Diagnostic methods for meta-subject results. Conducting diagnostic work to identify students’ mastery of meta-subject learning outcomes

  • 04.07.2020

Diagnostics of meta-subject results in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards LLC

geography teacher

MAOU "Lyceum No. 9"

The new standard, developed within the framework of the activity-based education paradigm, aims at developing the student’s personality based on mastering methods of action. The concept of standards “shifts the emphasis from studying the fundamentals of science to ensuring the development of universal educational activities based on the fundamentals of science”

The standard includes the requirements:

    to the results of mastering OOP to the structure of OOP to the conditions for implementing OOP

In the second standard, where the emphasis is on results, three groups of educational results are established:

    requirements for personal results requirements for meta-subject results requirements for subject results

Meta-subject results are the results mastered by students on the basis of several academic subjects, methods of activity that are applicable both in the educational process and in solving life problems.

The object of assessment of meta-subject results is the students’ level of learning skills – regulatory, cognitive and communicative.

The basis for diagnosing meta-subject results was taken from materials developed by the deputy director for educational work of the lyceum, Tatyana Orestovna Shishlyannikova, and Yulia Sergeevna Litvinova, an employee of the quality department.

Basic diagnostic work:

    Starting diagnostic work in geography (5 grades) Final diagnostic work in geography (5 grades)

Diagnostics is a set of monitoring and evaluation techniques aimed at solving the problems of improving the educational process, students (taking into account their individual capabilities and needs), as well as improving teaching and educational methods.

Diagnostics include:

    control verification assessment accumulation of statistical data, their analysis forecasting identification of dynamics and trends of the pedagogical process

The peculiarity of the control and measurement materials of diagnostic work on the assessment of universal educational actions is that their assessment is carried out according to tasks in which a specific universal action is assessed and this action acts as a result.

Based on the results, an assessment is made (direct or indirect) of the formation of most cognitive educational actions and skills in working with information, as well as an indirect assessment of the formation of a number of communicative and regulatory actions, and all data is entered into a table according to the UUD.

Starting and final diagnostic work:

    works check subject and meta-subject (cognitive UUD) results; compiled, conducted, checked, processed by the teacher; The purpose of the work is to monitor the dynamics of achieving the planned results of OOP LLC.

Comparison of initial and final diagnostics:

Testable cognitive UUDs:

    Logical actions Sign-symbolic actions Actions for solving problems (problems) Actions for working with information and reading

Positive dynamics in most classes of absolute and qualitative performance. In general, there is a positive trend in the level of development of cognitive learning tools. When organizing the educational process (in) pay special attention to the development of educational learning. It is necessary to organize additional methodological work to improve the level.

Rules for evaluating results:


We evaluate the results - subject, meta-subject and personal!

Student results are actions (skills) to use knowledge in solving problems (personal, meta-subject, subject).

Teacher results are the difference between student results at the beginning of training and at the end of training.


The teacher and student together determine the grade and mark.

Self-assessment algorithm (main questions after completing the task)

1 . What was the purpose of the assignment (task)?

2. Did you manage to get the result (solution, answer)?

3. Did you do it correctly or with an error?

4. On your own or with someone’s help?



In tables of educational results (subject, meta-subject, personal) and in a portfolio of achievements.

Main sections of the portfolio of achievements:

– Indicators of subject results (diagnostic work, data from results tables, samples of design, creative and other works in various subjects).

– Indicators of meta-subject results (cognitive LUD).

– Indicators of personal results (primarily in extracurricular activities).



Any number of tasks for each action, but each action is worth 2 points (a total of 8 points in the work)

    2 points for logical actions 2 points for sign-symbolic actions 2 points for actions to solve problems (problems) 2 points for actions to work with information and reading

Evaluation criteria:

    Level assessment of meta-subject results: Increased level - more than 6 points Basic level - 5, 6 points Decreased level - 3, 4 points Insufficient level - less than 3 points

The marking of meta-subject results may be different at the discretion of the teacher.

    100% - 75% = "5" 74% - 51% = "4" 50% - 26% = "3" 25% or less = "2"

CMM package

    Text of the work UUD Codifier Table No. 1 “Results of the starting/final KR” Table No. 2 “Analysis of academic performance based on the results of the starting/final KR” Tables No. 3 (a, b) “Analysis of the level of development of cognitive UUD based on the results of the starting/final KR”

Table 1

Cognitive UUD

Job number

Cognitive logical actions:

Define concepts, subsume concepts

Summarize, integrate information from various sources, make simple forecasts

Identify similarities and differences, make comparisons,

Carry out grouping, series, classification

Establish cause-and-effect relationships and provide explanations based on established cause-and-effect relationships

Establish analogies, build logical reasoning, inferences, draw conclusions

Cognitive sign-symbolic actions:

Use sign-symbolic means and models when solving educational and practical problems

Convert models from one sign system to another (tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, drawings)

Cognitive actions to solve problems (problems):

Possess a number of general techniques for solving problems (problems)

Conduct research (observations, experiments and measurements).

Use methods of cognition specific to social and humanitarian subjects

Cognitive activities for working with information and reading:

Search for information

Focus on the content of the text, answer questions using information explicitly given in the text.

Interpret information, answer questions using implicitly given information

Assess the reliability of the proposed information, make value judgments based on the text.

Create your own texts, apply information from the text when solving educational and practical problems

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 7

Research work on the topic:

“Diagnostics of meta-subject and personal results”

prepared by primary school teacher

Kuzmina Svetlana Viktorovna

Konakovo city



    Justification for choosing the topic. Relevance of the topic. Identifying the problem. Formulation of the problem. Setting the project goal. Design stages. Applications Conclusions. Bibliography.

Rationale for choosing a topic

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education offers a set of personal, meta-subject and subject results for mastering the main educational program as a new educational result. In this regard, the task arose of diagnosing personal and meta-subject results. Diagnosis of intellectual, organizational, communicative, moral and evaluative skills of students. These skills are an indicator of functional literacy, which manifests itself in the readiness to successfully solve various life problems.


(from the statements of A.G. Asmolov)

The child learns better and learns more:
    interests and needs . when he studies what matches his opportunities . when in the learning process he can use what he has personal experience when he can realize his knowledge and experience
in active work .
    UUDs provide high efficiency in solving life problems and the opportunity for students’ self-development

Identifying the problem

New social demands determine educational goals as general culturalpersonal and cognitive development of students, ensuring the key competence of education as "teach to learn".
ensure the student’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. This is a reliable way to improve the quality of education
PROBLEM Using diagnostics, find out to what extent the educational process ensures the achievement of specific personal and meta-subject results and the development of specific universal educational actions.

Objectives of the research work:

    Adjust your own activities Determine how effectively the potential of textbooks is used See the possibilities of an individual approach to the development of each student (in which skills he is successful, and in which skills he needs the support of the teacher and parents)

Design stages
Stage 1

    Study the literature on this issue. The place of universal educational actions in the educational process. Target – reveal the content of universal educational actions that can be formed at the initial level of training.

Universal learning activities

    In a broad sense, the term “universal educational actions” means the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions that ensure social competence, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance.

Types of universal learning activities

    Cognitive Regulatory Communication Personal

Cognitive UUD

    Working with information Working with training models Use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes Performing logical operations
    comparisons analysis and synthesis generalizations

Regulatory UUD

Goal setting Forecasting Planning Control Correction Grade

Communicative UUD

Planning educational cooperation Asking questions Construction of speech utterances Leadership and coordination of actions with a partner

Personal UUD

Sensemaking actions Actions of self-determination Actions of moral and ethical assessment

Design stages
Stage 2

    Carry out diagnostics at the entrance to the 3rd grade, at the exit from the 3rd grade; at the entrance to the 4th grade, at the exit from the 4th grade The purpose of the stage is to monitor the development of UUD
for every student.
    Compare the results with the all-Russian level To form in students the most positive attitude towards testing, to aim them at achieving high results.

Design stages
Stage 3

Draw up tasks to improve the quality of UUD
    The goal is to develop the student’s ability to independently set an educational task design ways to implement it monitor and evaluate your achievements develop cognitive interests, initiative and curiosity, motives for learning and creativity

Self-determination 1. Formation of the foundations of a person’s civil identity:
    Feelings of belonging to one’s Motherland, people and history and pride in them
2. Formation of a picture of the world of culture as a product labor subject-transforming human activity:
    Familiarization with the world of professions, their social significance and content.
Moral and ethical orientation
    Orientation in the moral content of both one’s own actions and the actions of people around him, the development of ethical feelings (shame, guilt, conscience) knowledge of basic moral norms (fair distribution, mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility);

A task to assess the assimilation of the norm of mutual assistance

Mom, leaving for work, reminded Andrey that he needed to eat for lunch. She asked him to wash the dishes after eating because she would return from work tired. Andrey ate and sat down to watch cartoons, but did not wash the dishes. In the evening, mom and dad came home from work. Mom saw the dirty dishes, sighed and began to wash them herself. Andrey felt sad and went to his room.Questions:
    Why did Andrey feel sad? Did Andrey do the right thing? Why? What would you do if you were Andrei?
The task is to take into account the motives of the heroes in solving a moral dilemma
    The little boy Seryozha wanted to help his mother wash the dishes. He washed the cup and wanted to put it on the table, but slipped, fell and dropped the tray on which the cups stood. Five cups broke. Another boy Petya, when his mother was not at home, wanted to take jam from the cupboard. The shelf on which the jar stood was high, and he stood on a chair. Trying to get the jam, he caught the cup. She fell and was broken.
    Which child is more to blame? Who deserves punishment? Why?
You are on a bus. Suddenly a stranger begins to quickly squeeze towards the exit. At the same time, he pushes hard and shouts: “Get out of the way! We stood here, we can’t get through!!!”
    What do you think about this situation? Choose ONE more precise wording. Circle the letter (A, B, C, D)
    This man is bad This man did something bad This man is in a hurry, he's just in a hurry
This man is evil

Evaluate people's actions. Which of these actions are good, which are bad, and which cannot be clearly called good or bad. In the squares next to the description of the action, write down the letters (A, B, C) A - definitely a good deed B – definitely a bad deed
B – actions that cannot be clearly called good or bad
    Kolya teases and makes fun of another boy Anya doesn't want the other girl to come to the school party and tells her that the party is cancelled. Misha heard another guy teasing and insultingly making fun of him. Misha felt offended and asked the guy to shut up. But he continued to tease, then Misha hit him hard. The teacher distributes control tests, among them there were several unsigned ones. Olya recognized her work and saw that it had a bad mark. Sighing, the girl admitted that this was her job. Natasha was almost hit by a car, and she had a large abrasion on her forehead. At home, the girl told her grandmother, who has a heart condition. That she was playing on the playground and accidentally scratched herself Pasha saw that the big boy was pushing the girl and snatching her backpack. Pasha shouted: “Stop it!” – and pushed the boy away with all his might

Personal universal actions

    They make learning meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Aimed at awareness, research and acceptance of life values ​​and meanings, they allow you to navigate moral norms, rules, assessments, and develop your life position in relation to the world, people, yourself and your future.


    The formation of universal educational actions in the educational process is carried out in the context of mastering various subject disciplines. The requirements for the formation of universal educational activities are reflected in the planned results of mastering the programs of the academic subjects “Russian Language”, “Literary Reading”, “Mathematics”, “The World Around us”, “Technology” Each academic subject, depending on the subject content and ways of organizing students’ educational activities, reveals certain opportunities for the formation of educational learning.

Used Books.

    Abakumova I.V. Learning and meaning: meaning formation in the educational process (psychological-didactic approach). Asmolov A.G. Cultural-historical psychology and the construction of worlds. M.: MPSI; Voronezh: MODEK, 1996. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of Personality. Cultural and historical understanding of human development M.: Smysl, 2007 .Davydov V.V. Developmental learning theory. M.: INTERO, 1996. Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M.: Politizdat, 1974. Tsukerman G.A. Types of communication in teaching. Tomsk: Peleng, 1996. Through forms to thoughts: On the new university educational model / Ed. Yu.M. Afanasyeva. M.: Publishing house of State Tretyakov State University. 2006 Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V. and others. Cultural-historical system-activity paradigm for designing school education standards.

Carrying out

diagnostic work

to identify students’ mastery of meta-subject learning outcomes.

Prepared by:

geography teacher

MKOU "Stanovskaya Secondary School"

Barkova E.lena Nikolaevna

In the conditions of modern Russia, where profound changes in social relations are accompanied by social problems, the ideological function of geographical education acquires special importance. Worldview is a generalized system of views on the world that are not tied to specific phenomena, but serve as the basis for understanding general trends in humanitarian development.

The new Federal State Educational Standard in our country is focused, first of all, on the development of the personal characteristics of the graduate. Their criteria consider the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, systems of significant social and interpersonal relationships, value and semantic attitudes that reflect personal and civic positions in activities, social competencies, legal awareness, the ability to set goals and build life plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society. The target functions of general education are also the spiritual and moral development and socialization of students, professional guidance and the formation of an environmental culture.

The unique character of geography is that it synthesizes the natural sciences and humanities. Therefore, geography has enormous educational resources that play an important ideological and educational role. Their importance is also being updated in connection with the integration of Russian geographical education into the world geo-educational system.

Thus, the theoretical basis for designing the process of teaching geography in modern conditions should be relevance to life. At the forefront of the entire learning process must be value attitude towards the surrounding world and people. The value and personal orientation of educational geography requires deep interaction between all participants in the pedagogical process. Therefore special

The experience of creative activity of students, as well as the organization of educational and extracurricular activities with all categories of students, becomes important.

Studying geography in primary school

Studying geography at school allows us to form a comprehensive, systematic and socially oriented understanding of the Earth as a planet of people, which is one of the foundations of practical everyday life. Moreover, geography the only science that introduces students to a territorial (regional) approach as a special method of scientific knowledge and an important tool for influencing natural and socio-economic processes.

The global goals of geographical education are common to primary and secondary schools and are determined by social requirements, including changes in the social situation of development - the growth of information flows, changes in the nature and methods of communication and social interactions.

In addition, global goals are formulated taking into account the consideration of geographical education as a component of the education system as a whole, therefore they are the most general and socially significant.

Federal state educational standards, namely the UUD development program and the planned results of students mastering the main educational program LLC “Strategies for semantic reading and working with text” presented in the educational institution’s POOP, emphasize the main role of this direction in the formation of reading literacy, which is the basis of learning at school, as well as in improving the quality of education in Russia. The school is faced with the task of uniting the efforts of teachers teaching various subjects in the development of reading literacy of students in primary school, and showing teachers that the lack of purposeful activity in this direction leads to a loss of reading skills and cognitive independence.

Everyone who is familiar with the results of international comparative studies of the quality of general education is concerned with the following questions: What happens to children in primary school? Why do elementary school graduates who demonstrate the highest results in the world in reading and understanding texts, once in primary school, after five years of study lose their advantages and become uncompetitive compared to their peers from developed countries in the field of learning ability and ability to work with information? , reading literacy?

Domestic experts see the reasons for the low results of Russian students in the fact that in the learning process Russian schoolchildren almost never encounter tasks of an interdisciplinary nature; they do not develop general academic skills in a targeted manner; in the course of studying individual subjects, they practically never encounter life situations in which they need reading to solve public and private problems, with the exception of reading fiction; The educational tasks that schoolchildren solve are far from the life interests and social experience of students. Thus, the learning process in the domestic school is not sufficiently practice-oriented, as if fenced off from the real life around us.


In a broad sense, the term “universal educational actions” means the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, the term is understood as a set of methods of action of a student, ensuring his ability to independently identify new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process. The ability to learn is ensured by the fact that universal educational actions (as generalized actions) open up the possibility of broad orientation of students in various

subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including students’ awareness of its target orientation, value-semantic and operational characteristics 1.

As part of the main types of universal educational actions, four blocks can be distinguished - personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative, where the last three make up meta-subject actions.

By establishing requirements for the results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, the standard identifies meta-subject results, including

the students' expected universal learning actions and the ability to use them in educational, cognitive

social practice 2.

By meta-subject results, the developers of new educational standards understand methods of action mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects that are applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations)

1 How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from thought to thought: a manual for teachers / ed. A. G. Asmolova. M.: Prosveshche-: 2010; Formation of universal educational activities in primary school: from r* ~viya to thought: system of tasks: a manual for teachers / ed. A. G. Asmolo - M.: Education, 2010.

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Grace on December 17, 2010 No. 1897). S. 5.

In the blocks of cognitive and communicative universal actions, general educational actions are highlighted that are associated with reading and understanding texts, transforming texts, as well as using information from texts for various purposes. The main elements in these blocks are semantic reading and logical actions aimed at analysis, generalization, establishing analogies, classification, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, reasoning, inferences and drawing conclusions based on the text read. When moving from elementary school to basic school, as G. A. Tsukerman writes about this, learning to read ends and reading for learning begins - the use of written texts as the main resource of self-education, obtaining new knowledge and new ideas with the help of information texts. It is precisely in connection with the special importance of mastering conscious reading in the system of “skills to learn” during the period of study under consideration among all meta-subject results that conscious reading and working with information were singled out as the main objects of assessment.

General approaches to assessing the development of conscious reading and working with text, taking into account the tasks assigned to the developers, were determined in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, approaches to reading literacy adopted by Russian and international experts, taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students, assessment practices meta-subject results in primary school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for primary education, as well as with the requirements of the theory of practice of pedagogical measurements.


In accordance with the approaches outlined above, the main characteristics of measuring materials were determined to assess the development of meta-subject results (semantic reading and work with texts) among 6th grade students.

1. Purpose of work

Comprehensive work is aimed at identifying among students one of the main meta-subject results of learning - the formation of skills to read and understand various texts, including educational ones; work with information presented in various forms; use the information received to solve various educational, cognitive, educational and practical problems.

The main approaches to creating complex work are determined by the following documents:

Structure and content of the work

Each version of measurement materials should include situations and texts from different subjects in order to create a common field for assessing the ability to work with text, regardless of the subject; therefore, each version of the work is structurally composed of four content areas: mathematics, Russian language - natural science 1 and history / social studies. These content areas generally cover the possibilities of forming meta-subject results created by various school subjects.

It should be especially emphasized the need to use tasks on subject content or related to subject content. The formation of meta-subject skills is carried out in the process of studying various subjects.

Toolkit for tracking students' meta-subject results

Federal educational standards of the second generation set a qualitatively new idea of ​​what the content of primary education and its educational result should be.

Now performance consists of a complex set of indicators that describe the knowledge, meta-subject, and even personal achievements of the child. To study the process of development of universal educational actions, you need your own tools.

Toolkit is a set of tools used to assess the achievement of planned results. The toolkit includes a description of the methods used, features of diagnostics, a system for assessing children's answers, handouts for children to perform work, tables for recording examination results.

To achieve a better final result, a clear diagnostic system for studying the intermediate results of the formation of meta-subject planned results is necessary.

“Meta-subject results of educational activities

styles are universal methods of activity applicable

both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects"

– How to evaluate and track whether meta-subject results have been achieved?

The main object of assessment of meta-subject results

serves the formation of students

universal educational activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative.

Regulatory universal educational activities provide

students organize their educational activities.

Cognitive universal learning activities include:

general educational activities

Communicative universal educational activities provide

social competence and consideration of the position of others

actions, communication or activity partners .

I assessed the achievement of meta-subject results during various procedures.

System of internal assessment of meta-subject results


    monitoring the development of basic educational skills;

    specially designed diagnostic tasks;

    meta-subject diagnostic work;

    complex work on an interdisciplinary basis;

    project activities.

To assess students’ progress in achieving meta-subject results, I used targeted observation.

Observations were carried out quite regularly. Observed the whole class, any one child, or some specific activity. Observation was carried out both from the position of an external observer and from the position of a direct participant in the activity.

The most accurate measurement tool for tracking and assessing the development process of universal learning activities (ULA) is monitoring.

Monitoring is a tool that helps the teacher himself “tune” the educational process to the individual capabilities of each student, creating optimal conditions for him to achieve a high-quality educational result.

The information obtained during pedagogical monitoring was the basis for me to identify individual dynamics quality of student development, to predict my teaching activities, to implement the necessary correction.

In order for the monitoring to fulfill its task, it was carried out regularly, based on the list of UUDs subject to formation and evaluation.

I monitored the formation of regulatory, cognitive, and communicative educational activities using the materials of textbooks and workbooks of the educational complex.

The system of UMK tasks includes: creative tasks, search tasks, advanced level tasks.

Depending on the success of completing test tasks in subjects and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made by the child, I made a conclusion about the maturity of a number of cognitive and regulatory actions of students.

Processing of monitoring results is aimed at obtaining diagnostic information about each student and the class as a whole, and identifying progress.

To track the level of development of students' learning skills, I used assignments and diagnostic tasks specially designed by the authors, which are presented in the sheet for assessing meta-subject results for each class. They include assessment criteria; sample tasks, quite simple, not requiring special conditions; student self-assessment and teacher assessment.


1. Federal state educational standard of basic general education / Ministry of Education and the Russian Federation. M.: Education, 2011.

2. Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution: basic school / [comp. E. S. Savinov]. W Education, 2011.

Sample programs for academic subjects: grades 5-9 - * VI.: Education, 2010, 2011. - (Second generation standards)

3. “Meta-subject results. Standardized results for intermediate certification" M. "Prosveshcheniye" 2014

4. Concepts for modernizing the content and technologies of teaching the subject “Geography”

MBOU "Kuedino Secondary School No. 2-

Basic school"

Teacher-psychologist: Nurtdinova T.A.

Diagnostics of meta-subject results

An important difference between the new generation of school standards is their focus on the formation of students’ personality, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity, ensuring success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education.

The traditional approach to education involved the transfer of knowledge, but now the goal is to teach children to acquire knowledge on their own, showing students the processes of developing scientific and practical knowledge. No one denies the importance of knowledge, but the main attention is paid to the ability to independently obtain and use this knowledge.

Therefore, in each educational institution, in accordance with the new standards, there must be a system for the formation and assessment of not only subject, but also meta-subject and personal results.

Meta-subject results include the development of the ability to plan speech and non-speech behavior; development of communicative competence; the ability to set goals and define tasks, plan sequential actions, predict work results, analyze the results of activities, draw conclusions, make adjustments, carry out self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activities, etc.

It is the meta-subject results that are the bridges that connect all academic subjects, helping to overcome mountains of knowledge.

Meta-subjects are subjects that are different from the subjects of the traditional cycle; they are a new educational form, which is based on a mental-activity type of integration of educational material and the principle of a reflexive attitude to the basic organization of thinking. The student learns to learn in these lessons.

The universality of meta-subjects consists in teaching schoolchildren general techniques, schemes, techniques, methods, patterns of mental work that lie above the subjects, but at the same time are reproduced when working with any subject material.

The main object for assessing meta-subject results is the formation of a number of regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal actions, i.e. such actions of students that are aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity

Assessment of meta-subject results can be carried out during various procedures.

Monitoring of meta-subject educational activities is an important component of the overall education quality management system both at the level of an individual child and class, and at the level of the entire educational institution. The subject of the analysis is the monitoring data of meta-subject AUDs of each child, a group of children with the same results, and the class as a whole.

The development of UUD in primary school is a process that takes place in three main stages. The first stage is the implementation of a training action based on a model, the intuitive application of a method based on repeated applications of similar samples, analogies, etc. (stage “Presentation”). The second stage is the implementation of a method of action when performing a learning task (stage “Method”). The third stage is the application of the method in the context of educational activities (stage “Mastering UUD”). According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, by the end of the fourth grade it is necessary to develop a number of meta-subject skills in children at the third level. To do this, throughout the entire period of a child’s education in primary school, a system of work on the step-by-step formation of educational learning must be built, from mastering the method through a model to integrating a conscious method into the context of a specific educational activity.

At Kuedinsk secondary school No. 2, to assess meta-subject learning, we use the teaching materials “School Start”, “Learning to Learn” grades 1-3, authors T. V. Beglova, M. R. Bityanova, T. V. Merkulova, A. G. Teplitskaya.The diagnostic kit includes a workbook and guidelines for conducting and processing the results.

This monitoring makes it possible to give an objective assessment of the development of UUD at each age stage.

The School Start diagnostic begins from the very first days of the child at school.

It is held in September for 1st graders, during the 3-4th week of training. We carry out tasks every day at the beginning of the second or third lesson for 10 minutes or highlight certain diagnostic lessons.

Diagnostic results allow you to obtain reliable information about whether the child is ready to study successfully; create the basis for the development of universal educational activities; provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child; help to select pedagogical methods and techniques taking into account the level of readiness and plan individual work with children.

These skills: ensure understanding of the textbook material and the teacher’s instructions, allow you to engage in educational dialogue in the lesson, help organize activities in the lesson, etc.

A total of 17 skills have been identified, which are divided into 2 components: instrumental readiness and personal readiness. The instrumental component includes such blocks as: observation, thinking abilities, control skills, communication skills. The personal component includes motivation and value attitude towards knowledge. During the practical task, we will get acquainted in detail with the diagnostics of instrumental readiness of first-graders.

Timely diagnosis of these skills allows the teacher to “tune” the educational process to the individual level of readiness of the student and the class as a whole.

The methodological manual for teachers provides detailed characteristics of each skill according to the following scheme: meta-subject teaching aids, in what learning situations they are necessary and examples of learning tasks.

Each child works in his own personal workbook. Special diagnostic exercises make it possible to identify those skills that help children cope with educational tasks at the beginning of 1st grade.

Principles of constructing notebooks and assignments.

  1. One indicator - one task.
  2. Subject-based nature of the assignments
  3. Figurative level of information presentation
  4. One page - one task
  5. Group presentation of diagnostic tasks

All tasks are entertaining in nature and are built on the basis of color drawings, which makes them easier for children of this age to perceive.

All exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher or psychologist. Methodological recommendations have been developed to help them. They provide all the necessary information: the purpose of the task, instructions, completion time, advice on what to do in certain situations, how to respond to children’s questions.

All data is entered into 2 summary tables, which allows them to be used in the future for qualitative pedagogical analysis. In the tables, for convenience, the summed points are marked in different colors, for example, cells with basic level scores are colored green, low-level ones are colored red.

According to the data entered into the table, the teacher immediately sees the problems of the class as a whole and each student individually. Children who receive low results are observed by a psychologist and attend remedial classes. The results of the initial diagnostics will help the teacher organize work in the first months of training, and the next guidelines for work will be the data from monitoring meta-subject educational results.

Monitoring of meta-subject UUD in grades 1, 2 and 3.

The educational and methodological set “Learning to Learn and Act” is a program for monitoring the development of learning skills for students in grades 1–4. Currently, notebooks and guidelines for grades 1, 2 and 3 have been developed and published.

Diagnostic measures allow the teacher to identify the level of formation of the most important learning achievements at each stage of education and determine a pedagogical strategy for each child to achieve meta-subject learning achievements.

In the first grade, the teacher has the opportunity to study the level of formation of the 8 most important UUDs. When developing diagnostic tasks, we took into account the reading skills of first-graders, the speed at which they process educational information, and their ability to work with instructions independently, which are still just being formed.

Diagnostics are carried out in the month of April either for 8-10 minutes at the beginning of 2-3 lessons, or certain diagnostic lessons are highlighted.

In the 1st grade, the subject of monitoring the development of meta-subject learning tools is 8 skills. 2 regulatory (planning, assessment)

6 cognitive (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships)

Diagnostics in 1st grade is a fairy tale story, by participating in which children help forest school students, animals, and their teacher, Raccoon Enotovich.

Children complete all tasks (2 options) in an individual upside-down workbook.

Each option consists of 16 diagnostic modules, which

have the same structure: an introduction, a sample, three diagnostic tasks (A, B, C) and an additional task marked with a “chest” icon (this task is not graded).

Each page tells a different story.

First, the children, together with the teacher, complete a sample or training task. Then they complete three tasks independently.

Task A is aimed at studying the ability to practically carry out educational tasks, which are based on the skill diagnosed in this module. Task to complete.

Tasks B and C are aimed at studying the ability to focus on the essential conditions of the method that underlies the educational task. Orientation tasks.

After completion, all results are recorded on individual personal forms, which are stored in the portfolio or with the teacher. A class summary is also maintained. The skill rating is determined. Distribution into groups.

Monitoring of meta-subject results “Learning to study and act” 2nd grade.

In the 2nd grade, the subject of monitoring the development of meta-subject learning tools is 13 skills.

Evaluate 3 regulatory skills: the ability to plan a sequence of educational actions in accordance with the task, the ability to evaluate the result of completing an educational task based on various evaluation criteria and the ability to independently monitor the completion of an educational task.

Monitor the formation of 7 pinformative UUD1. The ability to carry out the logical action “analysis” with the identification of essential and non-essential features. 2. The ability to carry out the logical action “synthesis”. 3. The ability to carry out the logical action “comparison” based on given characteristics. 4. The ability to carry out the logical action “classification” according to given criteria. 5. The ability to carry out the logical action “generalization”. 6. The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the range of phenomena being studied. 7. The ability to build simple conclusions by analogy.

And 3 communicative UUDs1. The ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the objectives of educational communication. 2. Ability to formulate a point of view. 3. The ability to ask questions to obtain the necessary information from the communication partner

In the process of monitoring meta-subject learning activities in 1st grade, students perform diagnostic tasks of two types. Tasks of the first type involve performing a meta-subject action according to the proposed model, tasks of the second type involve orientation in the method of action (finding errors, restoring the sequence of steps, etc.). In class 2 monitoring, along with tasks of these two types, there are tasks of the third type - to describe the method of action when performing a specific task. It is the presence of these tasks that makes it possible to evaluate the increase in the formation of those universal educational actions that are diagnosed in grades 1 and 2.

The workbook includes: – an introductory part, which contains an appeal to students, a description of symbols and training tasks; – diagnostic modules for studying the level of development of meta-subject learning tools (for each skill, one diagnostic module has been developed, consisting of two stories compiled on material from different subjects); – a form for initial processing of results, which must be extracted from the notebook before the child completes monitoring tasks (only the teacher works with this form). All diagnostic stories have the same structure: introduction, sample, three diagnostic tasks (A, B, C) and an additional task. Each element of history has its own specificity and purpose. In the introduction to each story, a plot-game situation is given, followed by a brief description of the sample and conditions for completing the tasks.

The following meta-subject UUDs are included in the monitoring of grade 3: (19)

Regulatory skills● The ability to determine the boundaries of one’s own knowledge and skills to set educational goals.

The ability to plan actions in accordance with the educational goal. ● Ability to independently monitor educational activities. ● The ability to adjust the plan of educational activities in accordance with changing conditions. ● The ability to use criteria proposed by adults to evaluate learning activities.Cognitive skills● Ability to carry out the logical action “analysis”. ● Ability to carry out the logical action “synthesis”. ● Ability to carry out the logical action “comparison”. ● Ability to carry out the logical action “classification”. ● Ability to carry out the logical action “generalization”. ● The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the range of phenomena being studied. ● Ability to build simple conclusions by analogy. ● The ability to relate objects to known concepts. ● Ability to use data from charts and tables to answer a question. ● Ability to build inductive inferences.Communication skills● Ability to formulate and argue your point of view. ● The ability to ask questions to obtain the necessary information from the communication partner. ● The ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the objectives of educational communication. ● Ability to find the answer to a question using information presented in several sources

Diagnosis of the development of meta-subject LADs can be carried out throughout the fourth quarter of grade 3 and even at the beginning of grade 4. Monitoring tasks must be completed during the most productive period of school time (from Tuesday to Thursday, in the 2nd or 3rd lessons).

Processing the results becomes more complicated as the number of UUDs has also increased, so regulatory UUDs are entered in a separate form, as well as communicative and cognitive ones.

More detailed information about diagnostics and evaluating the results can be found on the websites www.tochkapsy.ru and www.zankov.ru

Diagnostic data is stored by the teacher, psychologist, and in the child’s portfolio. Moreover, if the portfolio is freely accessible to strangers, then it is advisable to store only workbooks in it; it is better to keep the forms with the results with the teacher. The information should not be shared with other people (confidentiality of personal information); parents and the head teacher of the school can be informed.

What does the monitoring result give the teacher?

According to the data entered into the table, the teacher sees the problems of the class as a whole and each student individually, and can build a system of individual assistance necessaryassignments, forms of work, the required degree of independence for each student.

A summary statement of results for each class is provided to the deputy director for water management, which allows him to analyze the results in parallel,make adjustments to the educational process in order to increase its effectiveness,exercise control over the formation of the UUD.

Parents get acquainted with diagnostic data at parent-teacher meetings and individual consultations with a psychologist, and they are given recommendations on the development of certain abilities in their children.

For a school psychologist, the data from this diagnosis are also of great importance.Children who receive low results are observed by him and attend correctional classes.Based on the monitoring results, it is possible to identify children at risk who need correctional assistance and gifted children who, within the framework of new education standards, should receive attention from both a teacher and a psychologist.

Last year, monitoring results revealed that 15 first-graders needed help from a psychologist. Throughout the year, these children attended correctional classes with a psychologist. For this group of children, special programs were developed aimed at correcting and developing the cognitive sphere. Sand therapy, play therapy, art therapy, and various developmental tasks and exercises were used in working with these children. Positive developmental dynamics were monitored in 12 children. A group of children with high results of starting readiness was also identified. Developmental classes for gifted children were conducted with them, preparation was organized for participation in Russian-level Olympiads, where the students showed good results. If in the first grade the diagnosis of readiness for learning was properly carried out and, on its basis, the correction and individualization of the learning process was carried out, then the child has a better chance of successful learning activities. After all, children for whom optimal conditions were created at the beginning of their education adapt more easily to school life.

Monitoring students’ meta-subject learning activities is an important point in the teacher’s summing up the results of the year’s work and setting goals for the upcoming work. Comparison of monitoring results obtained in grades 1, 2 and 3 allows the teacher to see the dynamics of the development of educational competencies for each student. This is significant information for determining individual work strategies. Monitoring data will help the teacher once again evaluate the capabilities of his teaching and learning methods and the chosen teaching methodology in solving the problems of developing universal educational activities. Universal educational activities are an educational product. This means that they are the result of the teacher’s purposeful work, and monitoring allows him to see the success of his activities in this direction and to correlate his work strategy with the real capabilities of children.

Thus, this monitoring program allows you to systematically, professionally and comprehensively study and adjust the effectiveness and quality of education of each child, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO.