The most beautiful canyons in the world

  • 08.02.2024

Caño n (Spanish cañón “pipe, gorge”) - a deep river valley with very steep, often steep slopes and a narrow bottom, usually completely occupied by the river bed.

The largest canyon by length and one of the largest canyons in the world by depth is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in the USA (length more than 446 km, depth up to 1,600 m). However, it is inferior to the grandiose canyons of Yarlung-Tsangpo and Kali Gandaki both in length and depth. The Colca Canyon in Peru is almost twice as deep as the Grand Canyon.

The second deepest canyon in the world and the largest in Europe is the Tara River Canyon in Montenegro (length 82 km, depth up to 1,300 m).

The second canyon in the world in terms of length and width is the Fish River Canyon (Namibia, length 161 km, width 27 km, depth 550 m).

The Sulak Canyon, formed by the Sulak River between the Gimrinsky and Salatau ridges (Russia, Dagestan), reaches a depth of about 1,900 m and a length of about 53 km and is one of the largest canyons in the world in terms of depth.

However, the Cotahuasi Canyon (Peru) is considered the deepest canyon in the world; its depth is 3,535 meters.

A canyon is a deep river valley with very steep, often sheer slopes and a narrow bottom - one of the most photogenic landscapes.

Photos. The most beautiful and impressive canyons and gorges in the world

Glen Canyon, Arizona, USA

Sumidero Canyon, Mexico

Coyote Butte Canyon, Arizona, USA

Kali Gandaki Gorge, Nepal

Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA

Heile Turzi, Romania

Colca Canyon, Peru

Blyde River Canyon, Africa

Palo Duro Canyon, Texas, USA

Fish River Canyon, Namibia

Waimea Canyon, Hawaii

Fiargurfuy Canyon, Iceland

Grand Canyon Yarlung Zagbo, Tibet

Eldgea, Iceland

Zion Canyon, Utah, USA

Buckskin Gorge, Utah, USA

Gorges du Verdon, France

DeChelli Canyon, Arizona, USA

Maides Canyon, Tunisia

Dade Gorge, Morocco