The most popular indoor flowers in the world. Photo and description

  • 11.02.2024

Which most popular flowers among lovers of homemade greens? Check out this list of the world's most popular potted flowers and find fragrance and beauty in blooming houseplants. Choose what is most suitable for your home, because popular flowers popular for a reason. People all over the world find charm in these plants for the home.

  1. African violet

African violets are a flowering houseplant that are relatively easy to care for. They bloom all year round with little effort on your part. You can choose from hundreds of varieties and shapes of violets - variegated foliage, ruffled, white-edged... The list goes on and on. African violet loves warm conditions and slightly dim sunlight. Avoid getting water on the leaves as cold water causes unsightly brown spots. This plant is very easy to plant - you just need to cut a leaf and root it in the fertile mixture.

Advantages. If you have bright windows, this plant will bloom almost constantly. They are truly versatile: blooming almost constantly, they will complement the decor of your home. This somewhat sentimental traditional potted flowering plant reminds us of our grandmothers. African violets are probably the most popular flowers in the world.

Name: Saintpaulia ionantha

Growing conditions:

  • medium to bright light;
  • 18-23 degrees;

Size: 8 cm high and 16 cm wide

  1. Hibiscus

Tropical hibiscus is a wonderful flowering houseplant to create a tropical feel. Hibiscus produces huge flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter. The size makes these popular flowers loved around the world. This is a bushy potted plant; if you practice, you can bring it to the appearance of a tree. Each flower only blooms for a day or two, but the plant as a whole blooms from late spring through fall, and sometimes into winter. Keeping the soil evenly moist and giving the plant as much light as possible will prolong its flowering.

Why hibiscus are popular flowers: The giant flowers are attractive and irresistible. Hibiscus flowers come in a bewildering array of colors - from shades of red to pink, orange, yellow, white and even blue.

Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Growing conditions:

  • bright intense light;
  • 12 - 20 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: 1.8 meters high and 1.2 meters wide

  1. Abutilon is a domestic maple.

The flowers of the home maple, as if made of crumpled paper, are red, pink, orange or yellow, arranged among the leaves like holiday lanterns. Many varieties of this popular indoor plant have variegated foliage, making it even more interesting for home decor. When growing a plant, give it a vertical shape. You can do it differently - cut off the top to grow the plant in the form of a dense bush. Home maples are often grown in hanging baskets. Its common name comes from the shape of its leaves, which resemble those of a maple tree.

Here's a hint: if the flowers of your home maple fall off, check your watering. Uneven watering can cause abutilon flowers to fall off. Popular indoor flowers in Russia do not include abutilone in their list - and in vain!

Why we love it: This fast-growing plant is almost always in bloom.

Name: Abutilon hybridum

Growing conditions:

  • bright intense light;
  • 18 - 23 degrees;

Size: 1.5 meters high and 0.8 meters wide

  1. Oxalis

Oxalis is a popular potted plant with triangular, clover-like purple leaves and pink or white flowers. There are also varieties with green or silver foliage. Oxalis grows from small bulbs. You can replant the plant by division at any time as soon as the plant becomes crowded in the pot.

Why oxalis is popular: beautiful, charming leaf shape. This makes an excellent holiday gift - Oxalis flowers look stunning.

Name: Oxalis triangularis

Growing conditions:

  • medium to bright light;
  • 18 - 23 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist.

Size: up to 30 cm in height and width

  1. Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular flower plants for the home. This is an easy-to-care plant that tolerates low light and low humidity. The flowers consist of a showy spoon-shaped white involucre and a creamy white core. Flowering is most abundant in summer, but many varieties bloom throughout the year. The glossy leaves are beautiful even when the plant is not in bloom.
Why the whole world loves spathiphyllum: Its large green leaves instantly add a tropical touch to your decor. This is one of the most common flowering houseplants in the world. Name: Spathiphyllum wallisii
Growing conditions:

  • low to bright light;
  • 15-20 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: up to 1.5 m high and 1.5 m wide
Note: This plant is slightly poisonous. Make sure that children or pets do not chew the leaves.

  1. Anthurium

Anthurium blooms festively - in all shades of pink, red, lilac or white. Flowering lasts for two months. If you cut a flower, it will remain in water for a long time. Anthurium needs medium-bright light and blooms well, but you can also grow it just for the leaves - this requires less light.

Why anthurium is popular around the world: The cute factor is the flowers and heart-shaped foliage.

Name: Anthurium andraeanum

Growing conditions:

  • medium to bright light;
  • 18-26 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist in summer, barely damp in autumn and winter

Size: up to 0.9 meters high and 0.6 meters wide

Note: This plant is poisonous and may cause illness if accidentally ingested or chewed.

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine is a very popular flower! There are many types of potted jasmine. Multi-flowered jasmine and Arabian jasmine are the most unpretentious for growing in an apartment. They just need to give them a lot of light and moisture. Jasmine flowers are pink to white and very fragrant.

Why is this plant popular around the world: The beautiful pink or white flowers are some of the most fragrant of all indoor plants.

Name: Jasminum

Growing conditions:

  • bright intense light;
  • 15 - 23 degrees in summer, 5 - 15 degrees in winter;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: up to 1.2 meters in height and up to 1.8 meters in width

  1. Clivia cinnabar

Clivia cinnabar is a houseplant that typically blooms in winter with a cluster of reddish-orange or yellow tubular flowers. Clivias only bloom when they are in cool, dry conditions, so provide them with cooler temperatures during the winter. Dark green, sharp leaves grow in one plane. Clivia is attractive even when not in bloom.

Why the whole world loves clivia: The flowers are easy to grow and will help brighten up those January days when there isn't much color.

Name: Clivia miniata

Growing conditions:

  • average illumination;
  • 15-23 degrees in summer and 10 degrees in winter;
  • in winter, keep the soil barely moist.

Size: up to 0.5 meters in height and width

Note: This plant is poisonous, make sure children or pets do not chew the leaves.

  1. Streptocarpus

Under certain conditions, Streptocarpus blooms almost continuously. Most of the hundreds of hybrid varieties have flowers in shades of pink, white, purple or red, often with a contrasting white or yellow throat. Caring for streptocarpus is similar to caring for African violet.

Why we love it: Gorgeous flowers in a wide range of colors, easy to grow and propagate.

Name: Streptocarpus hybridus

Growing conditions:

  • medium to bright light;
  • 20-25 degrees in summer and 15-18 degrees in winter;
  • keep the soil barely moist.

Size: up to 35 cm in height and 60 cm in width

  1. Porphyrocoma or Brazilian fireworks

I wonder how this plant got its nickname? In late spring and summer, Porphyrocoma produces dark red or purple inflorescences, creating an explosion of color. Then, when the flowers fade, the plant sprays small black seeds throughout the room. Like many indoor plants, the Brazilian firecracker is an excellent choice for growing outdoors.

Why the world loves porphyrocoma: this plant is always attractive, even when it is not blooming - its beautiful leaves, slightly marked with silver, will fit perfectly into your interior.

Name: Porphyrocoma pohliana

Growing conditions:

  • medium to bright light;
  • 18-25 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: 30 cm high and half a meter wide.

I hope these popular flowers inspired you too. Indoor flowers photo version will give you the opportunity to choose from popular and unpretentious plants.