1991 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation.” The deadline for the possibility of exercising this right was postponed several times, until in March 2017 the Russian Federation adopted a law making free privatization of housing indefinite.

Conditions for privatization of housing

A citizen can privatize an apartment occupied under social rent for free only once. An exception is made for minors. If for the first time the child’s parents or guardians registered ownership of the home, that is, he became a co-owner of the common property, then, having reached the age of 18, he can exercise the right to free privatization on his own.

Consent to privatization must be given by all family members, including children aged 14 to 18 years.

Residential premises that are in disrepair, under arrest, as well as official housing are not subject to privatization.

What documents are needed

  • Passports, birth certificates and photocopies of these documents
  • Social tenancy agreement or its certified copy (if it was concluded)
  • Application for state registration of termination of the “right of use” of residential premises under a previously concluded social tenancy agreement, if in the social tenancy agreement the “right of use” was registered with the Federal Registration Service for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region
  • A valid copy of the residential premises warrant issued by the relevant authorities at the place of residence
  • Documents confirming the fact of the change of the applicant’s surname, if it changed after receiving the order (marriage certificate, etc.)
  • Form No. 7 containing technical specifications (validity period – 30 days)

If applicants changed places of residence from January 1, 1992 before moving into the privatized premises, they will need to submit documents confirming their right to privatization. Namely: registration certificates from all previous places of residence and certificates of non-participation in privatization.

In addition, it is necessary to pay a fee - it is charged not for privatization, but for state registration of property rights (shares in common property rights) for individuals. Since June 2015, the duty has been 2 thousand rubles. The original Sberbank of the Russian Federation receipt for payment is also included in the package of documents.

Where to contact

With the collected package of documents, the citizen must apply to the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Gorzhilobmen” (including the network of regional housing exchanges) or one of the many MFCs.

State Budgetary Institution "Gorzhilobmen" and district divisions (district housing exchanges)




State Budgetary Institution "Gorzhilobmen"

Bronnitskaya st., 32A


Sadovaya st., 55


14th line V.O., 25-27, lit. A


Lunacharsky Ave., 9

242-76-88, 242-76-87


st. Komsomol, 16

542-81-96, 542-46-34


Stachek Ave., 12


st. Cultures, 8, room. 412


Sinyavinskaya st., 8


st. Chekistov, 28


Kronstadt, Lenin Ave., 53


Sestroretsk, st. Volodarsky, 33


Moskovsky Ave., 129

st. Polyarnikov, 5

242-76-89, 242-76-90


Kamennoostrovsky Ave., 26-28


Lomonosov, Palace Ave., 40


Torzhkovskaya st., 6


Pushkin, st. General Khazov, 12

476-56-89, 476-96-64


Ligovsky Ave., 138


Goncharnaya st., 22

Having handed over the documents against signature, you need to wait for notification of the decision made by the Housing Committee (by phone or email). If a positive decision is made, the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Gorzhilobmen” issues a privatization agreement, and all that remains is to register the property right in Rosreestr. In case of a negative decision, the citizen will be given a reasoned refusal.



On the conditions for the privatization of non-residential premises at the address: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, st. Frunze, 2b

- No longer valid -
City Hall resolution dated March 28, 2019 N 1076


Based on the decision of the Council of Deputies of the city of Novosibirsk dated December 2, 2015 N 86 “On the Forecast Plan for the Privatization of Municipal Property for 2016”, in accordance with Federal Law of December 21, 2001 N 178-FZ “On the privatization of state and municipal property”, by decision of the Council of Deputies of the city of Novosibirsk dated 04/29/2009 N 1200 “On the Regulations on the privatization of municipal property owned by the city of Novosibirsk”, guided by Charter of the city of Novosibirsk ,

I decree:

1. Approve the conditions for the privatization of non-residential premises at the address: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, st. Frunze, 2b (hereinafter referred to as the premises) (application).

2. To the Department of Land and Property Relations of the Novosibirsk City Hall:
2.1. Post the resolution and information message about the sale of the premises on the official website of the city of Novosibirsk on the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network to post information about the bidding determined by the Government of the Russian Federation:
2.2. Organize an auction for the sale of the premises.

3. Recognize the resolution of the Novosibirsk mayor’s office as invalid dated 12/12/2017 N 5536 “On the conditions for the privatization of non-residential premises at the address: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, st. Frunze, 2b".

4. Entrust control over the implementation of the resolution to the head of the department of land and property relations of the Novosibirsk City Hall.

Mayor of Novosibirsk
A. E. Lokot

Application. CONDITIONS FOR PRIVATIZATION of non-residential premises at the address: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, st. Frunze, 2b

to the city hall resolution
city ​​of Novosibirsk
dated 10/08/2018 N 3686

1. The object of privatization is a non-residential premises at the address: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk city, st. Frunze, 2b, year of construction: 1978, area: 67.6 sq. m, floor: 1 (hereinafter referred to as the premises).
The premises are the property of the city of Novosibirsk (certificate of state registration of rights AZH 334295 issued on January 15, 2016 by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Novosibirsk Region).
2. Method of privatization - sale at auction. The form for submitting price proposals is open. The winner of the auction is the participant who offers the highest price for the premises.
3. The starting price including value added tax is 3,541,000.0 rubles.
4. Auction step - 177,000.0 rubles.
5. The deadline for providing installment payments and the procedure for making them.
When paying the cost of the premises, minus the deposit, the buyer is given an installment plan for a period of twelve months, and payments must be transferred to the account of the Federal Treasury Department for the Novosibirsk Region in equal monthly installments from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement.
6. The deposit paid by the buyer is subject to transfer by the Department of Land and Property Relations of the Novosibirsk City Hall to the account of the Federal Treasury Department for the Novosibirsk Region within five calendar days after the buyer pays the cost of the premises minus the deposit.