10 most colorful animals

  • 13.02.2024


Life consists of many stories and many colors. The bright colors of animals serve not only as camouflage or a warning to predators, but also as a way to attract members of their own species. At the same time, the amazing colors of animals attract people, especially photographers. These creatures live on land and in water, have different sizes and shapes, and they are all incredibly beautiful.

1. Red Macaw

The Red Macaw is one of the most beautiful members of the parrot family. Fortunately, they are now not in danger of extinction, all because the red macaw is a popular pet. One of the main reasons why this bird is in high demand is its striking appearance. Its feathers are typically bright red, its tail and tail coverts are light blue, and its upper coverts are bright yellow. The tip of the tail is colored blue, and the flight feathers are dark red with a golden tint.

2. Clownfish

3. Blue-footed booby

Female blue-footed boobies are attracted to the bright blue swimmers of males, which become even brighter if they miss mating season. This unusual and very attractive bird lives in the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean and on various tropical and subtropical islands.

4. Mandarin duck

The mandarin duck is perhaps the most colorful and popular fish in the world. Despite its popularity, it is quite difficult to maintain. It feeds exclusively on copepods and can die in captivity due to malnutrition. The mandarin fish, also known as the psychedelic fish, gets its name from its vibrant colors that resemble the clothing of the imperial Chinese mandarin.

5. Rag picker

The rag picker is an unusual, amazing and colorful underwater creature. The female ragworm produces about 250 eggs at a time, while the male looks after them. The ragworm lives off the coast of Australia, where its leafy appendages allow it to hide from predators among the seaweed.

6. Lesser flamingo

Did you know that the flamingo's famous pink coloring comes from a pigment found in the seaweed it eats? The saying “you are what you eat” really applies here. The lesser flamingo is the smallest and most prolific of the flamingo family, which is found in Africa and parts of Asia. Baboons, wild cats and eagles hunt and eat these beautiful birds.

7. Panther Chameleon

The panther chameleon has the excellent ability to change its color and hide. It can turn red, white, green and blue. But unlike us, he cannot choose the color of his shell, since it is influenced by factors such as temperature, light and even mood.

8. Mandrill

The mandrill is perhaps the most colorful primate on Earth. It has olive green or dark gray fur with yellow and black stripes and a white belly. Its elongated snout has distinctive characteristics, such as a red stripe down the middle, and prominent blue furrows on the sides. He also has a red nose and lips, and a yellow beard. The genital and anal areas are multi-colored: red, pink, blue, scarlet and violet.

9. Multicolor Lorikeet

The multicolored lorikeet is easily recognizable due to its bright red beak and colorful plumage. Females and males look alike, having a bluish-purple head and abdomen, green wings, tail and back, and an orange or yellow chest. Because of their colorful appearance, these representatives often have to live in captivity in order to please the eyes of the many fans of this bird.

10. Ocellated Tragopan

With an orange fringe and a chest that looks like a whale shark lay on top of a heart, the Ocellated Tragopan is an undeniable eye-catcher. The blue complexion is actually the color of the skin, not the feathers. It is not surprising that he is considered the most beautiful representative of the pheasants. This stunning bird lives in the forests of southeast Asia.